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Jamie Aug 2014
I want to kiss you under a thousand stars
As any thing less just won't do
But above all else
I miss you
Jamie Aug 2014
At times you seem perfect
But when you don't reply
I die inside

All I think when I see you
Is how you looked
The day I woke you up

The look of..
Let me sleep..
But its nice being with you

Where, for a second
I felt you wanted me.
Why can't that be everytime?
Think it's finally time to give up
Jamie Aug 2014
Today I feel alone
But I know that

I am alone everyday

But on good days
I seem to forget
Not a great day
Jamie Aug 2014
Everytime I do something for you
Your smile makes it all worth while
Jamie Aug 2014
I have troubled thoughts
Something and somewhere
I thought I would never be
Nor consider, from what I used to be

Somewhere along the road
I got lost I have faith but I will find my way
With enough honey JD
I will be patient and wait

I will be so insanely pleased
After all this pain and loss,
My head will once again
Be held very high
Keep the faith
Jamie Aug 2014
Why do I still find it so hard
I think I am trying but is it enough?
I am treding on egg shells
After all of us there has been

I want to be the person
Who you can run to
But I know that job isn't mine,
It wouldn't be fair if I can't run to you

I want to see you upset
Just once or twice
So I can learn how to fix it
As I always want to be by your side
She was upset today and I didn't know what to do
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