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2 Dmn Pssed... 11/26/14

2 Dmn Pssed to read
2 Dmn Pssed to concentrate
2 Dmn Pssed to think

Education is a joke to them
Rules and respect
They have none

Women are for serving them
They are dumb
Thoughts...they have none.

Children are learning to
Disrespect me
Children have learned to
Ignore me.

I am just a babysitter maker.
I am just a babysitter.
I am just a stupid woman.
I am just another problem.

U never loved me.
U never knew,
U could be happy,
I loved you, too.

U never loved,
U never knew,
U never cared,
U're never true.

So many lies
That you have spun,
So many times
You think you've won.

Now I just play
Your little games,
Now I must tell
Your ***** lies.

Your family hates me,
My family hates you.
All I ever wanted
Was for you to be true.

Now I must keep
Your ***** lies,
Now I must be
A ***** spy.

So many secrets,
So little time,
But I don't think
I can drop the dime.

Copyright From A Poet's Heart
This is when I was still miserably married to my ex husband. Thankfully, i am divorced from him and remarried to a wonderful guy, whom incidentally, I met thru poetry.
We've never been
This way before
We don't know what's
Behind the door

© From A Poet's ♥️

2 yr olds
R very bold
When they have no correction
For positive direction

© From A Frustrated Sister's ❤️
PSA: I'm republican and a trump fan. I do not hate Democrats or anyone against Trump. This is just inspired from one of the arguments I saw on Twitter. So go ahead ppl! Keep having stupid arguments, u're just helping fuel my poetry!

Vote red
Or u'll b dead
Vote blue?!
Shame on u!

© From A Poet's ♥️
Vote red
B4 you're dead!
Vote blue
Shame on u!

© From A Poet's ♥️
Inspired by political arguments on Facebook
Disclaimer: I am not suicidal nor have I ever been.

That's your bubble
This is mine
I'll put u n time-out
If u get out of line!

© From A Poet's ♥️

I don't wanna live
I don't wanna give
I cause pain
And that is insane

© From A Poet's ♥️

I don't wanna live
I don't wanna give
B/c all I get is pain
And that is insane

© From A Poet's ♥️

I have no hours
I have no power
This job has gone sour
At an early hour

© From A Poet's ♥️

No matter how hard I try
People always cry
I try n vain
But all I cause is pain

© From A Poet's ♥️

My memory is causing
Me lots of pain
My memory has nothing
Left for me to gain

© From A Poet's ♥️

I'm tired of my memory
Stabbing me n the back
I'm tired of my memory
Being so slack

© From A Poet's ♥️

Y am I so dumb?
My memory is ******
Y can't I remember
So others will be happy

© From A Poet's ♥️

I basically
Got fired
Soon after I
Got hired

© From A Poet's ♥️
Several poems all written on 4/19/20
Inspired by Tom Kraft

I've written a thousand poems
(Multiplied by 2)
Most of them rhymed
& written about u

My undying love
For my family
4 boys, 3 girls, 2 grandkids, & then there's u 4 me.

I threw n a few songs
So u could sing along
To follow our love trail
A love that will never fail

I've never had this before
I was always a *****
He treated me mean
U treat me like a queen

Our castle may
Not be ours
But one day
U & me

Will grow old
Ever & happily
After that

© From A Poet's Heart
I'm going back
To college
To get me
Some knowledge

To get my
"Abby degree"
To b a
Better me

© From A Poet's ♥️
Inspired by going back to college
Thanks for the
U're really
A sensation

© From A Poet's ♥️
I need patience for things
That money can't buy
Like how to handle when
Someone tells me a lie

© From A Poet's ♥️
We make
Great poetry
It's made
By u & me

© From A Poet's ♥️
Being sick is
Such a d*ck
Out tongue
In stick

Say, "Aaah!"
I gag.
Don't puke.
No bag.

Hack and cough
Sneeze and snot
Germs are here,
Germs we've got.

Lysol spray,
Orange Juice
by the gallon.

Tissues and
Toilet paper,
Come what may.

Copyright From A Poet's Heart
My ex husband, me and the kids were a sick and this is what happened.
I really want
To c my dad
But he only
Makes me sad

© From A Poet's 💔
© From A Daughter's💔
Christmas is the
Time of year
For bringing joy
For bringing cheer

All the hustle
All the bustle
Turns shopping trips
Into a tussle

All the crazies
All the weirdos
All the ripoffs
All the mazies.

If you buy this,
We'll throw in the hat
If you buy this,
We'll throw in that.

But what must people
Tend to forget
Is that this isn't
What it's all about.

Two thousand years back,
He came to be.
Two thousand years back,
He came to me,
So we could live eternally.

Copyright From A Poet's Heart
For better or worse
Til death do us part
Broken my heart
That you caused to start.

You stole from everyone
Friends and our family.
You "borrowed" never loaned
You whined and you groaned.

Once upon a time
Before you, I had a life.
Then you came along,
Now all I have is strife.

No family, no friends
No one to get close to.
If I chance and do,
They run off, they do.

I try to make "mommy friends,"
They are "too good for me."
But I think what bothers them
Is that I'm in "slavery."

Not free to come,
Not free to go,
Not free to be
The "me" everyone knows.

In the nine years
That we've been together,
I've met other people
Who share my fears.

