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  Jun 2022 Inori Kimimoto
You are the light of my life
My morning sun and my evening moon
I want to reach you and stay by your side
Too bad you’re just “not in the mood”
Too bad “you have better things to do”
Because the only thing I do
is think of you

I dream
of you thinking about me too
Sometimes we want to be cared about by the wrong person
  Jun 2022 Inori Kimimoto
i'm losing friends like i'm losing sleep
apologies don't work, and neither do sheep
don't go, because i want you to stay
but don't lie to me, you're leaving someday
Inori Kimimoto Sep 2021
with the sword we tore apart,
i carve this message unto you:

brandished bark bears
names etched in time,
our honest tale it shares.

it tells of my meeting you,
brown eager eyed girl,
hair black scarf subdued,
oh precious pearl.

a simple shy hello
and tongue-tied good bye.
so our babbled ballad goes;
a mere shift from high to low.

~ Inori
learning to let go is an exercise in both patience and tolerance. blue days will casually come by and you'll sigh; but so will good days, where you'll laugh and laugh until the pain in your ribs mirrors your misery.

remember now:
(i) it's okay to visit the past, but don't stay long; it is in the past that despair dwells.
(ii) to dream of tomorrow is a right to all. let us strive to achieve our dreams within our means and not burden ourselves with worry over the direction of the wind in our sails, being conscious always of whom we encounter on our voyage through the open sea.

~ Inori
Inori Kimimoto Sep 2021
the meaning of an apology:
echoes of a thousand I’m Sorry’s;
the silence of deceit, its awful slink;
the humbled hope to atone,
to pay amends where due,
to mend the maimed,
and trust renew.

forgiveness is a sad word:
it bears the scar of a wound;
to forgive is to hope with hurt.
it is to trust in tide to wash ashore;
for in lack of trust and hope,
it is noble to sink with the ship.
it is bolder yet to hop asea,
and let tide be guide.

the parable of the builders:
the wiser built his house on  rock,
the rain came down,
the floods came,
the winds blew,
and beat on that house;
and it did not fall,
for it was founded on a rock

the foolish built his on sand,
the rain came down,
the floods came,
the winds blew,
and beat on that house;
and it fell — and great was its fall.

determination's downfall;
for, is a house still not a house
despite its foundation?
fortune's fortress looms;
our sandcastle holdfasts hampered in comparison,
but home is neither keep nor battlement,
neither moat nor bailey,
neither portcullis nor drawbridge;

home is where you touch the ground,
where you choose to grow...

the rain will retain its hiss;
but the rain is still the rain,
the floods remain the floods,
and the wind is just the wind.

~ Inori
After a long hiatus from writing to focus on my academic life, which currently is in shambles, I present my apology: an I'm sorry for allowing negativity, doubt and youthful ignorance to get me down to the point of barely functional soon-to-be drug addict ; an apology long overdue.

~ Inori
Inori Kimimoto Mar 2021
The cost of free is:
four hundred years of slavery,
a billion pounds of gold,
decades of senseless brutality,
millions in captivity

and the body of yet another innocent man.

~ Inori
A poem written after the University of the Witwatersrand protests
Inori Kimimoto Feb 2021
I still recall the minutes spent;
Every kiss and moment — hands intwin’d,
Days with thee, thy interest fully lent.
Sitteth I and ponder sober mind’;
Of thy gaze and grace and lovely face,
Of thy voice tuned sweetly like the lark.
Tho’ time apart hath drawn a pace,
Riseth I, with heavens eye to hunt the snark.
Seeketh I in places dark and sullen grim
With naught but hope and love equip’d,
Plungeth I to caverns gull and dim
Void of joy and weary grip’d.
    I trace the beast and find it’s lair,
    To my surprise: a maiden fair!

~ Inori
A ballad writ for a maiden fair
Inori Kimimoto Feb 2021
I remember when we first met,
t’was a chill’d Autumn day.
Oh, how ever could I forget!
it was a Friday, many a May.

On that day, stood thee:
fair skin’d and rosey cheek’d,
dark plumes in morning gust.
your gaze my eye had seek’d,
your touch my heart did lust.

on that day, stood I:
heart heavy with fluster,
stood I still as time did flow;
if only courage could I muster,
my love for you would I show.

Wo! my heart did cry,
Wo! had I sadly weep’d,
until my name you did call
and my heart to heavens leap’d.
oh the joy! I still recall.

~ Inori
A poem for a girl with fair skin and rosey cheeks
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