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Mar 6 · 157
death in the afternoon
morphine, benzo's/ Its ok.
It was cold. Outside and in it was cold! You know it would be warm where ever you brought me. I knew too. Two lost hearts walking with out holding hands. That would come later and one heart would find salvation. Cobblestone and brick the color of blood basking in our desired misery. My desired misery that you remedied one time, one night. I would give that back now if I could. It is better to be alone and loved than unwanted and discarded. It is better to be alone and loved, than unwanted and alone. Like a carrot on a stick, tease, all of it. I would give that all back to you my friend. All of it, I no longer feel my heart flutter with your name, I feel my stomach tie and growl. I do not want your life in mine. Not this way, not at all, poor thing, old love. I might live less but my soul is ok. Its a new year, I will breathe until I can not and I will sing.
On 2025 of the first month
Feb 4 · 58
Short story 1
February cold, the wind that hits bones as if your skin wasn't there. I was ready. I thought about it over and over for two weeks. What would little abbigal think> or her older sisters Drew and Hannah> They would understand right? Love is not tangible, you can't see it, you can't hold it right?
    Thoughts on my way north on interstate 95. It never was about them in the end, and the end is almost here. I have my last 300$ in my pocket, although spent, I can still turn back.....I can turn around. Maybe talking one more time or a letter? She needed to know it was all or death, not nothing because I don't know what death is yet.

I bought it, just like that. Handed the money and was handed in return a piece of metal with wood grips and a box of shells. I can't turn back now, there is no turning back. ****, the kids though, "STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT," My head rang out in confusion and values. She must not have had any! I'm close now. The sign outside of her work is in the distance. Closer, don't back out. Closer! Yes can you send out Margo, I need to have a word.

A small cloud of smoke and a loud bang and she was bleeding out in the snow in the front of her work. It's time I thought and tuned it to my head. here goes nothi...............

Sammy had killed his ex girlfriend, didn't  leave the scene after he turned the gun on himself.
Feb 1 · 40
motel 2.a.m
phone not needed, headrest stained. Blood only known from prior story. Dead weight in the covers, dead body once or twice removed. Its cheap and its south. I feel ok here now. I'll sleep. You hold the conversation my love.
Feb 1 · 226
James, I'm here.....
James  Joyce sleeping in bed, next to me. He snores almost as a whisper. I don't bother to shake him. I can sleep and he has been through enough the eccentric that he may be. Write. All else is meaningless. That part is somewhat fiction though. We know that from our own depraved eccentric lows and bottoms. Sleep. You will make it right in the morning. It is dark, it is time my friend.
The last time you said that you screamed it, "******* parasites, always looking over my fence." although there was no one there. It stayed like that for a few weeks. It was obvious the wobblies had turned on you, no more safe place for a union supporter.
             The tracks that lead to out of town kept rearing through your skull as if an invite had been sent through some unknown path of communication. The maddness lasted, sometimes it was worse. One day in particular you pinned your curtains closed until there wasn't one speck of light to be seen inside. "They're coming, you wait, they are timing everything". On that night you ran the shower and shut the door. As steam arose into the room you swallowed twenty sleeping pills and placed a plastic bag over your head. Radio blearing in the backround either for comfort or to drown out any sounds of gasping or both! When they wheeled you out of the house your arm fell off the side of the stretcher as if you were saying goodbye. You would have been embarrassed at the thought of your cold white hand waving. You were angry and scared and had said goodbye years before. There was no need of one last. You left like you came, sadly and yet somehow smiling as if you might have known something no one else did. Maybe you did sweetheart, maybe you did.
for a girl long dead but missed
James Worthley Dec 2024
Empty feelings enhanced by empty bottles by empty hands.
Lasting and longing the lasting warmth longing for again.
Crying your tears while crying your point since the town crier died.
Forgetting your heart while forgetting your first kiss, forget.
Moved on, not you but them, Moving in a new life, a new partner. Moving long passed where you have your memories stored that are fresh as the day, like the smell of holidays or your best friends house. Funny how you remember, you remember these things. Those memories are just memories. It's time to anew and start forwarding your own mind. There is nothing you could have done. There is nothing you could have done to keep these from just being memories.
James Worthley Dec 2024
It is the fault of a firefighter for putting your desires out. The blame of a cop for ruining the smile. The town itself for letting these figures in.

