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were the flowers that grew and budded
into great numbers
in the garden of my heart.
Left there,
by the mere thought and memory
of you:
• Your sweet smile
• Your eyes that shine
• And your beautiful mind

But like delicate flowers,
at the mercy of season's change.

Yours was no exception.

at the cold reality of your absence.
The garden shriveled up, as the warm embrace of your voice
suddenly vanished.

And I was left here,
in a bed
of rotting leaves.
My nose cringing at the stench,
dead dreams leave.
Lol I finally got to posting one of my gibillion writings I never post.
 Aug 2014 Julia Quizon
 Aug 2014 Julia Quizon
The surface seems sweeter the deeper you go.
Please give me your hand.
I'm too far below.

It's always darkest right before dawn.
How long have I been sleeping on rock bottom?
Have you got a breathing apparatus on?
I'm sending signals in waves.

This is a new kind of certain old craze:
holding one's breath til the end of their days.

A good captain always goes down with his ship.
Easily done when there are no lifeboats attached to it.

I'm shooting up flares.
Is anyone there?
They sail right on by when you no longer care.
 Aug 2014 Julia Quizon
Yoni Sav
I am so ******* happy right now I don't even care this is not a poem.
I remember when you told me to
let it go
The words slipped out of your mouth but never did you let pride slip out of your fingers
I know, because every syllable still stings
The surface of my heart.

Mr. Building, you let go.
Allow the wind to blow against your hair and
create wrinkles on your clothing
But never let it
Knock the dreams right out of you
I believe in them and never will I
Even stutter those words to you
Me take your hand and help you carry those burdens
Don't ever drop your ceramic hope,
Cling on to your glassy aspirations because dreams
Are made of fine china
So precious
So fragile
So so so beautiful
Please don't let  your chin fall to the ground.
Lift yourself up,
Because the world deserves to see
How tall He's built you
But prove to them
That when the earthquake comes,
You height's got nothing on your
And if telling me to let it go
Is to break me back into concrete,
Then by all means demolish these
Stories and hammer through these
Because every broken window
Is worth seeing you succeed.
It'll hurt me to the very ground,
But your standing tall
Will help me recover.

I remember when you told me to
let it go
Your breath smelled of coffee.
I can tell you've had a rough night.

And maybe
Just maybe
you spent
those sleepless nights
Deciding whether you should
Let it go, too.
It's late and my mind only knows how to speak in metaphor.
I love how
Paint chips off the
Walls of this house
And how my sneakers
Are dirtied,
Maybe even torn at the edges
With their laces in fringed bouquets
Or how
My friendship bracelets are tarnished
And my books have coffee-stained, tampered pages
And I don't mind you
Or scratched,
Speckled with flaws,
With wrinkles when you smile
Or your childhood memory's scars
Or the dark circles under your eyes
Or your rough hands
You've been worked to the bone
There is nothing more beautiful than something that has served it's purpose.
What makes people beautiful isn't what they would normally think.
You are the hurricane in my chest
That can't seem to move along.
Your winds
Mess with the way my heart beats
But I wouldn't want it
To pump your love any way else.

You are that
Killing feeling at the pit of my stomach.
But I would
Deprive myself
of the most delectable words
If it meant keeping these butterflies forever.

You are the fallen eyelash
On my eyeball.
I can see you.
I can feel you.
With the slightest movement,
I know where you are.
But I can't seem to get you out
And the more I try,
The more it hurts,
The more I convince myself
To let you stay.
Letters jumping off the page
Not like normal words that stay in place
I close my eyes and hold the tears
And just pretend that I'm not here

Stupid is the word they used
Cause the letters I see wouldn't fuse
They laughed cause they didn't know the pain
Of seeing words and not knowing their name

Writing down things that never looked right
Seeing failure in near sight
I stopped to even try
Not seeing how dyslexia could give me pride

Confusion growing in my head like vines
So I just sit and act like a mime
Tears starting to to brim my eyes
I shut down and begin to cry

How can dyslexia give me pride?
 Jul 2014 Julia Quizon
It's 3:23 am
and I can finally
say that I don't miss you
this *****, but who cares
 Jul 2014 Julia Quizon
Once upon a time,
in a land faraway,
lived an Oreo biscuit.

Everyone judged him--
he was black on the outside,
and white on the in.
He thought he would
never ever fit in.

Now in that land of biscuits,
where most were brown,
they all thought Oreo's
the strangest in town.

But little did they know
he was the favorite of the lot.
For in the human world,
his kind was the most bought.

Everyone learned to love him,
even the Fita guy.
But he told Oreo,
"Don't trust humans;
you won't want to know why."

But the Oreo boy,
he was a curious one.
He thought he needed to enjoy,
go out and have fun.

Later that night,
someone grabbed him, behold--
fear glazed over Oreo's eyes
over what he was told.

He was twisted and dunked
in milk till he drowned.
Then broken forever
and his life was summed.

For whatever Fita said,
it became so true.
Whatever happened to Oreo
Hopefully, won't happen to you.
Hello. And I yet again unleashed my sadistic humor unto my favorite biscuit. Sorry about that. I was thinking of my eating Oreo as killing him :/ tragic, I know.

And yet a lesson is still learned: You can't trust anyone all the tine just because they claim to love you.
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