They say it is easy
To get up and leave
They say it just like
You put on a sleeve.

They don't tell you of shelters,
Don't tell you of papers,
Don't tell you of crying children
Don't tell you of skelter.

He b*tches because
We aren't the "perfect family"
While he plays on his phone
I watch the kids all alone.

Copyright From A Poet's Heart

Hate, anger,
Contempt and loathing.
They're all building up,
I feel like exploding.

I have no release.
I have no relief.
The water is rising,
The tide is coming in.

Losing space,
Losing ground,
Losing face,
All around.

I can't explain.
I can't deny.
I can't confirm.

Copyright From A Poet's Heart
I stayed angry and hateful during the majority of my marriage to my ex husband. This is just another example. The poems i have posted so far are my earliest writings.

Hatred and Anger
They build up inside,
They bubble and boil
Until they are hard to hide.

Merry Christmas they say
Happy New Year to you
But where is the merry and
Happy I once knew?

Now all the holidays
Are about bigger and better
Now they are crazy
And wilder and wetter.

Buy this gift new
Buy this gift for you
Buy this gift for him
Buy this one, too.

You bought this gift last year
Don't buy it again.
You regifted that one
Don't tell the Johnson's.

Gift cards can be cheezy and
Handmade cards are much more

Don't bother my spouse
He can be a louse
Don't bother anyone
In my house.

I'm a btch
It's a cinch
As I stitch
And I pinch.

So you won't get me Christmas
Because I'm a b
But when you act like this
You say it's a cinch.

You treat us like dirt.
You harm and you hurt.
Don't care how you get it
Just get what you want.

You give out hatred
But expect love in return
Your world is upside down
No wonder you get burned.

Copyright From A Poet's Heart
Again....more from a miserable marriage to my ex husband.
I don't get to read
I don't get to write
I just get to fuss
I just get to fight

I watch as he wastes
I watch as he dies
I don't wanna hear excuses
I don't wanna hear lies.

He tells me one story this time
He has a second for someone else
The story changes everytime
I don't know what to buy.

A little lie here,
A big one over there,
Sprinkle with some truth
And you have got a date.

He does not care
For underwear
He does not care
That it's not fair.

Not fair for Roy
Don't be so coy
You went and stole
His brother's toy.

Had no permission
You didn't ask,
Instead you left
Undone the task.

U won't do laundry,
Won't do dishes.
All you do is
Wish for wishes.

We must do his bidding
We must cater to his
Every whim, must be nice!
Wish I were him!

© From A Poet's Heart
At this point, I never got to sit down and have a moment for myself. My oldest was wasting his life doing nothing.
I Hate, I Hate
My son is 8.
It hurts my mind.
My teeth I grind.

My stress is high,
My hopes are low,
My faith is less,
My life's a mess.

How did we go,
How did we grow,
From fiery love
To embers aglow?

One child is failing,
One child is climbing,
One child is tailing.

One wants nothing,
One wants everything.
One wants to be included,
The little one just wants love.

I knew, I knew
That Morgan was two.
I knew, I knew
The candles he blew.

His life has hate,
He knows not why.
His life's a mess,
He could care less.

He fails,
He steals,
We have to nail
The presents to the tree.

He steals the candy
He is demanding ...

Copyright From A Poet's Heart
Hatred was my go to emotion. So there will b a bunch of these from back then.
I Hate, I Hate,
My son is 8.
The middle one's two
For this I knew

For two would
Not be long for he
In two short months
He would be three.

The oldest got
The best of me.
The little ones
The rest of me.

I hate I tried to
Close the gate
But stole the key
And made it free.

My anger has cost
Me everyone I know
My anger has lost
Me down below.

Who is this person
I've become?
Where is this woman
I no have become?

I do not like
Who I've become.
I do not like it
Not even some.

My mom married him
And divorced me
My dad now dates her
All his time spent with she.

This is the path
I thought I chose
That twist and turned
There caused me woes.

If life is a journey
With a lesson to learn,
Then why haven't I learned?
Why do I get burned?

Copyright From A Poet's Heart
More anger, hatred. Poetry was my coping mechanism.
Hope things get better
U'll find Mr. Right.
Stop looking so hard
He'll come in the night

U will never expect
When he shows his face
He will b true
And feelings won't erase

He won't use u
Or feelings abuse
He will treat u right
And u'll stay up all night

U won't b able
From him to part
He'll latch on to u
Each and every part

He will show u
What a real man is like
Then u can tell
The fakes to take a hike

© From A Poet's ♥️
My point is this
Wait for bliss
It will come to u
When u don't expect it to

© From A Poet's ♥️
I found mine
Right here online
On Facebook
When I didn't look

In a poetry group
Is where we met
Then sent friend request
Our friendship was set

He checked in on me
Thru poetry
Cause I was still married
To a big meanie

My ex is a stalker
He hacks my profiles
So we had to b creative
For a little while

Then we fell in love
For me it wasn't planned
I wasn't looking
For a new man

Then things w/ the ex
Took the worst turn
Me & kids left
We were able to yearn

My new man got here
In July
He did what he said
And he didn't lie

We've been fighting for my kids
To get full custody
He treats them like they're his
1, 2 & 3

He was there for me
Thru my divorce
I was FINALLY free
To b married to he

We got married last year
And shed happy tears
But my ex used a wild card
And he used it hard

He hurt my kids
(Now it's all 3)
And he almost lost
Physical custody

Then they went
To foster care
For 6 weeks
Live?! I didn't dare!

