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 Nov 2015 ja
Teresa Reyes
 Nov 2015 ja
Teresa Reyes
Why must I be attracted to you?
With your reputation,
with your bad habits,
with the way you touch me,
with the way you drag that cigarette.
People told me about you, hoping I would stay away.
But how can I stay away from someone as bad as you?
All the things they tell me about you won't keep me away.
It's like you're toxic, my own personal drug I use everyday.
Everything you do infatuates me.
I'm in love with you.
I love to be taken over by the thrills and excitement of doing something bad.
Bad boys, the worst kind.
It's my thing.
What makes it better?
You told me "You're forever mine."
true story
 Nov 2015 ja
 Nov 2015 ja
it's bad
very bad
to want to be around someone
this bad
but i can't help it
is that bad?
 Nov 2015 ja
 Nov 2015 ja
Growing by the moment
when hearing fortune
when seeing happiness

Feeling even weaker
when hearing luck
when seeing love

Just by others
never happening to you
never seeing your own good
 Nov 2015 ja
 Nov 2015 ja
I watch the chatter of long time friends
The jealousy's blooming
It will never end
The thing that's always been there that refuses to let go
This ***** named jealousy is the only friend I know.
 Nov 2015 ja
 Nov 2015 ja
A green eyed monster within,
in behaviour satan's akin.
Other's possessions are his attraction,
flies on wings of dissatisfaction.
Hopes more for other's loss than his gain,
can take ugliest of forms without constraint.
 Oct 2014 ja
Ocean Blue
A secret
 Oct 2014 ja
Ocean Blue
Please, come closer
I wish to feel you near
So I can whisper
Something in your ear.
Three little words I call a secret,
A commitment I don't dare to say
But if you press on my heart
You'll feel it anyway.
 Oct 2014 ja
 Oct 2014 ja
Sometimes when you have been away for a while, or when I've felt you shut me out, my wanderings through the night change.
I used to be sad when you would fade away.
I used to mourn you over and over, every time you retreated from me
And came crashing back like the tide.
But now...
Maybe I've just lost too much these past months
And have no mourning left in my heart
Clean, like the leaves are after a long brutal storm,
Maybe I am simply tired after this life of longing and loss, but as I walk, every shadow takes something of me with it.
Every glittering pool of lit rainwater
Every flower holding darkness like a mist around it
Everything I look upon, everything that touches me
The heavy, wet air, the soft ground, the dull charcoal sky, the trees with bits of skeleton beginning to show beneath their flames of leaves,
They take what I need gone from me.
They take who I am, the person who loves you,
Until I am just an outline of myself,
Just the sketched lines of a person, so faint as they kiss the cheek of the night.
Make me new.
Make me velvety black like the sky. Take my complexities, the twisted knots of my desires
And spread them across the land like a spiderweb.
Let them snag the fat tears the moon leaves in the grass when dawn banishes her.
Let somebody else worry.
I wander until I am truly alone. Until I am lost.
I am not myself by the end. I am not anybody
And a strange sort of bliss seeps into me with the shadows and the quiet: Ah, finally.
I breathe in the moonlight, let it light the planes of me that still exist with its iridescent glow.
And although I know I will return, come rushing back the way the sea rushes to fill every footprint on the beach...
That is then, and this is now.
For now I am a breath not taken,
A sentence thought but never voiced,
A moment missed in the blur of the world going by.
And I am happy to be so.
 Oct 2014 ja
Kurt LaVacque
Good morning love
May the sleep that we share
Fill a field of a thousand flowers
Sunflower sunsets painted as we take and digest
The beauty that is within everything
Even the destuctive and disheveled
Because darling
Broken hearts cannot halt us from achieving our dreams
I mean
I love just you and me
 Oct 2014 ja
Pride Ed
Slice of Life.
 Oct 2014 ja
Pride Ed
Cold sunlight fills my
room today. Coffee
from the night before
stains the corners of
my mouth and I
remember to fold the
laundry. I am not
missed when I touch
the same stained
white linen shirt
for an hour. But
someone said they
thought they heard
me crying from the
upstairs window.
Its lunchtime, and all I
have to eat are
complaints about what
someone else did.
I feel as though I
should pass the sugar,
but that may cause alarm.
I only touch what
I am told. I only touch
what I can control. I
think about eating the
dish soap as I show
you the contents
of my stomach
and see the surprise
on your face.
I think its
evening now.
I lose track of
everything now and then.
So forgive me when I say
I don't remember
your name, and which
room of the house
you stay in.
Quit yelling at me
when I'm face down
in the baby's bath
Please quit assaulting
me with IVs
every time we
take unexpected trips
to the ER.
I hate how cold hospitals
feel. They make my
nose runny.
And that doctor needs
to stop telling me
that I should go
away for awhile.
What does he mean anyway?
I'm watched for
several days after.
I think they like
the way I do
the laundry now.
I cleaned out my
drawer and I
fell in love
again with my
station in life.
Its evening again,
and I can't remember
why I was crying
at all.
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