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11.8k · Jun 2013
Exams are unjust.
Holly Jun 2013
Genuine intellect is often falsely understood.

Brainpower cannot be measured by grades or exam performance,
Nor from one's tone of voice or accent,
Or the complexity of their vocabulary.
It is not always proportional to the size of an income,
The exclusivity of a school,
The grasp of understanding of trigonometry or algebra,
Or one's apparent IQ.

Difficulties and struggles do not make you unintelligent,
They make you human.

Clarity of insight,
Being a good judge of character
and showing an understanding beyond thought
indicate subtle brilliance.

Having an aptitude with words,
Knowing how to comfort, to console,
Delicacy and precision
And showing empathy to emotions
Signify the intricate beauty of the mind.

Intelligence is sensitive, and has a certain elegance.
It is knowing, but not saying.
3.2k · Jun 2014
Astronomical Love Triangle
Holly Jun 2014
Do you think it is
the sun that loves the moon?
shining shyly, seductively,
enticing and craving
its constant adoration
and undivided attention?

Or perhaps it is the moon
that so desperately desires the sun?
whilst in orbit, always hoping to catch
a glimpse of its radiant beauty,
enthralled by its passion, its strong
and irresistible magnetic pull?

I wonder if their love is challenged by the stars?
striking, dazzling, beautiful,
infinite onlookers, ever-watchful in the sky,
twinkling dangerously, a flirtatious third party,
competing with the sun
or trying to outshine the moon?

Despite their temptation,
the stars fail to weaken or change
the lovers, the moon and sun,
and eventually fade into insignificance.
random. extended metaphor for human love, with the stars representing interference/difficulties in a relationship
2.9k · Nov 2013
Holly Nov 2013
Night time
Is the worst time of day.

It's not the darkness,
Not the shadows,
Nor the scary noises.
But I dislike the echoes
Of all my negative thoughts,
My doubts, my worries
And my fears
That keep me awake.
It's impossible to sleep;
Repetitive in my mind
They grow louder and louder,
Piercing the silence,
Haunting the night.
2.5k · Nov 2013
Holly Nov 2013
I have never felt
more confused
than I do now.

being prejudged,
pressure from teachers,
expectations from parents,
insecurities from media influence
or by comparing ourselves to others.
stumbling through
day by day,
low self-esteem,
peer pressure,
mood swings,
not feeling good enough,
constant tiredness
and emotions that
we don't even understand
are things that we,
as teenagers,
have to face every day.

Fighting to hold it together
whilst still trying to figure out
who we are.

Self-harm? "attention seeker"
Mental illness? "get a grip"
Suicidal? "cheer up"

They can be so ignorant.

I don't think
that some people realise
how difficult it is
to grow up
in a society
like this.
2.2k · Jun 2013
Do not complain
Holly Jun 2013
If you've never felt the piercing cold of winter,
How would you know the pleasant warmth of a summer's day?
If you do not know of sorrow,
How do you know what is joy?
If you are yet to experience unfathomable failure,
How can you revel in success?
If you have not suffered,
You will not appreciate happiness.

If you've never felt weakness or vulnerability,
How would you know of strength and compassion?
If you do not know of oppression,
How do you know what is freedom?
If you are yet to experience paralysing fear,
How can you be courageous?
If you have not been through heartbreak,
You will not appreciate the beauty of true love.
True love is love that is always returned.

To value the good,
You must first encounter the bad.
1.7k · Jun 2013
Holly Jun 2013
"But I don't want to die." said a tiny young girl, tearfully.

"You don’t die, not really,
There's another life afterwards, a better life,
Just waiting for you.
You'll be able to see Nanny again,
When you're up in heaven." replied her Mother at once, comforting her.

How do you escape death?
Truth is, you can't.
It's the only guarantee of life,
The only certainty.

Humans try to conquer their fear of death
By painting wonderful mental pictures,
Creating a mirage of white lies,
Of reassurance.
Convincing themselves that there's a better life.
Dreaming of heaven;
Clear blue skies,
Songbirds chirping harmoniously
From dawn until dusk,
Rewards for good behaviour,
for those deemed obedient enough.
But realistic?
I'll leave that for you to decide.

Heaven symbolises the escape from the fear of dying.
An attempt to comfort,
To put minds at rest.
Created to make people feel less frightened, and
followed by those scared of death,
scared of the unknown.
I don't mean to intentionally offend religious people in any way through this poem, I'm just expressing my personal opinions about this topic.
1.4k · Sep 2014
Love or Lust?
Holly Sep 2014
As her pupils involuntarily dilate,
butterflies squirm excitedly in her stomach
and her heart rate soars
whenever he is near.
And when he isn't,
her body desperately craves his touch,
whilst her (somewhat sensual) thoughts
are of nothing else in the world but him.

Is this love? or lust?

When he catches a glimpse of her
an uncontrollable tingling erupts somewhere,
- and I think you know where -
as he shoots darting glances her way.
In her absence, irrepressible fantasies
race through his mind,
the blood pulsing heavily through his veins;
wild and on fire at the thought of being with her.

Is this love? or lust?