He got them back
They went back to slack
With their 17th(?) mommy
They live there with he

Then carona came round
And shut everything down
Now I can't c them at all
He won't let them talk when I call

He's stolen my right
To #1 & #2
They say they hate me
(Cause he told them to)

So all I get
Is a phone call
Twice a wk w/ #3
And that's all

Now we r just waiting
For our credit
A magic #
To hit

So we can
Get a loan
To start buying
Our own home

My old car
Finally died
And we got
A new ride

Things haven't went
As we would like
But prayers we've sent
To God for help

Things take time
Just like this rhyme
But don't lose hope
Hold onto your rope

B all u can b
And just b u
And u will c
All the things u can do

U never know
Who's been watching u
Or who may have
Fallen in love with u

They may b waiting
For the right time
To chime in on
One of your rhymes

© From A Poet's ♥️

Did u hear that?
Oh no!
Oh ah ah ah ah!
Oh ah ah ah ah!
Oh Oh!
Oh Oh!
Oh Oh!

Verse 1
Drowning deep in their stupidity
Blinded, your servants they heed
(Will they give n2 u?)
There's nothing left of their human side
They're slowly changing their minds
(Will they give n2 u?)
Reflecting on all their mistakes
When there's nothing they can do!
Suddenly it all changes!
It's the point of no return
U've awaken the monster in us!

Scrub up, do not come down with the Co-vid
Scrub up, do not come down with the Co-vid
Scrub up, do not come down with the Co-vid
Wash your hands with soap, and hot water for 3 mins.
Scrub up, do not come down with the Co-vid
U brainless get up, scrub up do not come down with the Co-vid
U mindless get up, scrub up do not come down with the Co-vid
Co-vid is the curse that has been given to us

Verse 2
I can see it in u, the sickness inside u
Don't try to deny what u know
(Will u give in to sin?)
Its all fake, the good has died in u
And is decomposing now
(Will u give in to sin?)
It seems some r having problems
In believing the media
Living w/ their new lives (oh no)
The world is a quiet place
Now that we r all prisoners locked up inside

Scrub up, do not come down with the Co-vid
Scrub up, do not come down with the Co-vid
Scrub up, do not come down with the Co-vid
Wash your hands with soap, and hot water for 3 mins.
Scrub up, do not come down with the Co-vid
U brainless get up, scrub up do not come down with the Co-vid
U mindless get up, scrub up do not come down with the Co-vid
Co-vid is the curse that has been given to us

Post chorus
And n nightmares!
And n nightmares!
And n nightmares!
And n nightmares!

We promise we won't do it again
Won't do it again
We all will be good
We all will be good, we promise
Not one more day!

© From A Poet's ♥️
Love will come and
Love will go
That's what they said
And it seems so.

At first you are inseparable
And as the years pass,
You grow distant
And then you are strangers.

It's funny how they say
That life is a circle.
You come into the world
Dependant and leave just the same.

You came in diapers
You leave in diapers
Came in ignorant
Leave out stupid.

They shield you from pain.
They put you in pain.
They love you to death.
They wish you would die.

Copyright From A Poet's Heart
Merry Christmas to you
Merry Christmas to me
The presents are under
The Christmas tree

The stockings are hung on the
Wall not the chimney
He goes Christmas shopping
The day before Christmas

No deal is that good
I'll just have to miss it.
It wasn't that great
Before the discount.

You say that you love me
Really you do,
But what sacrifices
Are made by you?

You have everything
You could ever want
If you don't you just
Buy it no matter the cost

Copyright From A Poet's Heart
Ex always bought what he wanted but left bills unpaid. We went Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve.
Last night we
Used the fan
Tonight it's cold
Oh, man!

© From A Poet's ♥️
As I write this card
The past 3 years
Have been hard
And I've cried tears

I miss u so much
I wish I could touch
I hope u haven't seen

© From A Poet's 💔

Dear God,
What r we
Gonna do?!
Soon the #'s
Will b down to 2!

© From A Poet's ♥️
When they kept lowering the # of people that u could b n a group with because of caronavirus
Give me a sign
That U r still mine
Give me a sign
Everyone will b fine

© From A Poet's ♥️

Faith doesn't happen
Inside the norm
Faith happens
Inside the storm

© From A Poet's ♥️

I ******* up again
I committed a sin
I have 2 begin again

© From A Poet's ♥️
© From A Poet's 💔

Happy birthday
To u!
Your name is

© From A Poet's ♥️

To my dad for his bday (early) 5/3/20

86 degrees!
We r inside, PLEASE!
Turn on the air!
If u care!

© From A Poet's ♥️

I need a nap!
This is crap!
But the baby is up!
And I can't find his cup!

The one that I found
It's for older kids!
But mother said it works!
And that she did!

She needs to spend time
With her youngest child
So that he won't
Act so **** wild!

© From A Frustrated Sister's ❤️
I need some healing
That doctors can't find
I need some healing
The supernatural kind

© From A Poet's ♥️

I am so pumped!
I'm voting for Trump!
The great things he's done!
The next 4 yrs will b fun!

