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 Feb 2016 Joyce
phil roberts
We come as we please
And we leave on the breeze

As an image of warm blue air
The ***** man denies seditious writhings
Coming in proud bursts of creation
Irrespective of soil or culture
Bursting thirsting creation
Heathen fertility
Haphazard geography
Lust of life beyond life

Screaming gadgetry can cowards make
Tight cages can our spirits break
But love is broad and clean
Fickle and immortal
The soil from whence we came
Without permit or permission
With honour and with relish
The ***** man denies nothing
Not one word at all

And on and on
The fairground moves on

                    By Phil Roberts
not new but apt
My imperial , stoic raptor standing watch over sun swept , dew infused dale .. Many thanks for kinship , service and timely Hill Country beautification , long days of valor filling weary minds and ear with noble ballads .. High above , camouflaged within the wind racked Pines , soaring warm Georgia air in quiet retrospection , filling hearts with passion and awe ..
Copyright February 17 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Resrved
 Feb 2016 Joyce
Julie Langlais
 Feb 2016 Joyce
Julie Langlais
Your heart has holes
From the knives of past
Stabbed in maliciousness
Punctures that remain
Help in compassion
Trust in loyalty
Bonded in pain
All the good sent your way
seeps out of the holes in your heart
Nothing can ever stay

© Jl 2016
Helping someone who can't see the problem is usually their biggest problem.
two sweet words and you take me to the sky
your two sweet words are for what I die
they tell me you mind me and me you care
I'm never without someone when you're there.

two sweet words and my heart you win
you truly mean them they're crystal genuine
they tell me you see me I'm stuck in your sight
when I travel the dark you'll hold me a candlelight.

two sweet words and on me you lay a claim
sweep aside my doubts turn cinders into flame
they tell me you're there whatever the cost
catch me when I'm sinking find me if I'm lost.

two sweet words with that you have me bought
set me think what I'm and forget what I'm not
they tell me there's you to brush away my pain
hold me in the sun lead me through the rain.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
 Feb 2016 Joyce
Cling to me like ivy
Entrap me with your vines
Wrap tendrils around me
Weave your words with mine

Cling to me like ivy
Linger in my boughs
My branches will embrace you
My senses to arouse

Cling to me like ivy
Meander through my mind
Fascination everlasting
Forever souls entwined

Cling to me like ivy
Together we can grow
Sublime in our purpose
Majestic in the hedgerow

(C) Pixievic 2016
Some late night musings...!!
 Feb 2016 Joyce
The Dedpoet
 Feb 2016 Joyce
The Dedpoet
All that is not light
Sketches shadows:
The secrets within them,
Pleasurable vices.

Into the darkness
With its stealthy silence:
Woman of the black veils,
The thief in the night,
The murmur of the stray.

All that is light
Flees from the shadows:
The list in the *****,
The fire in the passion,
The fragrance of foreign flesh.

The nocturnal man
Seeks the midnight touch:
All that is desire
Anointed on my body,
The taste of her skin.

And the dreams
Of men happen in bliss:
The scar of the lover,
The crevices of her body,
The feverish pace of lust.

Everything that is dark
Flows in the shadows:
My light is the night,
The stars a guide,
The death of my desires,
The kiss of the veil upon my lips.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
James M Vines
Crystals form on green leaves and begin the transformation. Patterns can be seen on plate glass windows, as distinct as a diamond in the rough. The morning dew is replaced by a sheet of white glistening on the ground. The air is crisp and fills your lungs with life. Fall has come and put on it's tapestry. Things are set in motion. Change has begun as summer fades and furry boots are taken out of the closet with warm coats. Hot coco replaces iced tea. The first frost has come and brings joy to me.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
Aztec Warrior

The other day u gave me your heart,
it was bleeding in a poem,
beating on drums and
calling to kindred spirits in the night;
describing the pieces torn
ripping u apart.
What’s that u say,
I am who I am,
but who is that?
U say I am who I am
yet this was stolen from me
beaten, ripped
torn away in eyes that
do not see the spirits of the Earth
or the dreary, continuous pain
carried on ripples of time
never fading,
still flowing
after all these years
of shattered life.
And yet u say I am
who I am,
but why?
Why am I only
who I am to you?
Seen only within your eyes
and point of view?
Seen, stolen, defined
by your Eastern skies?
Don’t I also walk a
path with streaks of red,
drifting, flying on blue sky clouds
carrying me to gentle streams
and sun set dreams?
Why can’t I also follow a path
that sings to me
from forest shadows
beneath a moon of my hue
and left scented
by my ancestor’s sorrows.
A path where the Turtle
speaks of the Earth’s motion
as it surfs a solar wave;
the Eagle drops it feathers
for me to find
so I might write
the Wolf’s howling story;
the Bear rears her cubs
to sing love songs to
the white tailed deer
and Blue Jays guard the moons night time tale
of how humans gave birth
to a world of pain.
The other day u gave me your heart
it was bleeding in a poem
dripping a life denied
seeking still a gentle setting sun
and gentle waters
not found under Eastern skies.
A heart listening to different
beats all at once
trying to decide who I am
as you say,
but I wonder,
am I?
Isn’t this something
I alone decide?
The drum still beats
the dream of no tears
of ancestor songs
pointing to the path
of I am who I am
~~Aztec Warrior/redzone 3.31.02~~
(written using pen name 'redzone')
Sufrfering from major writers block and have been looking through my old notebooks for inspiration. But I found this long ago poem that was written some 14 years ago. It is the result of a conversation with a friend who is half white (mother), half Sioux, "two toned" as he says. The poem came out oof this conversation. This was posted at a now defunct poetry site years ago. Thanks for reading.. the music is Dr. John's version of "In A Sentimental Mood", cause it is kinda bluesy and the conversation we had was "sentimental"
 Feb 2016 Joyce
I wrote a poem once in fine
point pencil that went
unnoticed so I erased it

I wrote my next poem in nib
and ink from a well
and spilled the ink all over it

I next tried to write a poem
on an old fashioned typewriter
because the ribbon was all dried out
it turned out unreadable

So I decided to try posterboard
and a King Sized Sharpie to write upon
my next poem  and...
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