You were burning, happy and alone. The stereo played something in the back round that reminded you of a loss, a loss you must not recover from. The improbable odds of winning that war with mourning. Keep looking at the clock, it never stops.

You wrapped yourself in the blanket on the cold, damp cement floor and noticed the paint peeling off the walls seemed to morph if you stared long enough. It was jail, it was honest. It wasn't the lowest of places but it sure wasn't your desire.

These ******* broke you, only laughing at the shattering of hearts and swearing they were needed for your sake and mine. I guess its always been coming that way, down the line, down the lost direction so many pointed in.

I am now lost with out the chaos, without the dignity of knowing you or I, will be ok in the claws of the madness they call "order". You never needed anyone but yourself. You never needed. you never. You, burning and buried.
Dec 2024 · 56
Gro-not- over
James Worthley Dec 2024
Too much. To wild for this place. Comfort with me until the end and I still sat there, like a little boy, confused and blind, while your body gave its last twitch or spasm. Lindsey helped me put you on the blanket they so thoughtfully put on the floor for you? For us? I don't know but it wasn't peaceful or calm. My heart raged with anger and feeling of betrayal. Those feelings exist still. I'm no good I decided twice, I walked you to it. The end, but just a beginning of my sorrow I cry driving sometimes and will walk into a store all glassy and red eyed, sobbing. I feel you are ok. I guess that is all anyone wants. I just hoped you'd be great. Not to me, but in your head. I lost
Dec 2024 · 139
It is so hard to love
James Worthley Dec 2024
Alas a final touch! Its strange laying for hours waiting for solitude, for your exit.  Of course the time has been reveled in and oh the apprize! But somehow I disesteem your warm arm over me. It can be so hard. Always hard to really love when you just want to be alone. Its so hard to be alone at night and the wind is blowing or the snow is gathering on the outside of your sill. It can be hard. Although I like you here, I find pleasure in your goings a while after your comings. It can be so hard to love.
James Worthley Nov 2024
Angels, smoke rising up. Alcohol like a wave crashing inside you. Sometimes you get lonely, but there is usually a reason. Look for angels, have a drink. Take care of yourself
Nov 2024 · 50
a horrid day
James Worthley Nov 2024
November 28th. Been up for 16 hours. Time to lay in bed and do it again tomorrow. Do what? "it" that might mean a drink or a job or a confession. Each day is different. "You are lucky to wake up" said an old man working a train somewhere in North Carolina.
Nov 2024 · 52
James Worthley Nov 2024
well the ocean it was honest, said Im guilty of taking some lifes, but I hold more here than you could hear some have never seen the light

my wife well she was sober, said she couldnt find the time so she left  seemed scared with some other guy but I smiled and waved goodbye
Sep 2024 · 55
There is
James Worthley Sep 2024
Lost looking prints in snow by gray day.
Ice in boot and cold face, trudging towards child like ideas.
hammer on hip for no particular reason, maybe needed.
It's cold now and the fun is frozen if not gone.
Keep looking at those tracks. Look at the prints behind.
they are never coming back.
Sep 2024 · 56
Left me guessing
James Worthley Sep 2024
Three times I know of you escaped
I'm here now and won't let you go, not without fighting
not without me knowing you know WE are fighting.
Sep 2024 · 53
oh sweet cancer of person
James Worthley Sep 2024
skin cancer and death are different. I only hate one of them.
hours of *** and no ******, I am only sad of one.
Sweetness and phone calls and ghost telephones.
what am I trying to call?

I don't know. I know that whatever soul or force answers I can talk.
I can chat all night. I too will suffer all these things and when I'm in the ether of heaven I will answer the phone. I will explain nothing, I will say to go, go on and pretend it lasts forever. If not you go on towards an ending. Maybe there is none. I know, do you?

