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 Aug 2016 Kwanele
i loved you
 Aug 2016 Kwanele
do you remember how much i loved you?
i do.

i remember it like the soft breeze blowing in my hair
nice, yet chilly.

what i remember the most is the words that i uttered
that last fight
when you got tired of trying (or maybe pretending)
to accept me
and i got so fed up with you never accepting me
after all those years.

i remember how i walked out so confidently
without looking back
when all i wanted was to turn back
run to you
hold you
and tell you
'please don't give up.'

but i didn't.

i remember how much i wanted you
to come back and tell me you're sorry,
tell me we could make this work.

but you never did.

and i was too proud to say the truth.

because truth is,
i still care.
i think i'll always care.

though if anyone asks me,
i'll never admit it.
more than you think i do
 Aug 2016 Kwanele
like getting through the end of song you really enjoyed
like accidentally listening to someone's voice and thinking it's him
like a whistler on the subway
that takes you back to the moment
we first fell in love

you don't even try to see the light
you don't even try to look out
you don't want to

how does it feel
to burn your skin like this
to put your heart out
so easily
that anybody could just grab it
and take it away

maybe it doesn't feel like this
maybe I'll be there
as long as you keep your promises
and love me as my heart beats
 Aug 2016 Kwanele
dennis drain
Do you remember...what it was like to be a kid in summer...
Mornings never started before noon.... Cereal and cartoons in the livin room....
Parents have to work... nobody was there  to watch you.....
trouble was the first thing you'd do...
Cuz if you waited till 2 it got sketchy and you thought they would catch you....    outside every day for as long as the sun would stay.
 Aug 2016 Kwanele
Michaela Ferris
You don't know what I've been through
To wined up here.
The constant words hurled in my direction
Now all I do is run,
And when the night falls and all I want is you,
We start the fighting just like my mum and dad would do.

All the times they promised I would be okay,
Turned into empty words so I would feel safe.
But their words you see meant nothing at all,
As his fists would fly just as much as words.
I know you would never lay a hand on me, like they did
But I cant stop the fear that I'm too far gone foe you to stay.

I go down the same road everytime,
Lost in a river of painful memories
And I know its weak to be so scared all the time
But these things they hurt me and broke me down.
How I wish I could just be honest with you,
I'd love to tell you the truth of what I've been through.
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