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Jayanta Mar 2020
Once started with riddle!
Transect through deprivation
drudgery and debarred!      
Experience edifies us!
Learn how to deign
deliver and derive,  
Crafting self
and bring meaning to life!
Dedicated to Ms Kabe Rongpipi of Chandra Sing Rongpi Village located in Kohora River Basin area of Karbi-Anglong ,Assam.
Getting married at the age of 22 years she pursuing Jhum (slash and burn cultivation) in hills. When first child was born she realizes practicing jhum with small child is difficult, so she search for alternative. She started her alternative venture as Vegetable vendor (she was the first women on this trade in the area) gradually started trading of wild edibles and other NTFP. Now she also practices fruit gardening, food processing along with earlier practices. In our last discussion in January, 2020, she shared ‘she love introduce as business women’.
Jayanta Nov 2018
Shadows are black
Darkness encompass around;
Shadows stand opposite to bright
Where opaqueness block the light!
Darkness of self
Encompasses with transgression;
Craft the shadow
Snag with off beam;  
Brighter exertion fade-out!
Obscurity of shadow
Remain in recollections!
Shadow, darkness, fade-out,
Jayanta May 2018
Something wrong somewhere?
River is supposed to carry water not silt!
It supposed to bless us with water and humus!
But not with sandcasting!

Something wrong somewhere?
Forest is supposed to encompass us with diversity of fortune not with weeds!
It supposed to bless with wilderness of life and opportunity to learn relationship
But not with generation of threat and depreciation!  

Something wrong somewhere?
Road supposed to provides us way to transfer,
Transfer of goods and services of our toil
Transfer of knowledge, idea and skills for betterment!
Not to transfer all the venom of destruction!
Destruction of nature, culture and people!

Something wrong somewhere?
Ruler suppose take position for welfare of all
Not for material gain, congregation of power and arriving at fame!

Something wrong somewhere?
People supposed to stand by the people in joy and in misfortune!
Suppose to stand for brotherhood and posterity
But not to abuse and overthrow!

Something wrong somewhere in the commencement
We unable to learn
‘How to learn and make decision!’
Because every decision spoils our dream, robbed our mammon of life!

Something wrong somewhere
Need to start it again from the beginning!
Jayanta Mar 2018
A wave of thought always encircles you,
A wave of yarn link to civic concern always involves you,
A hope for change always enforces you,
A longing for endeavouring cogent living always inspire you,
Your brashness for a transformation yields this long journey,
A journey for reflexion, inquest, elucidation and communication,
Communiqué for an unfailing thinking and for an effort for human wellbeing!
Now it is the time for us to continue this journey,
A journey of unfurling thought for rationality, fairness and equality!
In memories of late  Prof. S.S. Roy, Science Communicator, Researcher and Social activist.
Jayanta Feb 2018
You asked me,
“What work I like most?”

Really interesting question!
No one asked me till date.
Really difficult to answer!
What should I say …..

If I say caring child,
When they grow up they are independent self,
I can’t say they are my mirror,
They are individual with own stream of aspiration!
If I say household course
It is for the members not for me alone
No body appreciate! Put Complain!
If I say cooking
It is not for self
For the members
After their banqueting
I got the opportunity to eat!

If I say agriculture
It is not for self
It is for the member
No one consult me what to cultivate!
No one consult me when to harvest!
No one consult when harvested will sale out!
However, asked for my labour!

If I say, weaving
Outcome is sale out
Support the member
No one appreciate
Purchase only!

What should I say …….
Very very difficult …….!
Still searching a work of my heart and sole
Only to reflect “who am I”!
Dedicated to the women of the villages located in the Kohora River Basin
of Karbi Anglong, Assam India.
Based on experience gathered from the interaction with the group of women of these villages.
Jayanta Sep 2017
We create conduit for water to flow
Water flowing and revive life
Life bring cheerfulness
Cheerfulness change the face of the paucity
Paucity blessed us to search for changes
Changes makes it cheerful and vibrant with harmony!
In memory of the people living in Subankhata area of Baksa district of Assam, India; who practices traditional water harnessing system locally called as ‘****’; to overcome surface water scarcity in Bahabar zone of Eastern Himalaya.
Jayanta Feb 2017
Try to sail my boat on the river
With a ……
dream to reach the Ocean
thawed in the immensity
and wane the self in verve of azure!
But when started to sail
Water ways displaced by sand-casting,
Stuck-up and waiting
Waiting to wane in verve of timelessness sapphire!
Sail, dream, azure, sapphire water way
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