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 Nov 2014 Kakiara
a f t e r
 Nov 2014 Kakiara
Starring at me with that big eyes
My heart melted like in summer
Never knew that pretty word

I thought that was a lie

But the truth it is

Stomach is full of butterflies
Heart is full of roses
Cheeks jaded, hurts so bad
Night seems like morning
Have no strenght to forget you

I close my eyes
Watching a movie starring only you
Want it to be in reality

But i am just a sunflower near a red rose
 Nov 2014 Kakiara
Thank you
       I say quickly, out of nowhere.

For what?
      you question.

Reasons pile up so fast
in my head that they avalanche,
forming a barricade to my mouth.

For everything,
      I say simply,
      meaning so much more.

For loving me,
       I think simply,
       meaning so much more.
 Nov 2014 Kakiara
e m p t y
 Nov 2014 Kakiara
You turned off the light
The corner where the memories brighter than life

Fades away......

The promises that you left
The tears that become mine
The list we made, it stays inside the box


I wonder how you feel after that girl
The dream that keep haunting you

about you and i

about the memories that forgotten

my heart that you brought
left me a massive scar
my heart that you brought
left me a massive hole
how could i cure it without you?
How do I even start?
my mind can't construct a thought
about how the idea of
you and I
would be the thought
I never thought
I would have sought.

and no matter how I try to turn this
I awake from this daydream
and get plunged into this nightmare
you and I
will forever be just a
I really just needed to let my creative juices flow or I'd explode right now. Hope you guys like it! Yay for Unrequited love!!!
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