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 Feb 2021 Jeremy Rascon
Jessica B
You are not the love of my life,
You are the life of my love ❤️
 Mar 2019 Jeremy Rascon
At night, time passes by
like shadows that were not there
the morning before when I
opened my eyes as the sun rose
from dreams that left behind
their hind tracks to show where
I have been lingering in the forest
of many seasons, something to go by
while the hunter quietly closes in.
 Sep 2018 Jeremy Rascon
You know when you're young
And you fixate on a person
like they're the only person in the world

I don't think I ever grew out of that
 Aug 2018 Jeremy Rascon
my mind is a maze i can never seem to find the exit of.

constantly taking wrong turns made by my heart ,

going the wrong way ,

getting turned around.

you are stuck in my maze , too.

you are keeping me from finding the exit.

every step i take brings me closer to you ,

and farther from escaping.
 Aug 2018 Jeremy Rascon
I'm stuck between the
past and the future.
memories and dreams
life and death.
 Aug 2018 Jeremy Rascon
i touched your soul
and scribbled my name on it
love, you’ll never get lost again
 Aug 2018 Jeremy Rascon
 Aug 2018 Jeremy Rascon
You whisper in my ear
My thoughts
And every fear

You know all my weaknesses
You see every flaw
You know all my secrets
You see all my scars

You tell me there is no future
And force me to believe in nothing

You tell me not to speak
Not to raise my hand
You tell me just to smile
Even though none is there

I am but your puppet
Nothing but a doll
You force me to want perfection
When I have none at all.
                    —Bella Crosthwait
I story of my self worth
I cannot tell you the truth...
I cannot admit to you...
Everything's being so kept in,

I just want to see your face again...

All the dreams that never were,
Are shattered, now, that you're thinking of another him and her...
Is it too late to let you know...?
That everything wasn't just for show...?

I wish I hadn't let you go...

And if we stand,
Face to face, not hand in hand,
I'll say goodbye...

And realize, you'll never understand...

To all of the things,
All the wishes, hopes and dreams,
I'll wave goodbye...

And realize, those things will never be...

I'll never tell you the truth....
I know, I can't confess to you...
The feelings that I'm keeping in...
I messed it up,
We'll never have the chance to love,
I'm sorry for what's coming. The ones I am about to post are from the past days, in the order of old to new.
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