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"It's easy to die but it's not easy to live."
We must die
Yet, for our words won't dry
On the blank sheet's of papers

Endlessly the poesy
Shall remain
Even in the aftermath

From all those poems
Who were given birth from a poet writer
They shall remain

When the poets breathe no more
The poems will breathe
For Eternally ....

Yet, the words will stay and remain the same
But the thoughts
Will speak to those whom read the poet's  poems

So, we shall write till the end
Even if we are reborn
And don't remember who we were in the aftermaths

Therefore our words live on
So, let us the poet's writers give a gift
To the poems
Copyright © 2017 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
Men want breakfast in bed
and morning head
They want their clothes laid out
and your legs splayed out
They want the house clean
Do what you're told
Don't get mean
Never question whether things
aren't what they seem
Know your role
Know your place
Don't make up your mind
Make up your face
Rear their children
but keep your figure tight
Those stretch marks he gave you
are an ugly sight
Treat your man like a king
But who is protecting the queen
Who maintains the home
And raises the kids alone
Who works but finds time
to do what you do not
And you throw it in her face
all the **** she bought
So you would love her
As she thinks you ought
She wants to be perfect for you
but you tell her she's not
So she obeys her curfew
and never stays out late
You tell her what you hate
that she does
And she gets frustrated because
She can't please you
You're always at unease
So she bends to you
Breaking her knees
While she's down there
she doesn't pray
She tries to tease you
To make you laugh and play
Because you expect of her
What you neglect yourself
You make both of your lives
A living hell
The fire burns her
as she struggles
to earn your affection
The way you treat her
a reflection of how you feel about yourself
Because you know
what she does
You could never do
without her help
All these men
made themselves kings
Thinking rings were chains of slavery
Women calling themselves queens
Lacking any bravery
I will paint scarlet skies blue,
Until the blood fades away.
Replace the smog with grass,
Replace tears with trees that sway.

I will sing a cheerful song,
As chaos screeches into the air.
Breathe in oxygen where before
My lungs were bare.
Lost something along the way,
Fell off the broken path.
Struggled with being gay,
Felt the world's wrath.
There lies the truth between the lines
or maybe they are lies
Maybe you found them
or maybe i made them find you
Its like an awakening at times
all the emotions unitise
Get high on the sprinklers of deceit which i spell on you
while i weave your reality like a web
the only way out is - that you cannot.
if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
if a teenager commits suicide and no one is around to notice, did they ever exist? when you look at it that way, high school feels a lot like deforestation
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