© From A Poet's ♥️

People fight
Over TP
Like they
R 3.

© From A Poet's ♥️

People fight
Over TP
Like they r
2 or 3

© From A Poet's ♥️

People fight
Over TP
Like they r
2 & 3

© From A Poet's ♥️

People fight
Over TP
Like they r
Only 3

© From A Poet's ♥️

Don't hate on me
I'll just write poetry
& then u will c
What it's like 2 b me

© From A Poet's ♥️

So u think I'm hot?
What if I think I'm not?
But do not flirt w/ me
Or u'll b history

I will block u
And anyone else too
That flirts w/ me
(Unless u're a girl & want 2 b our #3!)

© From A Poet's ♥️

Dress like a lady!
Fight like a man!

Photo challenge

© From A Poet's ♥️

We need a
It's for our

© From A Poet's ♥️

2 Easters without you
1, 3 & 2
2 Easters without you
What will I do?!

Copyright From A Poet's Heart

I use to stay angry
And was almost always unkind
It really didn't matter
If u were nice or spoke your mind

Now I'm 3 yrs free
Of animosity
Now I can truly b
All that I'm meant to b

I have the best hubby
That God could've given me
He treats me like royalty
And says I'm his queen

We don't live n a castle
Or even a fancy mansion
We live with a friend
Until our credit mends

I won't tell u I'm perfect
Or even that I'm great
But during this journey
I'm learning not to hate

I'm learning God is great
I'm learning He is good
I'm learning to trust Him
Even if He's misunderstood

© From A Poet's ♥️

I don't think we r friends
At least not n e more
I don't think we r friends
Not like we were b4

© From A Poet's ♥️

Social distancing
Stay away from me
Social distancing
We might share cooties

© From A Poet's ♥️

Look out E.T.!
Leave us b!
We want to c
Our family!

But we can't c
Our family
B/c of Covid-19
This is obscene!

Visiting hours
To our planet
Have been locked down
And everything in it

Please come back
Another day
When the cooties
Have gone away

If u do visit
Please wear a mask
So u don't pass cooties
During your next task

Please wear gloves
Protect those u love
Don't pass cooties
When u give hugs

© From A Quarantined Poet's ♥️

That's your bubble
This is mine
I'll put u n time-out
If u get out of line!

© From A Poet's ♥️
See links where noted
God I miss my babies
It's breaking my ❤️
Everytime I think of them
It tears me apart

© From A Poet's 💔

Give me a sign
That U r still mine
Give me a sign
Everything will b fine

© From A Poet's ♥️

My today
So U can
Show me the way

© From A Poet's ♥️

Me today
So U can
Show me the way

© From A Poet's ♥️
She b*tches & whines
While I pine
For quieter days
Without the haze

It was so simple
We didn't know
It was complicated
B/c we thought so

© From A Poet's ♥️

I popped the glue
Off my lingual bar
What will I do?
I don't know where the dr's are!

© From A Poet's ♥️

Of all the men
That I have known
You've done more
Than most have shown

© From A Poet's ♥️

U r my knight
U have brought light
N2 my life
U vanquished strife

© From A Poet's Heart

Listen to God's voice
So we can know
Which way it is
That we should go

© From A Poet's ♥️
Inspired by Valeria Letice Bostic-Alexander

Carona jail
Has become
Our current
Living hell

© From A Poet's ♥️

I don't get to see Roy
B/c of a virus
I don't get to see Roy
And that is a minus

© From A Mother's 💔

I don't get to see Roy
B/c they won't answer me
I don't get to see Roy
He is my #3

© From A Mother's 💔

I don't get to see
My #3
I don't get to see
And that's not fine with me

© From A Mother's 💔
I really want
To c my dad
But he only
Makes me mad

© From A Poet's 💔

Photo inspiration

Kissing in the rain
Washes away the pain
Even if it's in the shower
That takes over an hour
The hot water will run out
Then cold water comes out the spout
And then kills the mood
So we move to the room
Things r heating up now
There's no turning back now
Let's keep the momentum going
Now that our juices r flowing

© From A Poet's ♥️

2 Mother's Days
Came & went away
2 Mother's Days
I cried the day away

© From A Mother's 💔

Stress is a b*tch
It steals your joy
It makes u itch

© From A Poet's ♥️

Inspired by Jolene by Dolly Parton

Co-vid! Co-vid!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
We're beggin' of you please don't take our health!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
We're beggin' of you please don't take our wealth!

Your symptoms come n a disguise
The media spreading all your lies
W/ scare tactics & fear mongering
Your gift to us makes us all cuss
We can't b who we were once
And we cannot compete with u

We dream about u n nightmares
U r on the news, u're everywhere
There's no escaping u @ all

But we can't easily understand
How you can take women & men
But u don't know what they mean 2 us

Co-vid! Co-vid!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
We're beggin' of you please don't take our health!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
We're beggin' of you please don't take our wealth!

U could have your choice of homes
But we can't just go out & roam
Home's the only place 4 us

I had to write this song to u
Our very lives depend on u
And whatever u sent our way next

Co-vid! Co-vid!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
We're beggin' of you please don't take our health!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
We're beggin' of you please don't take our wealth!

Co-vid! Co-vid!

