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The shadows lengthened
as the night ended.

Ghostly visions
dear to intrude,
these nightly visits
are dream like and crude.

I learned about the shadows
and the darkly lit meadows.

I like the roses,
I bloomed and grew
with the knowledge of spring.  

© By Amanda Shelton
 Aug 2016 Juju Juju
Dev A
When the thought of a simple call
To the bank,
Or the doctor,
Leaves you in tears.

When working up the courage to call
Your best friend you just texted,
Or the pizza place down the road,
Leaves you with acrobatic elephants in your stomach.

When getting up on time
To go to class,
Or your job interview,
Leaves you nauseous.

When you sit there ten minutes later thinking
Why does this happen every time?
Or why can't I be normal?
Leaves you feeling like a failure.

Just say "hello"
Nope, that'll leave you wanting to *****.
Smile to them
Nope, that'll leave you shaking and sweating.
Give a wave
Nope, that'll leave you on the floor rocking back and forth.

At the end of the day
When all you can think about
Is how you were so terrified you couldn't move,
Or that you just want it to end and go away,
But knowing that it'll just keep happening

When all they can say to you is:
Just do it already.
Why do you have to make things so difficult?
Get over it!
Can't you ever act normal?

As you learn to hate yourself just a bit more
Each and every day.
As you slowly fall back
Into a downward spiral of depression.
old poets
never die
nor do they
fade away
they live
on and on
every time
you turn
the page
You were my Queen of Hearts
A top card to draw
My Queen of Diamonds
In the ruff
The best I ever saw
Turned out
You were just a lump of coal
And just as cold
The Ace of Spades
With a very blackened soul
You made a Joker out of me
 Aug 2016 Juju Juju

"There is nothing more beautiful than the poetry I see in her smile"
- Stephan

Her smile is the sunrise that greets me each morning
aglow the horizon in shades of the dawn
The fragrance of jasmine a flow on the breezes
and shimmering dew drops that play on the lawn

A hot cup of coffee with cinnamon doughnuts
while walking through nature where meadowlarks sing
As soft as the petals of roses now blooming
where butterflies welcome the coming of spring

The shade of an oak tree so cool in the summer
with sunflower fields on a sky ever blue
As white cotton clouds float in shapes to discover
and skipping a stone is the best thing to do

Her smile is a poem of euphoric phrases,
written affection in mesmeric rhyme
The song in my mind that is forever playing,
desire filled lyrics to always be mine

A tangerine sunset on ribbons of satin
that gather each day at the far western skies
The stars in the heavens that dance in a moon beam
to wish me good night before I close my eyes

Then every dream that my sleep now entices
to cradle my heart in a wonderful style
All that is beautiful, all that is precious
and all that I love can be found in her smile
 May 2016 Juju Juju
I Chose
 May 2016 Juju Juju
I chose to be happy
To smile with no regrets

I chose to be witty
To be valiant and not to hate

I chose to move
To turn and not to look back

but memories go  strong
as time choose to run
when yesterday now ends
I wipe to reminisce again

And there,
at the end of the day
I still choose
to cry
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