Friendship – a seamless sky
Far too complex to gauge or delve.
At times like the early rays of morn
It fills one with joy.
At times like a gentle breeze
It cuddles and cossets.
At times like dark clouds
It overcasts the mind.
At times it comes blowing like a gale
Sweeping us off our feet.
At times it sprouts like a seedling
Growing out into a tree, giving shade.
It blossoms like a Night Queen
Diffusing in the air, a heady scent.
At times like the plaintive notes from a flute
It saddens the soul.
Like a rainbow it may swiftly vanish
Or remain like a beacon
Guiding us when storms rage.
In darkness, it burns like a candle.
In loneliness, a sweet presence.
At times so silent
At times so very eloquent
Finally like an unfinished tale
A fond memory
A lingering scent
Like the life – sustaining breath
It remains…..!
Just brooding over the several shades of friendship and the myriad experiences it gives!
A Happy Friendship Day to all my friends on HP