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We dream,
We dream because,
We dream because there's hope in dreams.
 Jan 2016 KB47
 Jan 2016 KB47
To every Sunday
To every birthday
To all the sleepovers
To the future hangovers
To every movie
To every game of ******
To every birthday shopping
To every cake mm the yummy topping
To every cake you bake
To every holiday break
To every game of dark room
To your future groom
To every selfie
To our song break free
To every late night get togethers
No matter what the weather
To every pet name
To every journey on the train
To every phone call
To every trip to the mall
To every coffee
To every Mcd softie
I raise this toast
To you, who I love the most.
For a lovely sister
 Jan 2016 KB47
You misunderstood me
While I tried to understand you
I understood the games you played on me
But you misunderstood when the game was played on you
See I tried to understand that with love comes pain
But you misunderstood my love and thought it was all a game
You couldn't understand me the way I understood you
You ain't understand the love I gave was genuinely true
So instead you left cause you were so misunderstood and too lazy to try
To understand my love for you so you drowned yourself in your lies
Saying I hated you and I never loved you
Tried to convince yourself I didn't care
You became so misunderstood of me and tried to believe I was the person you made up in your head
All along you yearned for understanding and understanding is what I gave
You convinced me that our love was understood so it didn't need to be explained
In this misunderstood state of mind with these misunderstood thoughts
I wonder if you understood my love for you
Or were you just so misunderstood that you never even gave love a thought...
One gift we take for granted is life,
And we only realise its short
When nearing the end.
 Jan 2016 KB47
Snow flake
Don't trust your beauty
After a fire you can say i am ugly
Don't trust your power
After a paralysis you can say i am weak
Don't trust your money
After a theft you can say i am poor
Don't trust your knowledge
After a conference you can say i am ordinary
Don't trust them fake sincerity you can say i am dupe
Graves showed something to me
These are dead people ...
Finally i understood
Don't trust to world because
Life is a big lie
When you closed your eyes
You can say a big WHY !!!
Life is a big question most of people didnt try to solve it
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