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K Balachandran Dec 2016
In the paddy field,
I hear a lonely crane cry;
could be ecstasy?
K Balachandran Dec 2016
"After mysteries am I, mysterious men too"
together when we slipped away from others
she told me with a grin, evidently hysterical,
it gripped me, for some unknown reason.

"More in to mysteries than anything else"
I gently notified to her  my intentions
"I've never been able to **** a male ****** ever"
She indicated the area of her present  curiosity
but isn't it strange,that she sounded wistful?

If I heard her right,she mentioned repeatedly
about,"The Third Brest,"as if she has a mystery
for me in store.When buried deep around my *******
her teeth transmitted a hunger, and I felt it:
what exactly a mother feels suckling her baby
her heart beat went out of control,I could see
the pangs of child that has never been fed
from her mother's breast, or fondled by her

And the mysterious part of the game
she saved for me was finally unveiled,
                                              my expectant eyes
saw a chest devoid of any kind of swell, except
the memories of the two full ones taken away
mercilessly by decease.I saw blood in her tears.
K Balachandran Dec 2016
I save this enchanting  poem
my lonely resurgent lover,
for a life, after this one of
struggle and strife,
I am not sure, when
would it be.
Thrown in to the darkness
I will embrace it's cadence,
with all my being, dwindling, sad
to kindle a drop of light,one after the other,
till the moment of liberation.
A poem to fuel my funeral pyre
to beacon you ,searching for
a music lost, longtime before

I save this scent,exquisite
wafting in the mountain air,
the vine so innocent
anointed me with
only for this evening
for you to recognize me
as your true beloved,

But I am lost in the thicket
of scented flowers,so sweet
and lost in the sad thought:
"How she would find
my scent distinct from others"

We are cheated by beauty
to which we pledge our
beating heart,without
remorse  of any kind.

Love takes us for a ride
cashing in on our innocence,
making us fools of love's
sweet nothings that
dissolve in thin air..

Still love reigns
craving for beauty would never stop!
we are in a journey from darkness to light.
K Balachandran Dec 2016
Two serpents
in a frenzied
mating ritual,
we coil,
one around
the other
within and
winding and
heeding to a
ears open to a
music,that play
in a plane
beyond the
realm of mortals.
We are there
on the verge
of liberation.
K Balachandran Dec 2016
She lifted me, a feather glided down
from somewhere,lying on the sand,orphaned,
for eons that coiled like a serpent,to escape cold.
She made me feel as the warm part of her wing,
beating in unison,jubilantly on an onward  journey,
to luminous eternity...your abode,in timeless bliss,
that appears in my every single near!
K Balachandran Nov 2016
Eyes capture the darkly sparkling darkness
blobs of blood spreading to the far far  ends
as if pouring from the wounds of a corpse.
Bit of bad blood fast capturing the imagination
of all directions, known and unknown.
**** darkness is pulsating as if alive.
drops of  darkness drip in to the dollop of  butter
melting, dripping down,   the still moon,
A moon one feels never ever has known;
sitting quiet, with an unknown resolve,
she electrifies  the middle of the sky, the wave moves.
Moon light floats and dance  lay siege to darkness,
darkness becomes dumb folded,looses it's steam.
The galloping horses of time pull the chariot
unmindful of moon and darkness ,
silence with spears, standing sentinel.
K Balachandran Nov 2016
Looking at your face
is wondering for long,
out of control, too.
and I love you for
enjoying my
moments out of
touch with reality.
You take me
to a space where
you exist unquestioned
by rules of nature.

On the dew drop
a glimpse of the universe

I read you like a book
as the plot thickens
you are a narrative
with many voices entwined,
out of the story's embrace I come
to look at your glittering eyes
and be real, out side the make believe.
I have still many pages left to read,
and in no hurry am I,to turn the pages
every page has revelations of truth I search.

Adorable your fragrance, is,
it infiltrates in to the subconscious
gives me a ticket to time travel
transforming  your fragrant notes
to a  musical composition
a mantra key to eternity's door.
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