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Joshua Michael Jun 2018
Alors merci, for breaking me
You taught me what's not love
You showed me indifference
Alors merci, for making me tough
Alors merci, for leaving me
You broke my chains
You set my mind free
Alors merci, for showing me
Alors merci, for being so cold
You showed me to find better
You left me for another to love
Alors merci, for showing me my value
Alors merci, for being the wrong one
You allowed me to find the right one
Alors merci ma chère
I have found love now and thank you, I was looking in all the wrong people and now I've found the right ones.
Thank you I am happier now.
  Jun 2018 Joshua Michael
I just want to talk to you
As little as it might sounds
I miss our deep discussions
The one I am always looking to be right for
The one you always let me win just because you like the cheeky smile I am making when you say I am right

I just want to feel your hands on my back
Going down the lines crossing one by one my beauty spots
I want those kind of caresses that give goosebumps to my skin
Left side, right side, get down

You breath on my neck
And all the snuggles you like so much that make my hair look messy and I don’t mind because I know you would offer me to brush it in the morning

Your eyes on me...
I could continu for hours describing how I miss you !
  May 2018 Joshua Michael
The Dedpoet
To your smile that killed
My suicidal daily,
When your zest filled my
Inner clarity
And gave form to destiny,
Not anyone road,
But your soul that touches many,
The guft that is you,
I bit of the nectar that your
Light feeds,
I am grateful
Even for the pain of missing
You now,
Friend of my deepest wound,
Cut me and I bleed your crimson
Because even your worst
Was the very best I
The narcissistic venture,
I stayed because you allowed it.
i am supposed to be letting go
moving on, getting over you, and so
tell me how it is that once again
i found myself this morning
rolling over when a phone alarm went off and then
realizing it was your alarm not mine
and that your duvet and sheets were the only things adorning
our bare-skinned bodies as we lay together
and that warmth on my back was your fingers tracing down my spine
while you pulled me closer to you and snoozed your alarm after briefly debating whether
you were ready to get up or needed a few more moments
of just us, bodies entwined
the lightest of touches received as encouragements
serving to once and over again spellbind
in the soft morning light drifting in your windows
as we once again play the parts of slaves to our libidos
choosing to stubbornly ignore our established credos
in favor of experiencing the lows and crescendos
that inevitably follow any amount of time spent with each other's favorite ******
because i am yours and you are mine
and it's gotten to the point that we really shouldn't bother to deny
that this is not some passing thing
and what we had - have - isn't just a fling
but i guess you need time to get your head straight
to sort out exactly what it is that you feel, perhaps
so i will try to be patient and not remonstrate
but it's hard when i'm the one still in love
just waiting, wishing, hoping that maybe you will relapse
  May 2018 Joshua Michael
My  d e p r e s s i o n  is like everybody else's, but not really.
I want to feel happy, play goofy, be silly!
But I can't, it doesn't work that way.
The way it works- My depression controls me.
Like an employee, I listen to my job,
Cut? No problem.
Drink? **** yeah.
**** myself? I've been thinking about it..
Without my depression, who could I listen to?
The angel who cheers me on, or the Devil that boos?
Speaking of which, I am D
                     ­                    U
                   ­                         K
on this *****.

My depression is like everybody else's, only sometimes.
Other times it's like, "Uh, uh, uh, you have to share! Or else you die."
Maybe not that dramatic, but the suffocating news of death really pushes you to cry.
My depression makes me D O things,
Things I don't want to say,
But.. My depression always finds a way.
My depression is my friend, not a very good one.
More like a fiend than a friend but I won't know the difference when a pull the trigger off a gun.
I wrote this on a forum..
Joshua Michael May 2018
Its been a affecting me
while I've been neglecting me
I'm Always ******* questioning me
Is this all necessary

As the blade cuts blood draws
been fighting in my own war
As i bleed out the answers pour
They not enough i need more

I tell my self I already know
Do I stay or do I go
Its thee end of the show
My last cut final blow

Tell myself and reassure
There will be no encore
Shut and lock the door
watching red stain the floor

Finally...through with it all.
2 yearss ago i tried for the first time i was found and stopped, i soke to my best friend after and he said i understand and its your choice, but give it one more year and if you still feel the same then i understand. its been 2 years twice as long, im tired now just tired.., not sad not happy not depressed, im nothing, just tired...
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