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I may not always have money in my pockets.
But I always have Christ standing next to me.
Which is by far more valuable then gold or silver.
I am not wealthy by man's standard but all is good.
For I not only have the things that I need here.
But I have something a lot of people here do not.
I have the greatest protection that any one could have.
A Savior whom loves and defends me in every way.
I am not being prideful, I am just so thankful to God.
So I am thanking him by praising the wonderful things he does.
  Nov 2015 Jimmy Hegan
Mysterious Aries
When the
poets’ soul
its bones and flesh
At most,
by only then
the poets’ poetry
becomes priceless

Mysterious Aries
Jimmy Hegan Nov 2015
My life was steeped  in sin,
There was fear and doubt within,
Till I stepped out on the promises of God.
I groped as in the night,
For my heart was blind to light,
Till I stepped out upon the promises of God.

When I stepped out on the promises of God,
When I stepped out on the promises of God,
I left my sin , and fear and doubt,
When I stepped out on the promises of God.

I knew not God's great plan,
Hid in Christ for mortal man,
Till  I  stepped  out on the promises of God,
I thought the Lord could  bless,
My dead works of righteousness,
Till I stepped out upon the promises of God.

I had no hope beyond,
When in sickness in despond,
Till I stepped out on the promises of God,
His ancient touch now heals,
And His wonders He reveals,
Since I stepped out upon the promises of God.

There is a glory rest,
You will find it and be blessed,
When you step out  on the promises of God,
Down all the Saviour's feet,
Look to Him for joy complete,
When you step  out upon the promises of God.
  Nov 2015 Jimmy Hegan
Alyssa Underwood
Even if love is never returned,
never even received,
it is never in vain
for love never fails

To love someone
though you mean nothing to them
may seem too cruel a burden
for the heart to bear

But the only thing worse
than not being loved
is to not love

And so the greatest tragedy
of love spurned or lost
would be to stop loving

For to cease loving
that which causes us pain
would be to let the pain win

But for as long as we love,
really love with Christ's own heart,
no matter what else happens
we win

Love without pain
remains unproven
and therefore is meaningless

But love through pain invokes
nothing less than the miraculous
and inspires even the incredulous

Only continued love
can redeem the pain of loving
and only a Perfect Love
can heal love's scalding wound
Sometimes the only way left to love someone is to forgive them and let them go while still hoping and praying for their very best.

"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."  1 Corinthians 13:1-8a

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him."  - 1 John 4:16
  Nov 2015 Jimmy Hegan
Alyssa Underwood
It is out of the heart’s cavernous longing and furious search
for love, significance, acceptance, approval, identity, security,
freedom, belonging, innocence, intimacy and transcendence—
out of its primordial memory of what was lost to us in the Garden—
that we begin to ***** idols for ourselves.

Unconsciously we hope they might restore to us a taste of paradise,
taking away our fear and shame and isolation.
We yearn to go back but, alas, we cannot get in from there.
We ache to connect to beauty, to be desired by it as much as we desire it,
and Jesus is the only door by which we may enter.
He is the Beauty, and all the rest are simply there like pealing bells
to arouse our hearts to Him and tell us that He is coming for us.

Still, as if we haven’t quite yet heard and believed the message, we keep
aimlessly trying to forge a false righteousness through our false gods.
When they are lost or the dreams of them unrealized we are devastated,
for the shadows, echoes and reflections we had supposed would finally
make us feel good about ourselves have been exposed as frauds,
and once again we are left to feel naked but without fig leaves to cover us.

It is at these precise moments, when the bottom of our false hope falls out,
that we are best prepared to encounter Christ in His intimate fullness
and most apt to recognize at last that He alone is everything
we have been so desperately wanting.
It is our boiling point, where the unbearable weight
of failed expectation so crashes in on us that we are finally
begging God to lift our idols off of us and deliver us from them,
pleading with Him to come and capture us,
crying out to Him to possess us fully.
November Sun , refusing to reveal her loneliness , a cloudy piece of the world in tears this morning ..
A red tailed Hawk , grounded by rain just outside my window , a blue dragonfly sailing aimlessly across the meadow ..
The vigor and warmth of Summer , the candle of hope lighting the night has abated .. Tall Oaks , Magnolias and Crape Myrtles like lovers , stand naked , unashamed ..
My eyes have lost peripheral vision , anxiety taken command of my consciousness , rumors of intrigue whisper softly on warm southern winds .. The physical forces in mechanical motion , condemnation of my spirit at the hour of the eruption ..
My demon narcolepsy , a marionette of ploy and trickery for a student of hope standing dead on both feet ..
With a red heart on your sleeve , she wears a smile well , like many a familiar door , slipping quietly from within my grasp ...
Copyright November 10 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
  Nov 2015 Jimmy Hegan
is like biting into
a scrumptious bar of chocolate
and tasting the wrapper.

(C) 11/19/2015

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