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263 · Oct 14
Patchwork Heart
Kas Oct 14
Composed of fragments large and small;
A patchwork heart that learns to crawl
Through tangled fears, and broken dreams.
Like art from tears—not what it seems.

And while my seams are pulled apart,
By my own, *****, little heart—
With fractured thoughts and restless mind,
the damage wrought, will mend in time.
We are more than our trauma, and we will pick ourselves up, and put ourselves back together, because we deserve better than the suffering.
201 · Oct 14
Nascent Amor
Kas Oct 14
Keep your feet
Grounded, girl—
Stay present.

Rock in the
River, right?
Things may change.

That's okay.
The future's
Never late.
Emotional awakenings can be a jarring experience—especially when you never saw it coming.

This is written as a tricube (three stanzas, consisting of three lines each, each line consisting of three syllables)
93 · Oct 14
Seasons to Cycle
Kas Oct 14

In your frozen clutch
Existence can lay restful
Awaiting rebirth.


Life from the Aether
Quarreling over the warmth
Of our nearest star.


Blazing heat arrives
Boiling me inside and out
Autumn, I need you.


You keep me centered.
Your crisp embrace surrounds me.
Filling me with peace.
Kas Oct 14
Moments will pass and still, the future waits.
The past devours the present—ravenous—
We seek the futures you used as mere bait.

"The crime..." our experience will tell us,
"Was believing things would improve—ever—"
Unaware your claims were so spurious.

You let us believe things could get better.
With nothing more than our blind faith to give—
You thought we'd follow your lead forever.

This isn't the life we wanted to live;
To serve your today while you rob us blind…
The cost: our tomorrow—trapped in your sieve.

Your promised outcomes; nothing more than lies
In fine print: Terms and conditions apply.

— The End —