© From A Quarantined Poet's ♥️

U r obscene
We once were free
But we couldn't see

U stole that
From us
Til we
Wanna cuss

We can't see
Our fam
And u don't
Give a ****

We can't see
Our friends
Will this
Pandemic end?

Some can't go
To work
U're just a
Big ****

Kids can't
Go to school
Now parents
Have to enforce rules

© From A Quarantined Poet's ♥️

Day 33!
Woe is me!

Day 33!
Who r u &
Who is she?

Day 33!
Washing hands
To meet demands

Day 33!
Only go to work
Don't get perks

Day 33
I work full-time
But not he

Day 33
Shopping carts
6 feet apart

6 feet apart
And no hugs
6 feet apart
Don't share cootie bugs

© From A Working Quarantined Poet's ♥️

N response to another poet's poem

We too are essential
And get paid small
For the work we do
For travelers and all

To find place of rest
At our hotel
We're practically the only ones open
As u can tell

I'm also a caregiver
Keeping people healthy
Although with covid-19
Not many r wealthy

We're all n this 2gether
All over the world
Hopefully future changes come
Soon to the weather

Don't matter the color of skin
Black, white or brown
We're all stuck in
All over every town

© From A Poet's ♥️

The 12 Months Of Lockdown

On the first month of lockdown all over my small town,
Jobs laid off, people stayed home!

On the second month of lockdown all over my small town,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people stayed home!

On the third month of lockdown all over my small town,
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people stayed home!

On the fourth month of lockdown all over my small town,
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people stayed home!

On the fifth month of lockdown all over my small town,
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

On the sixth month of lockdown all over my small town,
Honey-do projects!
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

On the seventh month of lockdown all over my small town,
Toilet paper hoarding!
Honey-do projects!
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

On the eighth month of lockdown all over my small town,
Pay your bills online!
Toilet paper hoarding!
Honey-do projects!
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

On the ninth month of lockdown all over my small town,
People went crazy!
Pay your bills online!
Toilet paper hoarding!
Honey-do projects!
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

On the 10th month of lockdown all over my small town,
Hosting watch parties!
People went crazy!
Pay your bills online!
Toilet paper hoarding!
Honey-do projects!
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

On the 11th month of lockdown all over my small town,
Virtual church attendance
Hosting watch parties!
People went crazy!
Pay your bills online!
Toilet paper hoarding!
Honey-do projects!
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

On the 12th month of lockdown all over my small town,
Wear face masks & gloves
Virtual church attendance
Hosting watch parties!
People went crazy!
Pay your bills online!
Toilet paper hoarding!
Honey-do projects!
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

© From A Quarantined Poet's ♥️

We're 'spose 2 b locked down
But it don't look like it
But all over my town
Ppl r pitching fits

They cannot go c
Their own family
They cannot go do
What they intended to

They r stuck inside
W/ family they hate
W/ rules 2 abide
They can't go out on dates

They will get over it
(Not b4 they pitch a fit!)
Or they'll get a ticket
(And they can't afford it!)

© From A Quarantined Poet's ♥️

People wear frowns
And they wear gowns
People wear face masks While doing tasks

Pretty soon they'll wear
Coverings for their shoes
Just like doctors
And surgeons do

People wear gloves
Afraid they'll get sick
Like God up above
Couldn't heal them that quick

© From A Poet's ♥️

Easter n quarantine
This is obscene!
Easter n quarantine
Covid-19, u r really mean!

© From A Quarantined Poet's ♥️

I can't c my kids
He still says they r his
He teaches them hate
Now that Morgan is 8

Roy's following too
And I don't know what to do

© From A Mother's 💔

He found another way
For DSS to say
That I cannot c
Not even #3

He's using the system
To benefit him
To brainwash them
Against me & William

© From A Mother's 💔

Happy birthday
To u all
Sorry that I
Couldn't call

© From A Poet's ♥️

Inspired by: "Jolene" by Dolly Parton

Boredom! Boredom!
Boredom! Boredom!
Please give everyone something else to do!
Boredom! Boredom!
Boredom! Boredom!
Please before we go insane inside!

Your torture is beyond compare
U drive us to the brink w/ dares
W/ nothing left to do but stare around
Your smile is like evil disguised
Your voice telling all kinds of lies
And we've run out of things to do,

They talk about u on the news
You're streaming w/ the largest views
There's nowhere we can escape u

And I could easily understand
How you have need to recruit us
But you don't know what sanity is

Boredom! Boredom!
Boredom! Boredom!
Please give everyone something else to do!
Boredom! Boredom!
Boredom! Boredom!
Please before we go insane inside!

U could choose other planets
But u have chosen planet Earth
Seems we're the one for the job

I had 2 get this off my chest
So we can actually get some rest
I hope there is not another test

Boredom! Boredom!
Boredom! Boredom!
Please give everyone something else to do!
Boredom! Boredom!
Boredom! Boredom!
Please before we go insane inside!

Boredom! Boredom!

© From A Poet's ❤️

If I cuss like a sailor
And dress like a tailor
Then my mouth would b *****
Even passed the age of 30.

© From A Poet's ♥️

If it smells like a trout
And u can't stay out
B sure to use protection
So u won't get an infection

© From A Poet's ♥️

We pay rent
And don't c a cent
Of it in air
And she doesn't care

© From A Poet's ♥️

Photo challenge

I caught Tinker Bell!
The devilish little sprite!
She has been causing hell!
When she is out of sight!

