Once upon a time ..
There was a woman in pain,
waiting for a brave Prince
to ride into the forest of her mind,
slay her demons,
rescue her from this awful place
and remind her of her freedom.
But for some reason
her brave Prince never came.
Maybe he saw the dark forest
and countless demons
and immediately ran away.
But this somehow was a blessing
and a very tough lesson
for the woman to face.
So she stood up and knew
what she had to do,
She had to rid her mind
of that which was untrue.
She was not a lost woman in pain,
She was a Goddess with amnesia,
that had forgotten her own name.
Then she realized there was never
a forest she needed to escape
or demons that needed to be slain.
Only spaces within herself that longed
to be loved and embraced.
You must remember my Love, that you are your own Hero, Healer, Heaven, Best-Friend, Teacher, and most intimate Lover. For all that you see "outside" is only a reflection of the one true mirror(you)