Both are compelling and all-consuming
and they sometimes merge together,
but they are different emotions.
They should not be mistaken for each other.

Sometimes I feel that the word love
is said too much
or carelessly thrown around
and this makes me sad.

It should be used carefully
so that it doesn’t lose its meaning
or value.
It should remain powerful.

Hormones and desire fuel
but it is not the same as
the more passionate and
unconditional emotion of
I just think that sometimes, to save people from heartache etc, people should distinguish more clearly between love and lust. Don't say 'I love you' to someone unless you absolutely MEAN it.
1.3k · Jul 2013
Homo sapiens
Holly Jul 2013
I am bored
of routine,
of familiarity,
and of repetition.
I just exist,
I am unimportant,
but really, we all are.

Who created us?
What do we live for?
Why are we here?

Top of the food chain,
the most advanced product of evolution,
more intelligent than all other creatures
and yet we barely understand our own kind.
I don't even fully understand myself.

Humans are ignorant.
We are just the inmates, eternally confined
and restricted to the spherical dome-shaped prison that is planet Earth.
There is no way to escape.
We are trapped.
a bit pessimistic but I wasn't in the best mood when I wrote this poem so meh
1.3k · Jun 2013
Holly Jun 2013
Words can evoke many emotions.

Words can be like little paper hearts;
messengers of love and happiness,
if shot from Cupid's bow
carefully and aimed
at the right person.

Words can be like bandages;
able to heal wounds,
to make amends and
to fix someone,
to make them better again.

Words can be like knives;
sharp and strong,
they can hurt you,
slash straight through you,
they can cause pain.

Words can be like echoes;
all those thoughts
that you don't want to remember
can be heard, repeated in your head
over and over and over again.

Words are capable of both inflicting pain
and remedying it.
**Words are powerful.
people should remember how strongly their words can affect others sometimes.
975 · Jan 2014
Holly Jan 2014
I hope
That this year,
All will become clear
And I will discover
What I am
Meant to be doing here.

No more confusion,
Less doubt,
No rage to let out;
I really don't want
To get upset
Or to shout.

Twelve brilliant months
Would be absolute bliss,
I think we all desire this.
So I hope and
Plan to make
Some memories that I will miss.

With every year
That we depart,
We receive a new, fresh start.
Stay true to yourself,
Have some laughs and
Remember to always follow your heart.
I'm quite optimistic about 2014, I hope this will be a kind year to us all.
880 · Jun 2013
Who am I
Holly Jun 2013
Who am I

I'm not my name,
I'm not my face,
I'm not my height, weight or race.
I'm not my age,
I'm not my date of birth,
I'm not yet resting, beneath the earth.

I'm the words of a song,
I'm the twinkle of an eye,
I'm hidden beneath the crinkled pages of a book,
if you take the time, you'll find me, just look.
I'm the warmth,
I'm the light,
I'm a silhouette beneath the starry sky
on a dark, cold, winter night.

I'm an infinite dream, drifting through life.
764 · Jun 2013
Holly Jun 2013
how is it fair
that everyone else
fits in
but I don't.

how is it fair
that everyone else
is happy
but I'm not.

how is it fair
that everyone else
knows what they want to be
but I don't.

how is it fair
that everyone else
is in a relationship
but I'm not.

sorry that I'm not pretty enough
sorry that I'm not funny enough
sorry that I'm not interesting enough
sorry that I'm not good enough
for you.
not as deep as it sounds, something somebody said earlier made me think about the little things that are universally worried about during teenage years and this poem happened lol
714 · Mar 2014
Holly Mar 2014
Why do some of us possess the habit
Of dwelling on negativity?

The sun still rises,
The birds are singing,
There are opportunities galore,
Perhaps a new beginning?
There are languages to learn,
More friends to make,
New people to date
And chances to take.
The change of the seasons,
Stories to write,
Oceans and cities
And warm summer nights.
There are places to visit,
Plenty of time to travel,
Ideas to develop
And secrets to unravel.

The Earth is still in orbit
And the stars still have their twinkle,
It's not worth getting hung up
Over finding a wrinkle.

Are the little things really that important?
losing your keys,
a few extra calories,
a bad hair day,
missing the bus.
Are they worth focusing on?
Look clearly
And ask yourself:
Do those things really matter
At all?
693 · Jun 2013
Holly Jun 2013
Time waits for no one.

Every day,
Every hour,
Every minute,
Every second
I get wiser.

Every day,
Every hour,
Every minute,
Every second
I get older.

Every day,
Every hour,
Every minute,
Every second
I get slightly closer to death.

Closer to peace,
Closer to serenity,
Closer to heaven.
603 · Nov 2013
Holly Nov 2013
makes me so much
more content,
more peaceful,
more real
and more myself

it revives me,
it clears my head
and it keeps me grounded
but most of all
it makes me feel less alone

it comforts me
when no one else can.
I don't go a day without listening to some music, and I don't think people appreciate how dull life would be without it
555 · Jun 2013
Lost Imagination.
Holly Jun 2013
I lost my imagination.
I looked everywhere;
that picture I didn't finish,
the painting I did yesterday,
all the stories I've ever written.
I found it in that drawing,
I thought so much about.

— The End —