© From A Poet's ♥️
2 Mother's Days
Came & went away
2 Mother's Days
I cried the day away

© From A Mother's 💔

Stress is a b*tch
It steals your joy
It makes u itch

© From A Poet's ♥️

Inspired by Jolene by Dolly Parton

Co-vid! Co-vid!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
We're beggin' of you please don't take our health!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
We're beggin' of you please don't take our wealth!

Your symptoms come n a disguise
The media spreading all your lies
W/ scare tactics & fear mongering
Your gift to us makes us all cuss
We can't b who we were once
And we cannot compete with u

We dream about u n nightmares
U r on the news, u're everywhere
There's no escaping u @ all

But we can't easily understand
How you can take women & men
But u don't know what they mean 2 us

Co-vid! Co-vid!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
We're beggin' of you please don't take our health!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
We're beggin' of you please don't take our wealth!

U could have your choice of homes
But we can't just go out & roam
Home's the only place 4 us

I had to write this song to u
Our very lives depend on u
And whatever u sent our way next

Co-vid! Co-vid!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
We're beggin' of you please don't take our health!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
Co-vid! Co-vid!
We're beggin' of you please don't take our wealth!

Co-vid! Co-vid!

© From A Quarantined Poet's ♥️

U r obscene
We once were free
But we couldn't see

U stole that
From us
Til we
Wanna cuss

We can't see
Our fam
And u don't
Give a ****

We can't see
Our friends
Will this
Pandemic end?

Some can't go
To work
U're just a
Big ****

Kids can't
Go to school
Now parents
Have to enforce rules

© From A Quarantined Poet's ♥️

Day 33!
Woe is me!

Day 33!
Who r u &
Who is she?

Day 33!
Washing hands
To meet demands

Day 33!
Only go to work
Don't get perks

Day 33
I work full-time
But not he

Day 33
Shopping carts
6 feet apart

6 feet apart
And no hugs
6 feet apart
Don't share cootie bugs

© From A Working Quarantined Poet's ♥️

N response to another poet's poem

We too are essential
And get paid small
For the work we do
For travelers and all

To find place of rest
At our hotel
We're practically the only ones open
As u can tell

I'm also a caregiver
Keeping people healthy
Although with covid-19
Not many r wealthy

We're all n this 2gether
All over the world
Hopefully future changes come
Soon to the weather

Don't matter the color of skin
Black, white or brown
We're all stuck in
All over every town

© From A Poet's ♥️

The 12 Months Of Lockdown

On the first month of lockdown all over my small town,
Jobs laid off, people stayed home!

On the second month of lockdown all over my small town,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people stayed home!

On the third month of lockdown all over my small town,
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people stayed home!

On the fourth month of lockdown all over my small town,
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people stayed home!

On the fifth month of lockdown all over my small town,
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

On the sixth month of lockdown all over my small town,
Honey-do projects!
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

On the seventh month of lockdown all over my small town,
Toilet paper hoarding!
Honey-do projects!
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

On the eighth month of lockdown all over my small town,
Pay your bills online!
Toilet paper hoarding!
Honey-do projects!
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

On the ninth month of lockdown all over my small town,
People went crazy!
Pay your bills online!
Toilet paper hoarding!
Honey-do projects!
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

On the 10th month of lockdown all over my small town,
Hosting watch parties!
People went crazy!
Pay your bills online!
Toilet paper hoarding!
Honey-do projects!
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

On the 11th month of lockdown all over my small town,
Virtual church attendance
Hosting watch parties!
People went crazy!
Pay your bills online!
Toilet paper hoarding!
Honey-do projects!
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

On the 12th month of lockdown all over my small town,
Wear face masks & gloves
Virtual church attendance
Hosting watch parties!
People went crazy!
Pay your bills online!
Toilet paper hoarding!
Honey-do projects!
Video chats
Online jobs,
People got bored
Jobs laid off, people got sent home!

© From A Quarantined Poet's ♥️

We're 'spose 2 b locked down
But it don't look like it
But all over my town
Ppl r pitching fits

They cannot go c
Their own family
They cannot go do
What they intended to

They r stuck inside
W/ family they hate
W/ rules 2 abide
They can't go out on dates

They will get over it
(Not b4 they pitch a fit!)
Or they'll get a ticket
(And they can't afford it!)

© From A Quarantined Poet's ♥️

People wear frowns
And they wear gowns
People wear face masks While doing tasks

Pretty soon they'll wear
Coverings for their shoes
Just like doctors
And surgeons do

People wear gloves
Afraid they'll get sick
Like God up above
Couldn't heal them that quick

© From A Poet's ♥️

Easter n quarantine
This is obscene!
Easter n quarantine
Covid-19, u r really mean!

© From A Quarantined Poet's ♥️

I can't c my kids
He still says they r his
He teaches them hate
Now that Morgan is 8

Roy's following too
And I don't know what to do

© From A Mother's 💔

He found another way
For DSS to say
That I cannot c
Not even #3

He's using the system
To benefit him
To brainwash them
Against me & William

© From A Mother's 💔

Happy birthday
To u all
Sorry that I
Couldn't call

© From A Poet's ♥️

Inspired by: "Jolene" by Dolly Parton

Boredom! Boredom!
Boredom! Boredom!
Please give everyone something else to do!
Boredom! Boredom!
Boredom! Boredom!
Please before we go insane inside!

