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 Jan 2016 jǫrð
 Jan 2016 jǫrð
I don't think I'll ever be content
With the way I look,
The way I sing,
The way I talk
Or walk
Or dress
Or run
But you are
I don't think I'll ever be okay with the way I hold in my thoughts
Or how I don't always look both ways before I cross the street
Or how negativity brings clouds over my head
But you don't seem to mind
I didn't know that I could actually be loveable
Until you showed me that even God loved Lucifer
Once long ago
You showed me how to love myself
How to speak with a gentle tounge-
To speak my mind and be heard
That even when I'm off pitch
You love my melodies
That even though I'm not content
You are
With every flaw, ever scratch, every fade

I now look both ways before crossing the street.
Thoughts on a lost loved one and what their teachings.
 Jan 2016 jǫrð
time to flush
 Jan 2016 jǫrð
whispering shadows lean in for a hear
a little whimper as down falls a tear
why do people constantly **** on me
are they searching for something more
beyond the green pastures of safety
do they see something i had missed
i feel comfort in myself
that it causes others to seek discomfort
am i so in self tuned that it makes me
seem so out of equalibrium
i dont blame people who are mean to me

a toliet is made to be **** in
a punching bag gets punched
a soccer ball gets kicked
a staircase gets stepped on
a door is made to be closed
if i wasnt so busy opening the door
maybe one day ill know to close it
time to flush the toliet
it feels better to let things go
 Jan 2016 jǫrð
 Jan 2016 jǫrð
The eyes are the window to the soul
If you look deep into hers
You will see all the stories she has never told
The pain and the grief
All the memories she cannot let go
But that's the thing
No one cares to look
So her stories
Are the ones no one will ever know
 Jan 2016 jǫrð
Your sound is a vertical line behind my right eye
extending upwards
and downwards
 Jan 2016 jǫrð
For M.
 Jan 2016 jǫrð
When you call me at 3 in the morning
From what feels like a thousand miles away
It kills me to hear you say
"I'm not sure he loves me after all that,
in fact, in any way"

I don't know where it came from
but from where you are he cut open my heart too
somehow love's reach
reaches far further out, and through you

I wish I could take some of your pain my love
I wish I could drain it from your veins
but I guess the best that I can do
is try and take some pain from him too
and try and share my hurt with you

So remember my love
Remember that you are strong and
Remember that you are beautiful
But utmost of all
Remember that he doesn't deserve any of you
and that no one ever will.
 Jan 2016 jǫrð
Brent Kincaid
When you’ve had enough
Of maniacs and hustlers,
Of fakes and phonies
And smooth talking hucksters
It’s time to pull back
And sort through the weeds
To find the flowers
And see what you need.

Not what you want,
That’s something different.
If your needs aren’t met
Life can get belligerent.
You need breath and water
And some other great stuff
Or you stop living a lot
And that is rather rough.

Once we move from needs
The rest are all your wants
And you can live without them
Despite all your rowdy taunts.
How many times have you heard
I need coffee when I wake up?
That is a case of your want
That comes in a handy cup.

Or, I need to buy cigarettes
But that isn’t really true.
You don’t think you’ll die without
I mean, not really, do you?
Or, I need some ice cream now
Or a cruller or two or three.
That doesn’t sound fatal
Unless you do that daily.

So, the best thing you can do
For your one and only body
Is to try your best to keep
The thing from getting shoddy
By separating the things
That your body best deserves
And realize that ignoring wants
Does nothing but get on nerves.

With that clearing of your head
And setting of new priorities
The Big Things of the day
Turn into pesky minorities.
Suddenly you see that you
Can choose who to ignore
And then see what you need
And need for nothing more.
 Jan 2016 jǫrð
Melody Claire
I want to write about the needle pins you poke on my spine
When I try, however.
I'm distracted by the parrot on my shoulder
bickering the sadness away.
He's a ******* parrot who's words mean nothing.
With a time bomb of a friendship.
He listens to the words that escape my mouth like smoke under a door and questions everything I do (as if he actually cares.)
I'll miss the parrot on my shoulder....
I forgot how life was without him.
some people grow on you
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