Worn out shoes that hurt, no money to resolve the issue. Find a pill or a drink or a friend or a field or the ocean or a bad habbit to soothe thy foot. Thy, there , then. it is all ****** babe. fast food, cigarettes, western medicine, drink or gasoline. The ******* figured out how to get paid and get away with it. It, what is that........its you.
James Worthley Sep 2024
We only have so many days and words.
To count them all may take all of our time.
Keep and carry your heart like sheep in herds.
For your heart reveals your love and your crimes.

Chase my heart, my words, in ten syllables.
To carry with us the weight of all grief
Burn my past, null my mind, I’m miserable
Try finding home or some sort of relief.

How should I say that I’d like to go young
People are saving to live past their pain.
When all love is gone and all songs been sung
Let’s meet in heaven and sip nice champagne.

Now off with my head as the sky turns black,
This time here we spent can never come back.
Sep 2024 · 52
sonnet #2
James Worthley Sep 2024
My sweet boy, you've kept me up late some nights.
How beautifully warm you felt all curled up.
Now gone, I have many reason to write.
I'm caught walking and dreaming of you pup.

No words have I, to describe your belly.
A pitter and patter of gentle light.
Still alone I can't help but fill a cup
I've become derelict, aflame with spite!

A drink or two never hurt you my love.
I smell your scent in the walls of my home
You are a living angel from above.
what softly and tender love you have shown.

While whiskey warms my laughing, aching heart.
You are right here A freshly sharpened dart.
Sep 2024 · 52
last call
James Worthley Sep 2024
There is a distant cliff. I can see it coming and its not going away.
There is a chance of going to the edge and there is a chance of turning away.
Once to the edge and once turning. It ended the same.

What a sorry feeling it is to give away trust when you have a choice.
It does not matter
It is just everything.
It is just your life.
Its just this little thing like a hang nail or a splinter or a small burn.
It is you electric bill in the winter when you have the money but the lights outside are to bright and you curse the ******* eddison or tesla.

It is just your life. It is.
You want nothing but the good things and you cant even be good.
You want something. You just haven't figured it out that you needed more than you wanted.
Sleep well now, its time and its earned.
it is last call. it is just your life to spend
Sep 2024 · 70
Late night fog horn
James Worthley Sep 2024
I feel my heart palpitating. I put on some music and sit back.
There was a different time and place where I would keep it together but I've decided I no longer would like that.
I know no physical comfort. The comfort that keeps me alive comes in small little pressed pieces of dust.
Sleeping late, waking up to a distant sound of a lawnmower and I am back in my 6 year old bed. Happy.
Mar 2011 · 729
James Worthley Mar 2011
It holds no water, my water bed, where metal crumbles at my breath.
The powders hard the needles soft if I have lost you then I have lost.
A hobo needs his *****, blues and shoes.
A country reflecting on its past is no country at all but a country bound to run into a wall.
Rain was washing the money clean and the river washed it all down the stream.
Aug 2010 · 595
world war
James Worthley Aug 2010
Sky burning, explosion all around. War for money, war for possesion.
Jul 2010 · 2.0k
death poem, dead horse
James Worthley Jul 2010
Someday  will be cold, dead and stiff as my joints dry and stick.
Underground is nowhere to rest, burning up leaves your bones a mess.
Ocean current, out to sea, That is just not me.
Preserved in ***** for all to see? Maybe you but not for thee.
John Wayne is frozen for years to come,when he thaws, his life still done.   Decaying for years in all these ways,  we all forget we have our day.
again xanax 2010
Jul 2010 · 618
No vauge window
James Worthley Jul 2010
I think the interview went well he said
I lost my keys though, where are they?
Another night with my legs curled to my arms.
Canadian whiskey is good
insane garage writing, xanax 2010
Jun 2010 · 34
fu for you bird
James Worthley Jun 2010
I don't remember sleeping but I remember you.
I never forgot breathing but I forgot where you were,
I boldly eased outside, obvious to watching eyes.
I made fur coats for pillows and cried.
June 2010- From hero, or some
Jun 2010 · 756
lay, lay down
James Worthley Jun 2010
I just keep falling in love with her all the time. The air seems new like in an early may evening. That feeling you get of comfort and refreshment of breathing in deep and almost tasting it. An old porch door swinging open over beaten and worn down boards, comfort and clarity of a familiar place and time. So how should I specify my love in words? Impossible, words are just that, words. My intention is not to tell her but show her. My intention is to love her not own her, my intention is to kiss her not hurt her, my intention is to need her not incarcerate her, my intention is to whisper all these lovely things into her ear. I could certainly be drunk in emotion, I could certainly be wrong in my trust of her, but what is love with out emotion, what is love without trust, what am I without her? I am myself, a slightly out of step odd man with great aspirations, but what I am with her is complete. The night of great design, the day of accomplishment, the sleep of insomniacs, the lunch of a begger, the time of summer in the warm maine coast.
december 2009 wells maine for ms. shepard
Jun 2010 · 810
sea and salt (shorts)
James Worthley Jun 2010
I was walking through the night, it cleared around me, darkness were clouds. I stepped up to cobblestone and dreamt a dream of sea and salt. I dreamt a dream of sea and salt.
june 2010
Apr 2010 · 803
To lions and birds
James Worthley Apr 2010
half drunkard and awkward and weight I have felt,
the last of it all I am sure not been dealt,
the ocean was singing, the sky was amazed,
the bottle I drank from sped up my decay.