Your torture is beyond compare
U drive us to the brink w/ dares
W/ nothing left to do but stare around
Your smile is like evil disguised
Your voice telling all kinds of lies
And we've run out of things to do,

They talk about u on the news
You're streaming w/ the largest views
There's nowhere we can escape u

And I could easily understand
How you have need to recruit us
But you don't know what sanity is

Boredom! Boredom!
Boredom! Boredom!
Please give everyone something else to do!
Boredom! Boredom!
Boredom! Boredom!
Please before we go insane inside!

U could choose other planets
But u have chosen planet Earth
Seems we're the one for the job

I had 2 get this off my chest
So we can actually get some rest
I hope there is not another test

Boredom! Boredom!
Boredom! Boredom!
Please give everyone something else to do!
Boredom! Boredom!
Boredom! Boredom!
Please before we go insane inside!

Boredom! Boredom!

© From A Poet's ❤️

If I cuss like a sailor
And dress like a tailor
Then my mouth would b *****
Even passed the age of 30.

© From A Poet's ♥️

If it smells like a trout
And u can't stay out
B sure to use protection
So u won't get an infection

© From A Poet's ♥️

My Carona,
Don't u know we've come a long long way
I've been fearin' that you'd come
When u're around u take our breath away
Bad Carona,
The symptoms surely hurts bud-gets
I'm a part-time worker at a **-tel here in town

Oh Ca-ro-na go a-way,
Oh bad Ca-ro-na!
Oh Ca-ro-na go a-way,
Ca-ro-na go a-way!

Bad Ca-ro-na
u've caused some sad
& scary times
Just the thoughts about u brings back an-xi-e-ty
Gyp-sy vi-rus
You're a my-ster-y for doc-tors
U got har-bors locked down so ships can't sail out to sea
U cover sun-light when the times r good!
U treat us so bad-ly we want u gone now!

Bad Ca-ro-na!
Oh Ca-ro-na go a-way,
Oh bad Ca-ro-na
Oh Ca-ro-na go a-way,
Ca-ro-na go a-way!

Bad Ca-ro-na!
Oh Ca-ro-na go a-way,
Oh bad Ca-ro-na
Oh Ca-ro-na go a-way,
Ca-ro-na go a-way!

Bad Ca-ro-na!
Oh Ca-ro-na go a-way,
Oh bad Ca-ro-na
Oh Ca-ro-na go a-way,
Ca-ro-na go a-way!

Bad Ca-ro-na!
Oh Ca-ro-na go a-way,
Oh bad Ca-ro-na
Oh Ca-ro-na go a-way,
Ca-ro-na go a-way!

Bad Ca-ro-na!
Oh Ca-ro-na go a-way,
Oh bad Ca-ro-na
Oh Ca-ro-na go a-way,
Ca-ro-na go a-way!

© From A Poet's ♥️

Viruses r
Bacteria causes

Even a cold
Can wipe out the old
U came down w/ the flu?!
We should quarantine u!

© From A Poet's ♥️

Pray more
Stress less
And my life won't
B such a mess

© From A Poet's ♥️

Who r u fooling?!
I know u!
And that won't do!

That's y u work!
And and chose public school!
So they deal w/
Kids who act like fools!

I'm not stupid!
And you're not Cupid!
An arrow to their heart
Won't make things restart!

© From A Quarantined Poet's ♥️
Since the shops r closed And cannot get our curls And toilet paper goes Just as fast as they can unfurl

I'll use the rolls
Til the bell tolls
For us to b free
Of homejail for u & me

@FromAPoetsHeart #FromAPoetsHeart 5/2/20

I am all 100 percent woman
I do not need any man
To complete me or make me
I can do anything like u

I can shoot on a range,
Cook a meal in the home,
Wear a dress, calm your stress

I can take care of children
Or fix a child's broken toy
I can help the physically disabled
Or give exhausted parents a break

I can go to a ball
Take care of u all
Make some fabric into a dress
Buy more food, with money less

So do not mess with me
I hope u can clearly see
I can take care of me
With/without man, I'm still me

Do not try to change me
For u will pay the price
I'll b the last one standing
And it won't end very nice

Control me and u will c
That u r very sadly mistaken
I can handle that problem too
It won't end well for u.

© From A Poet's ♥️
Follow Facebook link to c pic that goes with poem.
If a lady owns a gun
Then abuse knows when to run

© From A Poet's ♥️
6 word Photo challenge

Link to Facebook poetry page

The reflection
Of her
Had become
A blur

© From A Poet's ♥️
Upside down kitty!
Would u look at that!
Looks like he's trying
To b a bat!


