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kendall Nov 2014
remember when i wrote poems about how much i love you,
i still do.
and your gone, im still here waiting for you to come back
  Nov 2014 kendall
Madisen Kuhn
it’s unsettling how many people i’ve had to beg to forget me, lately. how many i’ve tried to convince that i really am as insignificant as a stranger you made eye contact with for a moment at the stoplight. for so long i was begging so many people to stay, to keep holding onto me, even if it wasn’t in their best interest. all i wanted was to be selfishly adored. now all i want is to be left alone.
kendall Nov 2014
i've never desired to be selfish more than i do at this moment.
take you away so you are alone with me
your hand in mine, squeeze for comfort
eyes looking at me, through me
smile like the sun, for me because i made you laugh
sweaty palms pawing at the inside of my thigh, secluded together
i love you's shared with only each other

but i will not be selfish.

i will not cry on my couch at 7:10 AM before school because i know i'll see you.

i will not talk about you to my friends and they will not ask me how i am.

i will not hide in the bathroom during lunch so i don't have to see you be okay while i am heart broken.

i will not sneak glances around the hall in search for your heart-melting eyes.

i will not be selfish.
  Nov 2014 kendall
Madisen Kuhn
ask me how many boys have told me they loved me,
then ask me how many of them meant it.
  Nov 2014 kendall
Hannah Beth
Homophobia is not funny.

Care to hear what is?

The wrenching fear boring holes in your best friend’s once bright eyes
every Thursday afternoon, when she must enter a changing room filled with hostile glares

The violent purple bruise re-emerging beneath your brother’s left eye
the same bruise he told your mother about three weeks ago
that he’d “gotten in a rugby accident”

The gnawing feeling of loneliness in your classmate’s stomach as she lies in an otherwise empty bed
no longer able to hold her girlfriend’s hand in public
following a run-in with her mother at the supermarket

The boy next door who can’t bring himself to leave his bed
Immobilized with anxiety and wrapped up in the sheets
(it’s been six days, nine hours, and forty-two minutes since he told his best friend.)

The young woman who serves you your coffee on Saturdays
living on less than minimum wage for three years now
Since her mother left her to the streets

The kind boy you used to date, he’s been single for years
Caught and confused between miserable safety
and endless happiness

- - -

I lied before.
Not an ounce of wit lies within these words.
This is simply
an open letter to homophobes:

Find some ******* ******* originality for your jokes.
The poem says it all, really.
  Nov 2014 kendall
Dev A
Sitting here thinking of you
And all the time we spent together
The hugs,
The kisses,
The honey dipped words
Laying side-by-side;
Our breathing matched.
Your text messages ring in my mind
Your voice over the phone.

They tell me to let you go
That I deserve better than you
At times I’ve thought of listening
But then we talk or text
And I see the side of you they never do:

The joker slips away
Replaced by the one who cares
The one who always makes sure I’m okay
The one who always makes sure I’m comfortable
The one who never pushes me
The one who always respects my boundaries.
This is the you that they’ve never seen.

Ignoring their opinions
Of someone they don’t know
I follow my own mind
Trusting the you I’ve seen.
kendall Nov 2014
i'm thinking about you again and my chest feels hollow.
i keep making jokes to try and make myself feel better, but i'm making it worse.
i want to text you and tell you that i miss you but i can't find the will power.
i wonder what you're doing right now and if you miss me as much as i miss you.

it's sunday night and i'm latched onto my body pillow, crying in the dark, pretending it's you that i'm lying my head on instead of a cloth full of cotton.
i think of how i'll dress really cute tomorrow in hopes that it will make you look at me and think "wow, i can't believe i let her go."
but you won't look at me.
it won't make you think anything.
you won't care.
and i need to let go.
but i can't.
not with this sliver of hope.
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