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 Jan 2015 Riley
 Jan 2015 Riley
Love is a simple minded
selfish word
It is an emotion
that is rarely found
It is a way to express yourself
to the deepest meaning
It shouldn't be thrown around
to random things or people
It should be for that special one

Love is the way we
secure our trust
It can be deceiving
It can be the best feeling
in the world
It is unique
Love is a simple minded
selfish word
So, let us be selfish
 Jan 2015 Riley
Unheard of
 Jan 2015 Riley
time is important
to those who use it wisely
and use it like it should be
instead of staring at a clock
just watching minuets
and seconds just fly by
but that's unheard of

art is to be looked at
not stared at nor studied
for a message
it is merely eye candy
not the newest puzzle for someone
to try and solve
but that's unheard of

music is to be listened to
and enjoyed
to be treasured and loved
as upbeat poems combined with
flying notes that escape from
speakers and headphones
but that's unheard of
 Jan 2015 Riley
Valles of blue and green flowers
spread out before you with arrays
of paths and trails going
in each and every way
sun glowing high in the sky
birds chirp high in tress that go on
disappearing into clouds that fade
away into nothing

Smoky mist surround
graves of the dead
as howls terrorize ears
in deafening screeches
like nails across a chalkboard
bone piles found about
laying in dismay and sorrow
moss hangs from once
living tree branches that now
resemble boney fingers

A smile across her face
with a loose strand of hair
dangling in her eyes
and arm around her and a
body pressed against her in an
affectionate manner with care
and grace with no thought of hurting her
 Jan 2015 Riley
I give them my heart
in hope they will treat it well
with care and compassion
so that it may comfort them in
their time of needs
when all hope is lost
and they need a friends' love

I give them my mind
to help in time of
puzzled minds and lost
thoughts while they are
bending over clutching their heads
with pounding thoughts and
seamless ideas

I give them my body
for protection and for that comfort safe presence
for manual labor
to exploit for their needs
and their needs only
so they may accomplish what
it is they desire to have accomplished

I give them my emotion
to take my feelings
as if to replace their own
and fill themselves with happiness
instead of sorrow or grief
to fulfill their expectations of
what it is like to live

I give them my soul
the last part of me
that is worth anything to
anyone or anything
to show them what it is like to
be more than one
I am not me
for I live
in the hands of others
 Jan 2015 Riley
 Jan 2015 Riley
you are not good enough
never were and never
will be you are a failure
through and through
inside and out no
matter how hard you try
you will always be in last
because what is first
to you anyway
a title and a figment of
your imagination that you
wish someone would see you
but they don't
you are invisible
and you know it
nothing more than just
another kid dragging their self  
down a lonely hallway
 Jan 2015 Riley
 Jan 2015 Riley
What is a friend
without a shared laugh
it’s a person without blood
it’s a life without a point
it’s a jacket without sleeves
it’s a rollercoaster without a down
it’s a mountain without an up
it’s a life without you
it’s a person I don’t want to be
 Jan 2015 Riley
The darkness is
my only friend
because it is
the only thing
that is true
the light can trick you
it can be deceiving
and it can hurt you
but in pitch black
everything is the same
and that is why
we should all see
in the way of the dark
 Jan 2015 Riley
 Jan 2015 Riley
To feel the danger in a twisted
steep mountain road
to see the world above a city
I want to climb the hill
that life has to offer
I want to take life on
at its steepest
like a mountain
I wish to live
in the mountains to life
at a heightened experience

Life is twisted and steep
like a mountain pass
I want to climb that pass
I want to test my strength
against the mountains’
I want to show that
I will not quit at the sight|
of problems twisting
left and right, because
I know that up
is where I’m going
each step would take an hour
but be worth the knowledge

The world we live in
is scaled down, softened
so we don’t get hurt
I want to live
dangerously on that mountain
to show I don’t need protection
I want to be hurt
and scared I want
to be mortally wounded
so I can stand up
as if it were nothing
more than a scratch
to what I could be

I want to reach the top
and smile at the hour long
steps I took to get there
to be able to overlook
everything that I have
just overcome to sit down
and finally be able
to take a break
from what has been
my life to look at the
sharp turns and the
boulders I have just climbed

I wish to live
in the mountains to live life
at a heightened experience
to know what life feels like
at its fullest
to overcome all the challenges
and to be able
to look down and smile
 Jan 2015 Riley
I dream
 Jan 2015 Riley
Gunshots and poems
is what I dream
as the press into
hearts and pages
of sad lonely
notebooks and people
that just need a
word or a wound
to feel complete
one last time

I dream of
church bells and screams
that drown each other out
as their finest moments
in wailing agony and
peaceful chimes to
let us know that
everything could
change in the
blinking of an eye

Thunderclaps and steak knifes
fill the nightmares
that I dream
creating death-filled settings
full of evil laughs and
clowns to haunt
everything we could
ever want to
ever be

I dream of
the future full
of me and you
with smiles and
giggles of tickle
fights and cheek
kisses galore and
sparkles in two peoples'
eyes of nothing but
pure happiness
 Jan 2015 Riley
Eyelashes flutter
in series of opening to beautiful
eyes that can captivate
anyone in a single glimpse
because they belong to her
and who doesn't
love her and her beautiful
eyes that only look at you
keeping you perfectly still everywhere
but you heart
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