© From A Poet's ♥️
Poem #2944
The rainbow in your eyes
Reflects what's in the skies

From A Poet's ♥️


About to bust you
In your own games
While you play
With your new Dame

© From A Poet's ♥️
With all this virus talk
On internet and TV
I had to take a walk
To get back to me

Without my job right now
Things r looking grim
And I've had to rely
On his income & him

Some resort to drinking
Some resort to writing
I resort to thinking
While others r fighting

Sometimes I Say a prayer
While I am
Out there

I just delight
In the
Sun's rays so bright

So if u
C me here
Do not
Shed a tear

I'm just getting back to me
The person
I want 2 b

© From A Poet's ♥️
The way u touch my face
The way that u embrace
The way u make me feel
Makes me think this is real

© From A Poet's Heart

Our love dried up
There's nothing left
All that was left
Was me... bereft

I stitched up my heart
That had fallen apart
That u stole from the start
And stabbed with a dart

© From A Poet's ♥️
"Red Ain't My Color"
Inspired by:
"Blue Ain't Your Color"
by: Keith Urban

Y'all could c me on Facebook
writin' songs & poems
Watchin' my kids' lives
In i-so-la-tion

And chances were
He's flirtin' w/ some new "her"
Cause he wasn't gonna pay no mind
Well it wasn't n e one's place
But they went and said it n e way
Cause I looked like
I'd had 'nuff of his fire
Hadn't any fun
Hadn't made a smile n a long while

Red makes a good sunset
Looks good on that shirt that hugs my figure
But didn't look good on my face
I'm tellin' u
I don't need drama
It's so simple see
He's stealin' my kids, 3
Baby, red ain't my color

U weren't tryna' b another man
Hit on me kinda guy
Tryna pick me up
Tryna flirt with me
But u just didn't understand
How another man
Can take my sons
Turn them against me

Well u didn't even drink
And u're thinkin'
that I was beau-ti-ful
Tell me that if we were together u wouldn't change
Just make me happy

Cause red makes a good sunset
Looks good on that shirt that hugs my figure
But didn't look good on my face
You're tellin' me
I didn't need drama
It's so simple see
He's stealin' my kids, 3
Baby, red ain't my color
No no no
Red ain't my color baby
Red makes a good sunset
Looks good on that shirt that hugs my figure
But didn't look good on my face
You're tellin' me
I didn't need drama
It's so simple see
He's stealin' my kids, 3
Baby, red ain't my color

Red ain't my color, mmm mmm
No no baby
And u lit up my world

© From A Poet's ♥️
The terrible threes
Are here at last
The terrible threes
I wish were past.

The terrible threes
They scrape their knees
The terrible threes
They snot, they sneeze.

The terrible threes
Are worse than twos
The terrible threes
They go "boo-hoo."

The terrible threes
Are terrible, incorrigible
The terrible threes
They're just plain horrible.

The terrible threes
Know how to climb trees
The terrible threes
Know how to say, "Please."

Copyright From A Poet's Heart
The terrible twos
Are here again
The terrible twos
Are making me sin

The terrible twos
Don't tie their shoes
The terrible twos
They go, "boo-hoo!"

The terrible twos
They scream, they shout
The terrible twos
They run about

The terrible twos
Just want their way
The terrible twos
Are here to say

The terrible twos
They do not shine
The terrible twos
They say, "That's mine!"

The terrible twos
Are worse with boys
The terrible twos
They throw toys.
© From A Poet's Heart
If 'tis the season
To be jolly
Where are all
The lights and holly?

'Tis the season
For families to come
Together and share
Their love for the kingdom.

They ignore,
Not worship,
From A Poet's Heart
We stay locked up inside
W/ friends we can't confide
Talk all day on the phone
But we r still alone

Depression has set in
Anxiety within
We're locked n the whole day
With others we don't play

Some do not confide
But commit suicide
They feel this is the end
& that they've lost their friends

Then we take a look
On that app called Facebook
And see all the cool things
Our friends r remembering

This will be over soon
(It'll ******* the baffoons)
We'll all get back our lives
And b busy like beehives

But until then
Please call your friends
Check on them
Until this ends

© From A Poet's ♥️

In my hand
Means I can't
Meet my demands

© From A Poet's ♥️

I got
Laid off
It ticks
Me off

© From A Poet's ♥️

I use to stay angry
And was almost always unkind
It really didn't matter
If u were nice or spoke your mind

Now I'm 3 yrs free
Of animosity
Now I can truly b
All that I'm meant to b

I have the best hubby
That God could've given me
He treats me like royalty
And says I'm his queen

We don't live n a castle
Or even a fancy mansion
We live with a friend
Until our credit mends

I won't tell u I'm perfect
Or even that I'm great
But during this journey
I'm learning not to hate

I'm learning God is great
I'm learning He is good
I'm learning to trust Him
Even if He's misunderstood

© From A Poet's ♥️

Lockdown in the house
As quiet as a mouse
Lockdown in the house Is turning us into a louse

© From A Quarantined Poet's ♥️

Last night I
Heard a sound
I went looking
Nothing I found

© From A Poet's ♥️

Scared the p*ss
Right out of me
Inspired this
Called poetry

© From A Poet's ♥️

Do not feed me
Any b.s.
Cause n the end
It's u who'll have stress

© From A Poet's ♥️

Letter to God:

U do not love me
Nor do U love my kids
U only care
That they become his.

If they become his
They'll never know me
If they become his
I'll never c my 3.

© From A Mother's 💔

Photo inspiration

Follow link for photo

Photo inspiration

Kissing in the rain
Washes away the pain
Even if it's in the shower
That takes over an hour
The hot water will run out
Then cold water comes out the spout
And then kills the mood
So we move to the room
Things r heating up now
There's no turning back now
Let's keep the momentum going
Now that our juices r flowing

© From A Poet's ♥️

— The End —