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 Jun 2015 IvyB Xx

As a little girl I saw you
You fell down and scraped your knee
And as the tears flowed
down your face
You thought I didn't see
Your mother came and hugged you
I wonder if you knew
That as she held you close to her
I came and hugged you TOO.

Yes, my child, I hugged you.
How it hurt to see you cry!
You thought that I was far away
But I heard your softest sigh.
You thought that I was far away
But I was always there...

Your every pain a call to Me
And every tear a prayer.

As a growing child I witnessed it
How the girls teased you in school
Well you understood the pain
Of being made a fool.
In the schoolground they all
Taunted you
I don't think that you knew
That when you sat
And hugged yourself
I came and hugged you TOO.

Yes, my child, I hugged you.
How it hurt to see you cry!
You thought that I was far away
But I heard your softest sigh.
You thought that I was far away
But I was always there...

Your every pain a call to Me
And every tear a PRAYER.

You came to be a woman
As precious as a dove
But you never saw it
For you'd always felt unloved
And so the world hurt you
How it tore you apart!
So I called you out and wooed you...


So now you know I love you
Now you see I cried!
Every time you did not trust Me
And believed deception's lie
Now you know LOVE YOU

Your every day a call to me


(C) 2/18/2009
This is a song I wrote a while back.
I will have it produced one day.

I kept my feelings locked up,
In letters.
Imprisoned by words.
Controlled by a choked up pen and a tear stained page.
Because I was afraid
I was afraid.
What others might think.
What others might say.
What others might not say.

In reflection,
My life was lived through fear.
Ruled by a tyrant with an iron fist.
But anyone can acknowledge
Their mistake.
How was I to move past fear?
To scale the walls that had protected me.
Made of bricks that I laid myself.
That I mortared together with animus
To keep everything out
To keep me safe.

But I started my ascent
Climbing brick by brick.
Passing one scribed with "Sarcasm"
Another etched with "Solitude"
And as I progressed
I passed others named,
"Laughter," "Humor," and "Feigned Interest."
Each one placed by my hands.
Each one now beneath me.
As I reached the summit of my wall.

Now was the difficulty.
Now this was my decision.
Pressure resting on me.
The effort it had taken to scale this brick fortress.
Was it in vain?
Had I wasted my energy.
Would I return
To the existence I had created?

Would I
Take Flight?
And soar to the ground,
With wings feathered with bravery and guile,
Vibrant in color and life.
Embracing both the sun and the rain.
Instead of passing on sunlight to avoid the possibility of precipitation.
All or nothing,
I told myself.
"If the definition of insanity is proceeding down the same road expecting different scenery,
You need to
 Jun 2015 IvyB Xx
The mountain sat impassively, daring
Asking no questions
Just waiting for the moment
The slip of unconquered glory
Death, or worse, permanent injury
You took my legs old friend
I hold no malice
Probably love you more
I’ll be getting my new ones soon
Walking in no time they say
But walking is no good to people like us
It’s the intimacy
We are one
I promise to be gentle
If I make it, I won’t gloat
If not, we stay friends forever.
 Jun 2015 IvyB Xx
 Jun 2015 IvyB Xx
you told me you loved
well if thats true why did
you leave
i'm broken and my heart
is shattered and i',m struggling
to pick up the pieces
you trampled on them
as you left
 Jun 2015 IvyB Xx
 Jun 2015 IvyB Xx
if you really loved me
you would tell me
and you wouldn't waste
time playing games
 Jun 2015 IvyB Xx
Old text messages are the devil
Because they show that one day
it was *"Let's go get coffee together."

And that day led to making out,
behind a shed neither of us owned.
They show that the next week,
you were on your way over
to my house.  
"On my way."
And that day...
oh, god, that day...
I trusted you.
I said no.
My trust was misplaced.
You violated me anyway.
They show that you kept in contact;
you texted me daily for a month after.
As if nothing happened.
As if my life hadn't been torn apart.
"I love you."
"You want to get coffee again?"

 Jun 2015 IvyB Xx
 Jun 2015 IvyB Xx
can you bend what i give you
   so that we fit
         like a puzzle
nothing forced
only smoooooth connections
         all the way around
so that the finished product
is one admired by artists
              and lovers
i need someone that fits
 Jun 2015 IvyB Xx
brandon nagley
I wonder how Spain is
This time of year
Oh well
I got the best part of Spain
She's right here!!!
 Jun 2015 IvyB Xx
brandon nagley
She maketh me want to do better
She maketh me better
She is mine better!!
She is me
I am also her!!!
True love!! True amour
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