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The Girl who reads.
That’s another name for me.
The one who is kept content
By reading fictional lives.
From Harry Potter to Cather in the Rye,
I read.
At the parking lot. At home.
Under a tree, or in the library.
You’d find me,
The one who reads.
Call me a bookworm,
Since I am.
Infinite words captured in my mind
Caught in the neurons,
Waiting to be known and learnt.
I read within reason:
To dream. To imagine. To hope.
I read for the emotion I won’t get in reality no matter how much I plead.
Reading builds up tension
And the urge to finish.
Not aware what’s on the other side of a page
Can **** someone within.
To be engrossed in a book,
Shutting the world outside,
Hearing nothing but words,
While patience is on the edge
Waiting to fly.
The despair that fills you
When you realized a character died.
The one you loved, the one that was fun-
The one you wished existed.
Or maybe the romance,
As you realize who your perfect one is,
Your “meant-to-be”,
Doesn’t exist either.
Never will.
You cry, you scream,
You sigh, you dream.
When a book is not found,
You are in a Trans, a pensive mood.
A profusion of questions bundled in  your head-
Who? What? Where? How? Why?
And all you can think about for the rest of day,
Is going back to bury your nose in a book,
To find the secrets it refuses to tell you.
To find the treasure between the lines.
Call me a book freak,
I won’t deny it.
I’d be complimented, actually.
I can’t help these numerous words
That keep spilling out.
But I know I’m not the only one.
Heck, I know I'm not crazy.
I'm not the only one that sees
The irony of life,
Innumerable paths,
The alternative
And countless paths.
Reading helps you learn this, not only academics, not matter what people say.
Reading, to some, is to live.
Reading, to some, is to learn.
Reading, to some, is Cloud 9 when things get really bad.
To me, it’s my everything.
I love reading.
 Nov 2014 Harper H Halite

I've stared...
Longingly forever into you
You'd stare back but you never really knew
Hands of hours, minutes and seconds I've shook
All the time I've carelessly took

I've witnessed...
That etched on each one, that amazing smile
A crutch forged of sunrays that had carried me many a mile
It's all that I have to know of you
In this endless chase I've sought to pursue

I've envisioned...
Different ways you'd wear your crown
Various trimmings on lavish gowns
Smitten by the way you sport your paint
The nectarous song sung in your gait ever so faint

I've imagined...
The addictive rise and fall of your every breath
Bringing me back to life after every death
Pulses of sweet nothings that never did ebb
Ensnaring my heart with your silk spun web

I've believed...
You are the queen of my future tale untold
I've felt it so real like verses written in bold
But I've awakened from slumber into terrifying reality
Pains me to realise that you're nothing but imaginary...
 Nov 2014 Harper H Halite
When the line between right and wrong becomes blur

When she's the reason you suffocate

When heaven is a little farther and hell a little closer

When poets stop writing and their inks clot with sorrow

When fear turns into rage

When your soul is turned into  ashes and you know your fate is certain

When silence is all that exists

When you cannot distinguish
between love and hate.

When curse taints the saints

When you can see my tears in the rain

When you realise she's not the angel you were after but the demon you've been running from

When your in the dark for so long,light feels like an illusion

When you still cling to the way things were instead of letting them be what they are
It's in moments like these
where the universe is revealed
I find myself wandering the infinite land
searching for a lover and a friend

The moments of peace
where freedom is revealed
tales of Gods and Goddesses

New music my last hope
my first trip away from home
I am me ! can't you see?
i'm real not a normal human
i'm just meat

Why am i here?
dazed chasing desires and dreams
i could shake the ground beneath your feet
but things don't look always as they seem

Lets sail this ship to escape our past
Sins that killed the innocence while the demons laughed

It's in moments like these i fly high and dance with the stars
where i'm back to the womb

but for others it's just the tomb..

Words Of Harfouchism.
If you can relate to that, i admire you
I awoke
from the blackest bird suicidal coma
I wasn't ready to uplift my soul
Clasped hands like you were the new              church
take me with you to nowhere
on dirt covered highways
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