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 Jun 2016 jǫrð
Adam Halpin
Collective minds; the will of the Queen takes precedence.
Drones; swarming, working, living – but are they?
The swarm engulfs me, a tsunami crashing against a feeble mud hut;
Yet, I find peace in my solitude.

One ruler, one power, one will;
A giant amongst men, a wolf amongst sheep -
To think is to drown in a torrent of hate.
Is this really living?

The flock follows foolishly onwards, minds numb to the deceit -
A single shepherd to lead the herd, yet the masses follow
Obedience has been ingrained in our nature,
What is it, to live?

Told to think outside the box, but the box is the cage that traps them,
ensnared by the web, fooled by the ruse,
Existence full to the brim with untruths,
Are we really free?

A single path, safe and true – so appealing,
but the dangers surround; out of sight, out of mind.
Those who stray, condemned by the rest
is that so wrong?

Our goals are not our own, our will decided, workers to feed the queen -
We do what we’re told, drones in the swarm,
Freedom is the illusion that traps us.
I am scared.
This poem is about us, our society, the way we follow the flock and conform to whatever we've been told by the masses to do. Not too happy with it, but.
two women
matron and maiden
pregnant with divinity

carry sons
chosen to prepare a way
and establish a kingdom

carry sons
destined to baptize and to heal
and to die (one will rise)

but for today
matron and maiden
pregnant with divinity

delight in figs and tea
and weave soft blankets
and giggle with baby-time anticipation
this is my take on how it might have gone down for Mary and Elisabeth.  Mary being sent off to "help" her aged cousin with her pregnancy, because they did not know what else to do with her, and also to save her from possible stoning.  But I think that Elisabeth was the only one who really understood this young maiden.
I have one question will we be there for ever You know i cant hurt you the way every one else does but will you be there when we are dead in the underworld will you be there.
 Jan 2016 jǫrð
Pauline Morris
Take this broken bowl
You made so very long ago
She is such a terrible sight to behold
Please take her off the shelf She's been sitting there all by herself
She's so very much alone
Battle cracked and worn
I know she's broken in many places
But please show her your good graces
Fill in the spaces
With potters sands
With your loving Godly hands
Patch the holes
Within her soul
With your mighty wisdom make her whole
Like you did once so long ago
Shine her with your glory
So she may go tell your story
Of how she was so broken
But your love over her you've spoken
And her sin's have been cast in to the ocean
And now she is new again
Even though she was born in to sin
She did not have to stay and descend
But now basks in the lights
Of your heavenly sights
As once again her spirt takes flight
Honey Pickle.
  I can't let you go alone, into the night.
  Leaving me here bathing in fright.

I didn't mean to not listen with more care
  Oh Honey Pickle I will not even let dare
  Thinking of my life continuing with you not there.

Dearest wait and please please slow down.
  Speak once more and I beg you to turn around.
  She stopped. And then she slowly fell to the ground.

My darling Honey Pickle wept so loud into the night
  Minutes of anguish and sobbing were sounding her fright.
  I would stay with you if paying more attention you might.

I dared not turn away and let her go
  I put other things first and she seemed to know
  My attendance to her was something I did not show.

Her sobs they fell from her mouth to the earth
  Sad sounds revealed betrayal from me was what she heard
  I flew down the stairs and out the door like a bird.

I ran to the spot where she crying laid low
  I then realized complete attention to Honey Pickle I should show.
  That was the only way a life long love could ever grow.

I stared at Honey Pickle to the skin of her neck above her back
  I lovingly saw the birthmarks that reminded me of my lack
  Of attention to the details of of speech that I had seen as black.

When you love someone like my Honey Pickle focus on words
   Make sure you hear properly and respond right to what you heard.
   Listen. Listen and Listen, and remember them even if slurred.

If you have your own Honey Pickle nothing else matters.
   If you want your future secure and you heart not to be shattered.
   Keep your lover's heart intact, don't leave memory in tatters.
 Jan 2016 jǫrð
Mark Lecuona
There's somebody worried about a baby
Pray with them
There's somebody missing their mother
Comfort them
There's somebody who needs you
Be there for them
There's somebody who is very lonely
Spend time with them
There's somebody missing their father
Hug them
There's somebody needing it to be true
Believe in them
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