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I want to be a wizard
So I could vanish your tears with a charm
I want to be a spy
So nobody can do you harm
I want to be a knight
So I could conquer you heart
I want to be a superhero
So I could fly with you around the world
But I will never be someone like that
I will be me until my finest hour
Still I will be there for you
Alltough I don't have a super power
My pencil is bleeding
The ink is dripping
on the floor
And I don't know what to do anymore
But alltough we get more afraid every day
Listen what I have to say
I keep writing everything in my poetry
And this will be the first of many
Je suis. Je suis
A little girls weeps
Every second till she sleeps
Throughout the night she fights the tears
But they keep coming along with her fears
Her deepest fear is not waking up the next day
It's because what the doctor said that day
He said: ,, you're sick and have one year''
That's one year ago She thinks with fear
She does not want to die
And thinks why me........? why?

An old man weeps
Every second till he sleeps
Throughout the night he fights the tears But they keep coming along with his fears His deepest fear is waking up the next day It's because what the doctor said that day He said: ,,you're sick but we can not help you.
The authorities don't let us there's nothing we can do''
And the old man just wants it to end
So he won't have to feel anymore of the torment
He just wants to die
And thinks why me........? why?

We can fly to the moon but we can't help the girl with her pain
Still we can help the man but leave him wheeping in the cold rain
Do you think that It's fair
Or don't you even care
I close my eyes
Silently I listen
A voice that's vanished
That will sound forever
The voice that will always slingshot
The poetic words
Of the nightingale
Into the world
For a second I start to dream
I forget
What I saw
When my eyes were still open

Ik sluit mijn ogen
Zwijgend luister ik
Een stem die is weggestorven
Die voor eeuwig zal klinken        
De stem die voor altijd
De poëtische woorden                  
Van de zanger                                  
De lucht inslingerd
Even droom ik weg
Vergeet ik
Wat ik zag
Toen mijn ogen nog open waren
I am an addict
Can't live without
When I stop using
I feel down and out

Did try it for a few weeks
Went into total lockdown
But after a while
I started to drown

My palms got sweaty
I started to suffocate
Couldn't breath anymore
And I lost my faith

So then I started using again
I just didn't know what I could do
So I decided to be an addict for life
Because I'm just too **** addicted to you
The little bird flies out of the nest
Spreads her little wings  
Her dear mother was still asleep
Die not notice the bird release
The little bird flies higher
The little bird flies further
Into the free world, into the big wide world
The little bird wanted to know everything What her dear mother had concealed
But when, hit by a piece of lead,
the little bird her last look in the free world took
The little bird finally understood
Why her mother had kept her silence
Sleep soft and tight
In your warm and harmless bed.
Sleep soft and tight
Even if you deny the law
Sleep soft and tight
Have you ever heard of Versailles
Sleep soft and tight
Leave your nation in agony
Sleep soft and tight
But be aware in your dreams
Sleep soft and tight
You will meet your enemies
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