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Kirsten Claire Jan 2018
It in the palm of my hand
I hold the smallest diary
With the largest secrets
Kirsten Claire Jan 2019
She gives him affection
In tiny jars
And her heart
In the smallest of fractions
Because if they only take the tiniest bit of you
It doesn't feel like your whole self is gone
When they walk out the door

Kirsten Claire Dec 2018
The exhaustion feels worse
Than stones tied across my back
It feels like eyes permanently shut
And days spent staring at a screen
Just to give your mind a place to go
It feels like life has become a carousel
And you are just there for the ride
Going but not living
When I am tired
It hurts

Kirsten Claire Aug 2015
So tell me what it's like
To dream of black and white
To watch the colors fade away
At the break of day

Tell me what it's like
To become defenseless,
Fearful, submissive, helpless
And lose the fight

Tell me what it's like
To see strong spirits
Passionate, and full of life
Change to faded gray

Tell me what it's like
To hold his hand
Love him for eternity
Just because you can

Tell me what it's like
To finally walk the road
That leads to truth
A road no one knows

Tell me what it’s like
To leap across time
To unknown lands of fate
And leave fears behind

Tell me what it's like
To be a meek child
Be born of pure innocence
If only for a while

Tell me what it's like
To witness all of the seasons
Become the same
Without any reasons

Tell me what it's like
To see an ember
Come to life
Like a raging fire

So tonight watch all of the stars fade
And the moonlight die
Let God determine their fate
Like victors writing history

Watch every candlelight
Be doused and suffocated
Destroy them in the night
Overcast them with darkness

What do you see in your dreams
Paint colors with your own imagination
For in our dreams we can do anything
Let nothing be evident
Release it all

So in my dreams tonight
All of my colors will fade
As I dream of black and white
Dreaming of black and white... and maybe a few colors.
Kirsten Claire Jul 2018
In response to a,
"How are you doing?"
I beamed the brightest smile
And responded with a,
But I was not good,
Nor bad
Nor fine
Nor any manner of redundant emotions
But I was lonely
Despite the friends
The family
The boy
And it stirred up a flame of anger in my heart.
How could I be lonely
When I did not deserve it?
In an attempt to fan the flames
I texted
I called
I talked
And did everything I could
To shun the feeling
That is loneliness
But what I did not realize
Is that at this moment in time
On this day
In this hour
I was meant to feel lonely
Loneliness was meant to enter into the home of my heart
And that is okay
So next time he comes along
I am going to open the door
Pull out a chair
Grab him some tea
And abide with him for a moment
Because as crazy as it sounds
Loneliness makes me feel
A little less lonely
An open letter to a feeling that made me feel a little too much yesterday.
Kirsten Claire Apr 2018
There was no touch placed
Upon my sacred skin
But your piercing eyes
Like an animal
Or someone of
Malevolent intentions
Were enough to make
My entire body crawl
Kirsten Claire Mar 2018
I fall through a chasm of cracks
Deeper into the depths of something
So treacherous and so fantastic
My breath is halted
And all I can do is
Fall into you
Into the water blue eyes
That are as tumultuous as the waves
It is a dangerous adventure that I gladly take
Kirsten Claire Jan 2018
Deep within the dense forest
Of your mind
Lies a treasure chest
That lies collecting dust,
A pity for such a valuable thing--
Maybe its time to open it?
You have the key.
Kirsten Claire Mar 2019
Tick tock

True love

True love is timeless
True love demands time
So take your time

Kirsten Claire Feb 2018
When I asked you
"Are you okay?"
You said nothing
But two seconds of your silence
Spoke two-thousand words
You simply could not say
Kirsten Claire Oct 2019
You could've given me the stars
Wrapped in silver wrapping paper
And it still wouldn't be enough

Kirsten Claire Jan 2018
They say it was a love crafted
By a sculpture who knew their art
But my heart does not follow its design
And no matter how much I try
To conjure up butterflies
Ever time his eyes find mine
I lie
To satisfy a match made by heaven
Or a sculpture
Or whatever
Infinite oblivion determines such things
Kirsten Claire Sep 2020
Constantly craving
The attention
Of an unwanted suitor
Is the greatest folly
Of a well-mannered woman

Kirsten Claire Dec 2020
I apologize for actions that are not mine
As I grip chocolate and roses in hand
Whispering the words-
I am sorry

