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  Nov 2020 Yana Kim
Mitch Prax
We all have demons,
but only some of us try
to hide them away

3:57 PM
  Oct 2020 Yana Kim
Hey smile!
Where are you?
I'm searching you everywhere
But you are not there.

Is this our friendship
Which we have shared
I don't need you to be fake
Please give me a real smile
And awake

As it is the only one
Which can hide my pain
Comeback my dear
And stay on my face
Let's shake the hands
And disappear all the aches
Yana Kim Oct 2020
Sometimes, it is the thing
That rolls down your throat
It cures your thirst
Sometimes, it is the thing
That rolls down your face
It thirsts for cure
No stopping the tears from flowing
Yana Kim Oct 2020
When people say depression
What they imagine is someone forlorn
But you will never see me frown
They could never tell I am down

Am I good in acting?
Or is it on lying?
My smiles and responses are automatic
You can never tell I am a lunatic

Will someone discover
The truth down under
No time to discover
Till I am six feet under
When will they know?
Yana Kim Oct 2020
I don’t want to move
All I want to drink is *****
All I want to do is snooze
I think the screws in my head are loose

My room reeks
I haven’t cleaned for weeks
My body’s turning weak
But my family didn’t hear a squeak

I don’t know when it started
Suddenly my life went upended
Am I becoming a sloth?
Or living is just a bore?
I don’t know what to feel. I am freaking tired.
Yana Kim Oct 2020
“Bang!” one word in the novel
It killed the man
“Sorry.” one word uttered
The man killed me
Mindless thoughts
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