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 Jan 2018 Intrépide
 Jan 2018 Intrépide
i am not one for making bets
but i bet your heart skipped too
when my soul recognized you
 Jan 2018 Intrépide
 Jan 2018 Intrépide
the sky tonight looks dark,
she wonders,
where did the stars go,
little did she know,
not all of them are lost,
some are here,
unaware of it,
and wonders.
i still think about you
and wonder if you care
but you never call or text
it’s like i was never there

you don’t know what it’s like
this feeling of grey
i still think back to that last night
i wish you would’ve stayed

i gave you all of me
and got nothing in return
my bedside’s full of empty bottles
that go down like a slow burn

even though you hurt me
I still wish you nothing but the best
People say that’s what love is

and i know.  i have loved you ever since we met.
 Dec 2017 Intrépide
 Dec 2017 Intrépide
at last,
after exploring endless tunnels,
fighting unbeatable foes,
searching unknown souls,

tragedy found his cure,
his hope,
his happiness,
his poem,
his own,
 Dec 2017 Intrépide
 Dec 2017 Intrépide
rough night,
city lights,
you on my sight,
no more,
no less,
trapped in horizon,
bumper to bumper,
slowly eating time,
so i hold your hand,
tracing all the lines,
in your palm,
until it connects with mine,
so deep,
it reaches your soul,
head on your chest,
listening to your favorite songs,
while i explore every maze of your heart,
every pound,
every rhythm,
every word it speaks,
there's one thing we're sure of,
its our love,
its our fight.
I will hold you and never let go.
I stalked our horoscopes;
I deciphered the coffee grounds.
I even took the time piecing
the broken mirror back together
to read between the cracks,
in hopes I'd receive a sign.

The Universe told me to
stop searching the unknown
for answers I already know.
My coffee grounds suggested
that I needed to sleep, and
the shattered mirror crooned:
"Put yourself back together
before you try to mend another."
 Nov 2017 Intrépide
Diana Y
I feel powerful.
I feel compelling.
I feel forceful.

Like everyday
Every night
Every tear I've ever shed

Made me stronger.
 Oct 2017 Intrépide
one day
 Oct 2017 Intrépide
i will smile for you again,
and wash these tears away with rain,
hoping that one day,
i will be seeing you,
in that exact place,
throwing jokes,
feeding fishes,
burning cigarettes,
watching star shines,
proving aliens exists,
reliving moments,
drinking hot choco at noon,
until then,
i will be missing
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