To lions and birds, to sheep struck in herds,
the balling of children seems to still go unheard.
Though resting our heads while our minds run and hide,
to beautiful women my eyes still abide,
abide and forgiven by time
Kennebunkport april 8th 2010
Feb 2010 · 864
James Worthley Feb 2010
The if is an uncertain description of what may be not what already is. Woodshine here alone although cars are full. Taking medications to keep  sanity because they told me I was insane but then I really did go insane. Woodshine through windows and doors all the nights.  Never a word that rhymes in time describing a delerious encounter with the moon. No great line here. Woodshine at darkness of day  through crisp fall cool air. Im no longer crazy or maybe not aware of what really is. Woodshined all through the house and even in the night.
Waltham 2010
Feb 2010 · 545
oh this ache
James Worthley Feb 2010
I wait for an hour, I wait for a couple more.
The horse track was not good to me today, I spent my last ten dollars on a favorite to show, he neither shown nor shined. nothing but cigarettes.  Oh the ache, oh the routine.
2010 in 1 minute
Nov 2009 · 1.1k
hero or some
James Worthley Nov 2009
I remember all things good and bad you left before shivering cold in a cell like all lost children beaten down by this life. This life that brought you joy and sleep, a sleep you have become petrified of and never can  rest here.  A smile that burns like gasoline into the minds of all men or women with a watchful eye. The laugh you hear in a bar and remember years later. This life brought you horrible crimes that you may, or may not have committed. Standing in front of humanity with one eye shut and the other pointed away, away from all that disgust in society as you were shown. Not all things bad, in fact many things here are good, you know that. The ever frothing lips of the hangmen, he to shall hang in the stomachs of all mankind and all love. The coming of night that brings hopeful chances of bar beauties or highs. One night the three of us were fortunate enough to each **** the night with some women we had found in Hampton. Trains pass by everyday with imaginative faces propped up against the windows, imitating their longing to have unique minds and ideas. You pass by on trains with out a glance, you can not **** a dead man, you never noticed the excitement from your ideas.

         Now I see oceans of faces screaming in decay, they're screaming the songs of victory, victory over this life. The rhythm of ten thousand slaves walking in harmony to the grave with no sympathy. Well past midnight hours you wait for heavenly Valerie to walk past your door and weep, and wearing nothing but her love for you around her neck shouting for you to come, shouting your name. Long before this you lay face down boiling saliva out from around your lips onto the carpet, dying for the chance to return to a  warm afternoon in march or may. You were revived and back home soon after. The cancer in all our eyes, the pain we all felt must stay a burden, never relief from this calamity. Ah yes success and pleasure were not for you then.
         I sat writing stories to no avail, never starting with a plot only developing one later. This was how life was written. No reason to expect anything else here, boredom brings excitement then to catastrophe. You held me through most, continuing your amphetamines I only wait for your thundering red heart to give up, give in. Then there will be many nights spent sobbing with regret, explanations to your mother and family and lovers long past. The idea that youth dies before the body should never be, should never be mourning for your ignorance, I spent most of this night writing, not so much of you but to you. I spent all of my money gambling and smoked most of my cigarettes. I went to the door and took in a breath of fresh air, I went to my bed and laid uncomfortable unable to sleep or dream of years before when I slept easy.

