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kailee Nov 2018
well rested
at peace

until he dates you friend
then THEY are love drunk
and your sobered up
kailee Nov 2018
i will see you soon
once you have left
i will soon fade again

one you come back
i will come back less
once you leave
i leave for good
kailee Nov 2018
he talks about other girls
but i want to be the one talked about
he tells me he would hit that
i just laugh
i want to be whats on his mind half of the time
hes on mine
kailee Nov 2018
addicted to

its always been you
kailee Nov 2018
He said he loved me
But he said it to her
He said he was there for me
But said it to her
He said everything to her that he said to me...
But they were all lies
He said *******
And he said it to her
kailee Nov 2018
" leave a voicemail after the beep"

why do you do it
why do you put up with his lies
why can nobody see it
that when he hits you and denies it hes lying?

why cant i sick up for you

why can i be there for you

i hear screams and a body hit the floor
but i still stay in my closet
hidden in the clothes i never bothered to put away
i know they aren't dark circles under you eyes

but mom tell me this when dad looks at the girl
in a see through shirt and you say something
all of a sudden
when we get home
his knuckles are raw
and your bleeding
what can i do
i want to help

i'm sorry i know what pain he is causing you
i really try to help but im too scared
scared of what hes done
i cant fend for myself

please help its happening to me now
i learned to freeze and take it
but how do i cover the bruises and scars
why couldn't i learn the first time
or even the second

are you there?

mom please!

i got to go hes coming
i'm sorry i learned after you
i'm sorry you are six feet under and hes still alive

can i join you?
kailee Nov 2018
im so happy cant you see?
i laugh at everything
i smile in the halls
i help everyone else
im selfless
im so happy cant you see?
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