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 Nov 2014 Kendra B
i'm sorry i'm such a
and that i can't keep us moving forward
you have no idea how much i want this to be
but you deserve better than me
i know you don't understand as much as you say you do
i'm sorry i never meant to hurt
you're the one that would get hurt
i don't care about me anymore
i'm sorry i'm such a people
and i wish there was a way i could make this easier
again i say you deserve better
and i'm not worth anything that matters
so i know you'll probably see this
and i kind of wish you would read it
because i am so
and i wish you knew
everything that i've said
and everything i wrote  and you've never read
but then again this was up to you
and this, this is okay too
 Aug 2014 Kendra B
 Aug 2014 Kendra B
The morning sun rays don't awake me with tender kisses
They curse and spit before slapping against my eyes
I procrastinate breathing in deep air before I finally let
The tiny razor blades speed into my nostrils
I try not to contemplate my bed of daggers
As I cut my feet through the harsh blades of cold floor
"It is a good morning" I whisper and let the rest of the war begin
 Aug 2014 Kendra B
 Aug 2014 Kendra B
1. any undesirable or troublesome plant, especially one that grows profusely where it is not wanted
2. a cigarette
3. ungainly person or animal

the weeds in the garden,
though sometimes unwanted,
sprout from the dirt yet full of life,
little in worth, yet lovely.

the weeds that we smoke,
dangerous to our health,
tasting bittersweet like memories
yet brings us short-lived ecstasy.

the **** of my life,
he was nothing but trouble
that brought about mirth
in my too-perfect garden;
he frustrated the people
who tended to me,
growing back into my life
every time they plucked him out.

unwanted but lovely.
dangerous but lively.
he was my whole definition of ****.
 Jul 2014 Kendra B
They say we die a thousand times before our hearts stop beating
I agree

One is the sigh of a person giving up on you
Another is the grasp of a loved one fading away
When you walk away and no one calls your name
You die again when you hear the goodbye of a person
you thought would stay
You die the minute you realized you wasted your life
on someone or something that isn't even going to happen
When someone you thought cares forgets your birthday,
You die a little bit but live on anyway
You die when someone you knew so well becomes a stranger
& when someone you love doesn't even bother to know you
You die when you feel you're never good enough
You die again when there's no hope
after all that's said and all that's done
You die every time someone leaves
and when someone dies, you die with them

You die a thousand times before your heart stops
And even after that, when one by one people start to forget you,
**you die again
I loved you once.....I think,
when the stars were ours 
and the wild in me yearned for the calm in you.

I was naivety looking for movie love amongst preened egos.
Searching, desperate to believe the
"you complete me" ******* consumed by numbed masses.

I stood in white silk at Gods altar,
Satan played the march with pride
as the choir abandoned all hope of hallelujah's.
While others dried tears in cheap motel rooms.

We exist now only in other realms
and never for eachother.
Mine a fortress of  bitter ink and paper
white as the inner thighs of the strangers you seek.
Yours an alcohol daze.

I like it that way, apathy mine to keep, distant guilt yours to cherish.
Wedded bliss staged and scripted,
sweet love squandered.

We wear our masks so well
 Jun 2014 Kendra B
I become motionless when I look at your Azure –grave mystical eyes
My love I don’t know how to swim.
I am an Illiterate, love makes me so
You the mystic lady,
Taught me how to deceive this deceitful world without deceiving…
Don’t trust lady, separation is the only solution
When everything fails Death receives the admiration…….
 Jun 2014 Kendra B
I seized a colorful pigeon on my palm
And I started to engrave the story of our love in its feathers
It flew away to orate our love
And in the night I met him in my dream
He was dead, and said “This is how the society deals with love
 Jun 2014 Kendra B
Allison Toby
I have taken myself to far.
I have given myself over to
something to strong.

This frenzy
lifts me to my

Guides me to my

Into you.
Is where i will fall

Your hogging
the equilibrium

I see you
to come out
and ruin me.
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