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 Oct 2017 Intrépide
give me your forever,
or at least just for a while

give me serenity,
or at least give me peace

give me never-ending,
or at least give me a mile

give me happiness,
or at least give me a smile

guide me to your soul,
or at least

leave me something i can treasure,
let me have you tonight
even if its
just for a while.
I'm out here getting drunk on
While you're out there being sober on reality.
 Oct 2017 Intrépide
 Oct 2017 Intrépide
i never stopped writing about you,
i never did.

every stanza, every draft, every metaphor,
convening it piece by piece, alone.
along with these bittersweet coffee and creased papers.

waiting for your wildest comeback,
you never did.
 Oct 2017 Intrépide
 Oct 2017 Intrépide
it was a cold night,
covered with blankets,
"let me make your coffee", i said.
she sipped from that scorching mug,
ranting how brewed it was,
asking, "where's the sugar, love?"
i smiled back,
swiftly kissed her.
and whispered,
"there you go, let me spill it all over your ******* lips."
 Oct 2017 Intrépide
Abby Mendoza
too lost in you
to actually know
what love
should really feel like.
I write better than I speak
and comprehend
much more than I read

We are all unwilling psychics
reading each others minds
like skimming thru half read lines
of a familiar novel as if we know somebody

Do I bore you with my simplicity
or do I bore into you...
on a mission
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