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indigochild Dec 2018
when two remain silent,
our breath becomes louder than
the missing words
- we aren't afraid of the quiet, we are afraid of what lurks inside it
indigochild Dec 2018
unzip my thoughts
leave me bare
never allowing tainted words to escape me
pulling words from your lips
that will never reach me
indigochild Dec 2018
with the footsteps of 100 heartbeats
you claw out my heart
with gentle fingers
- i know you cheated on me
indigochild Dec 2018
pillows are just sponges for the choppy waters on my face
indigochild Dec 2018
i needed to be closer
but the clothes between our beings forbid us
indigochild Dec 2018
ignoring who i am is almost worst than hating who i am

i laid bare before you, heart slipped on the hardwood floor
you became blind

i screamed vows in your ear, words scattered on the couch
you became deaf

i beggingly shook your shoulders, history spilled on the bed
you became paralyzed

you prayed
i sinned

this was not a choice

please respond
just please

i’d rather have you hate me
indigochild Dec 2018
texts can’t hold my hands
screens can’t press our lips

but for now i'll just have to feel you through the phone
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