                  A pain through your aching legs went forth into the ground. Not all is bad and the continuance of random women in your bed, powders dissolved into your blood, smoke drawn down into your lungs, gas pedals pushed to the floor, alcohol soaking your liver, and memories of a lonely sidewalk in Florida will keep you in this life as a hero of my words.

    Part 2

A compass you laid in my hand, to help me home, always concerned with your friends. I see you now, drinking water from streams in wilderness untouched but by you to survive. Whiskey dried up around the curve of your chin, ***** to ease the days and nights of this life. You have survived 5 stepfathers and one father, a family even you can no longer come to terms with. No heavenly Jenny to tend to your wounds anymore. Fatigued and weary you lay on my doorstep, no sleep with out angelic drink to bring you back down. The clouds above your head never really rain or bring forth storm, not in my stories. The stench of your body as you sleep on the floor laid out like blankets by a mother to her child. A small cut on your wrist filed with ink, a reminder of long past agony that always returns before you can escape it. The sweetness you have left between many a girls thighs, the pain you carry alone, I know, I know.
               You thumbed to southern states to make a new home, what home have you made that keeps you in comfort and ease? This goes deeper than alcohol that your liver is always at war with. More so than your mouth that has betrayed your mind and spit out  words you can never take back so you say them again and again. White linen, clean sheets and a clean shave, perfumes and colognes, what are these things? The answer is in your fingers, you have overcome a typical drunk or ***, you may drink all day, you may never find a home but you can not and will not be these things. You are your home, its in the depths of your stomach. West called you but you never came, you never followed a single thing, you went alone and not scared of the fate we all will suffer, not concerned with the poisons or lie or the war in which we all fight just on a simple walk to the store, or to buy a pack of cigarettes. Victorious, lay on my floor! Sleep on my steps! **** for your dinner and lay your seed in her! The most immortal sin you could create would be to leave us with out some kin to look after when you go on that long walk you never come back from. The heights by which we stand while standing next to you, the current we fight swimming through rivers, this all goes back to you! I take my jacket off and put a shot of makers to my mouth, my throat warms and my legs weaken, This life, this pain, this woman, this death, it all grows distant now. You stand while roots of it grow around your feet clinging to your legs to climb closer to your chest and forever take you into its grasp. Just burning any feeling, any memory away, you just keep creating memories for the world who may never take notice of its children like you who make laughter from tears and adventure from stale nights.

          Benjamin, let fall your impression on this sand, let yourself become ash to soon, let not us down but going and going to the end of all this minced horrific times, let not night keep a shadow on your face, let not the world forget these things you did.

Part 3.

You miss your mother! The picture waits right next to your bed. The fire you started with nothing but a bottle of cough syrup and a few dollars is burning my mind and hands till they all blister and come back as a scar that feels ******* to the touch. Driving 94 miles an hour from New Jersey  on interstate 95 over heaves and cracks till they broke the suspension, no care must get home must get home to safe bed with espestis floor and many cigarette burns on the sheets. The shower is running, the heat is barely working. This is no poverty or lack of responsibility its just home. Paint my picture a thousand times and hand it to me from your window with a pipe , its getting warmer the longer we speak. Why not, why not anymore road in America or late night convenience store hang out to pick up women and fresh air. Lay down your guard, leave your problems in that bed and come run through the wicker with us.
winter 2008- From hero, or some
Oct 2009 · 1.2k
short steps, short poem
James Worthley Oct 2009
Pass fires, rage like bulls.
Fight storms, cursing like sailors.
Leave home, thrilling Las Vegas.

Bet the farm on it.

Drive cattle, find patterns around you.
Drink long, burn down the yard.
Talk out loud, remember, I'll always love you.
Amtrak south 2009

— The End —