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 Dec 2015 Key
Arlo Disarray
 Dec 2015 Key
Arlo Disarray
I remember, twenty years ago tonight
I was looking up to the sky with my brother
And we were waiting to see Santa Claus,
And we thought we saw him
I'd give anything to recapture that magical feeling
 Mar 2015 Key
Arlo Disarray
 Mar 2015 Key
Arlo Disarray
My anger is a monster that devours my kindness
It rips my heart to shreds and fills me with blindness
The monster inside me defeats all my love
Until anger and hate are all I think of

I'm exhausted from this war I'm fighting,
Always sad, always writing
Nothing new, or exciting

Just turn it off, and hit the switch
I'm done with life, and all of this
I'm just a hateful, bitter *****
Who's only filled with emptiness

This monster I have created must die
Smash it dead
just like a fly
Make it suffer,
Make it cry
**** my anger
Say goodbye
I'm sorry, Prince Eddie Starr.
It hurts hiding inside myself,
    I won't do it any longer...  

I need to be free
      To show the true me
   And finally escape
          This life filed with
 Mar 2015 Key
Just Melz
~she tried~
 Mar 2015 Key
Just Melz
She shouted from the roof tops
Her love for him
And how it would never stop

He simply stared at her
In utter shock
nobody could ever love me
Or so he thought...

She smiled with her arms spread apart
Waiting for a response

He stood there silently
Unable to move but wanting to walk
Walk away from the lies
Cause he'd been hurt too many times

She begged and pleaded
Trying to make him believe
It's the truth she said

But he couldn't respond
Simply turned around to leave
women only hurt me
Was all he could believe
Too much pain and abuse
For those lies to become the truth

She sunk inside herself
Filled with pain and so many tears
After years of trying
She finally faced her fears
Only to be hit with rejection
Imperfections of love
Shown at there finest
She couldn't stand her thoughts...

He slowed his walk
Thought about the past
Suddenly came to realize
This life is your last
And there on that roof top
He may have finally found some hope
So he stopped his walk
Turned around to accept the truth
Only to find
That she had jumped off...
 Mar 2015 Key
He'll love you more than he loved me because with you, you're perfect. Being your everything it's the greatest thing he can give to you.
I just want to say a few things, I want to tell you how lucky you are because you and him? You may as well be a perfect match and with that I want you to appreciate him. Appreciate his presence because girl, that's what I'm longing for. Show him how much you care and how much you admire him despite his imperfections (I tell you though you'll find beauty in them too)

I could never compare to you. The way he looks at you, it's much more meaningful. You are the sun, moon, stars that give him warmth when it's cold. When he thinks of you he just can't help but smile because you are his sunshine, something to look forward to everyday. You will be gravity that holds things perfectly in place, you will be his queen. All the things I never was and never could be will be you.
You will be his Juliet,
his Cossette,
his Elizabeth Bennett.        
And I
Will be no one.

Take care of him, love him with a love greater than mine. If you can.

The girl he loved before
My mind is just sooooooo messy. My thoughts are killing me. They're drowning me, torturing me, cutting my heart and skin exposing my faults, downfalls and my shortcomings when it comes to loving him.
 Mar 2015 Key
IvyB Xx
 Mar 2015 Key
IvyB Xx
"How Are You?"

Ivy Botticelli
 Mar 2015 Key
"she's a bad friend, just a heads up.
I know she seems really great
and fun and understanding.
she's like that, at first.
she'll be positive and friendly, and you'll feel like you can trust her with your most-prized possession.
you'll want to tell her things, even if you're not a very open person.
she has that effect on people.
after a while, though, she starts to seem rough around the edges.
she'll go through very dramatic
mood swings-
she's a bit like the weather in NYC.
sometimes she'll be cheerful
and she'll laugh at the most
random of things.
those times, she'll be like a fresh spring day, around 72 degrees.
other times, she'll be the most pessimistic person you know. it'll feel like she's draining the positivity right out of you. those times, she'll be like a bitter winter's day, below zero and freezing.
on occasion, she'll change
back and forth between those
two seasons in a day.
it'll get to be very tiring for you,
trying to keep up with her many moods and feelings and attitudes.
you won't really know how
to handle her.
and eventually, it'll feel like she's
not really handling you.
she won't talk to you as often as she used to. she wont know what's happening in your life anymore, and you won't be able to remember the last time she told you about anything happening in hers.
eventually, you'll be the only one putting effort into the relationship.
but you'll continue to see her with other friends, laughing and sharing inside jokes and telling stories.
and it'll be so painful for you, because you're technically
still friends with her- it's not like
you had a fall-out or anything.
things will just be different between you two. she'll be distant, and so will you.
eventually, you'll just stop trying
to talk to her. all you'll do is smile briefly at each other in the hallways, sometimes talk for a few minutes about classes.
and it'll almost seem like you're strangers again.
so if I were you, don't bother with her. find someone worthy of your time and love and affection."
this isn't really a poem, more of a rant. people that I used to talk to for hours haven't had a real conversation with me in a few months. I know they're falling apart, and I should be there for them, and I'm not. so this is kind of an apology poem.
 Mar 2015 Key
 Mar 2015 Key
Stop trying to understand my mind as if its a math problem with a complicated, definant answer.

Its hard enough trying to make sense of it myself, I can't explain it anymore.
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