Kirsten Claire Dec 2017
When you and I become
Two lovers intertwined
Wrapping around the other in an intricate dance
We sew our hearts together
With the thread of our souls
Soul mate
And so much more
Kirsten Claire Dec 2019
She used to have a lilting tone
In her voice when she spoke
I remember the sparkle
In her eyes
That used to gleam
There was so much about her
That used to be so
So bright
So lovely
So kind
So creative
Not what she is now

Kirsten Claire Jan 2019
I did not need to touch you
To feel the warmth of your skin

Kirsten Claire Mar 2020
They were always like waves
Reeling me in
To their rock bottom sea
And that was where I always landed
Into rock bottom relationships
With a lover
Always by the seashore

Kirsten Claire Aug 2020
What a gift it was
To have you in my bed
What a gift it was
To leave a text unread
What a gift it was
To leave those words unsaid
What a gift it was
To move on instead

Kirsten Claire Oct 2019
The sun never shines on lovers
For it is at night under the covers

That the moon gives way to desire
To light their love with fire

Kirsten Claire Sep 2020
When you find him
He will not be amongst the skyscrapers
But in the meadows of trees

When you find him
He will not be with the champions
But with the poor in heart

When you find him
He will not have silver
But will have grain

When you find him
He will be the giver of your heart's desire
Not a thief of the night

When you find him
You will know
That he is the one

Kirsten Claire Feb 2018
Wrong choice
They breathed down my neck
And I felt like I was suffocating
Under the pressure
Of a thousand whispers
Shouted from a distance
Kirsten Claire Sep 2020
They told me love would come in disguise
Like a stranger who would be my demise

They told me that love was an inevitability
Like Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility

They told me to prioritize my own needs
In a society surrounded by greed

They told me that children were a burden
And that fathers were not for certain

But when I found love
It came without me knowing
Unbeknownst to me this love was showing
All the hidden colors I could never see
With anyone else
But my lover and me

Love was my best friend
A friend that would never end

Kirsten Claire Aug 2020
They called me wildfire-
The girl that couldn't be tamed
But I am tired of burning
Everything I touch

Kirsten Claire Oct 2019
She was a blazing wildfire
But what she didn't realize
Is that she danced with a prince
Who carried ashes in his pockets

Kirsten Claire Dec 2018
I write words with a blueprint in my mind
But somehow
Common sense always gets left behind

Like a parent trying to tame a child
I reign in the words
With an iron-grip bridle

But the words will do what they do
Because words my dear
Could never be controlled by you

Kirsten Claire Dec 2020
A heart made of ice
With no cold there is no warmth
I embrace the snow

Kirsten Claire Dec 2018
After a long day's work
And an appetite drained
Of all its creativity
I sit blankly at my table
Without a single morsel to eat

But a dusty book
On a hand-me-down shelf
Beckons to me
"Come and partake"

Curiously I turn the pages
Of this long forgotten book
And see in front of me
A book full of
The most appetizing of meals

If I wasn't hungry before
I was now

Thank you Star BG for inspiring this poem!
Kirsten Claire Apr 2018
There are words
Barred behind gates
That have been shut for too long
And wrapped in your arms
On a hand-me-down bed
I feel the gates crumbling
And the three words
I love you in my ear
Kirsten Claire Aug 2020
I gave you ink
Imprinted into the palms of my hands
And poems that were engraved
In a way you would understand

Like letters in a bottle
You left them out at sea
A heart sunk lass
Simply wanted to be
You could ever need

And its the folly
Of the lover
Who's a giver
And a swindler
Who's a thief

But oh darling
You wouldn't even leave a farthing
For you've already taken
My heart

Historical background: a farthing is an old coin used in the UK, typically a small amount
Kirsten Claire Aug 2019
Although he's cut
I try to stitch together the hurt in him
Without realizing that the blood on my hands
Is from the gaping wound in my side
And he's holding the knife

Kirsten Claire Aug 2020
If he wants your body
He'd better want your poetry as well

Kirsten Claire Aug 2020
If you wish to know me
Read the pages
That I cried words onto

Kirsten Claire Nov 2018
You said you felt safe
Cradled in my arms
I didn't want to let you go
Because I was afraid
That your demons were lurking
Right outside the door
And darling
I would love nothing more
Than to **** them for you

— The End —