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john shai Apr 2016
In dreams my blossom on floundering scaffold
Each branch so tender and green
The winds will stir and seek to unfold
Her beauty hidden in folds unseen

The sun does call a wonderful song
The season ripe like a ******
But still she dances in strides long
To music, love's first-time sin

It's I who dreamed the dream of you
     It's I will pluck the flower too
john shai Apr 2016
Nobody is born an artist
You become an actor
And act like an artist

You will never feel loved
Because you will never
Achieve the ideal
Which is the only
Thing deserving
Of love
john shai Apr 2016
From the sad darkness
A mighty cry
A sound so mind shattering
From a place on high

A single photon does emerge
Multiplying explosively
Energy coangulates
Abstractly orgasmicly

Thus the conception
Of a universe

You are the crowning inception
Of Man's curse

Or so it was when I first saw you...
How the universe relates.
john shai Apr 2016
Harmony in the spaces and times
Between a single cause
And a single effect.

Isolation for a pair entangled
By opposite forces united.

Soft moments in eternity.

And yet, we met
At an evening party
As the sun has set.
I thought of the love between objects and then of the love between us.
john shai Apr 2016
Broken people live in the valley
Where the river flows with ****
Suicide rises like the sickness tally
Depression they call it

Drugs are legal and recomended
Anything to avoid the outcome
Anything for a heart mended
Love is too weak for some

God is called upon in times of need
But He is too far away
To hear
The pleed
Save me dear God


But they hold on
To a thread
Because they know

There is the smallest possibility
That they will wake up one day
The world will lose its hostility
And they will be on their way

Out of the valley of sadness
Into the soft lit day light
Love will fill the night
And they will have peace with
The badness
Make peace with the past. And get all the help you can find.
john shai Apr 2016
Our love is odd
Since you heard, my story
Which I told in the dark
So you could, shut up
But you loved it so much
And projected, those feelings
As a love
For me

Young girls!
With blonde hair!
  Are playful!
   But scary!
As the midnight comes
The demons are set free
Next thing I know
Your sleeping next to me
Skin smooth as velvet
Your lips red as your blood
Your blood
On the sheets

Young girls!
With histories!
  Are clingy!
   And lovely!
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