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6.0k · Apr 2018
hanaz Apr 2018
Freedom is life
Freedom is oxygen
Without freedom the soul will die
Freedom is water
Without freedom the body will die of thristy
Freedom is the right to express
Without freedom there will be no free speech
Freedom is wisdom
Without freedom there will be no goodness
Freedom is to live
Without freedom is to die
Freedom is happiness
Without freedom is Sorrow
Be free like a bird, like a bird which never worries about tomorrow
Be free like flower, a beautiful flower which spreads happiness with its beauty
Be free like a fish and swim through this ocean of this world
Fear and power are the shackles which keep freedom in solitary confinement,
Break the shackles of fear using Courage and bravery which gives birth to a child called Freedom
Freedom is to bring the inner child outside
Freedom is to break the ice of conventional wisdom
Freedom is to breath free and walk in the sky towards the lights
Freedom is not free, it has to be fought for.
Freedom is not easy, it has be endured tough battles of heart and body
Freedom is precious, do not waste it
Freedom is the heavenly fruit that is worth your time and life and everything it revolves around.
hanaz Apr 2018
Earth is my name, what shame people,
I want you to Save the trees and not shave them of my skin,
Bcoz these trees help me breathe,
You build houses with these trees,
Guess who is gonna be homeless, its me.

When you plant a tree, you give hope not only to me,
But the generations to come,
So, plant ten trees when you cut one,
Bcoz remember the free oxygen we give,
Lets make a better world with clean air so all the people can breathe.

Save a tree and get Oxygen free for life!
693 · Apr 2018
hanaz Apr 2018
I apply I apply, Yet, No reply No reply,
I apply I apply, Yet, No Interview No Interview,
I believe, I believe, I will get hired,
I believe, I believe, I will shine,
No matter how many times you reject, I apply I apply,

I linkedin, I linkedin many recruiters,
I throw many applications in Dice,
People say a friend in need is Friend Indeed,
A friend indeed found a job in past,

I wonder i wonder, all these job sites really work,
I wonder i wonder, all these job sites really work,
If you want to prove it right, find me a job where i sit tight,
If you want to prove it right, find me a job where i sit tight,

Job seeker, Job seeker, where have you been,
I have been to all these websites, but in vain,
Is there a train, which can find a job for my brain,
Time will reveal when will be sun shine!

I believe, I believe, I will get hired,
I believe, I believe, I will shine!
This poem is dedicated to all the job seekers!
606 · Apr 2018
hanaz Apr 2018
Wind blows from the west,
Birds are returning back to the nest,
My heart is filled with a lot of interest,
With the events that had passed in the past,

Birds are thoughts which always fly around the nest,
The nest is my heart, a nest which always overflows with birds,
Each bird has its own color, a color which never vanishes,
Everyday a new birds enters into the nest,

Some birds sing song of melancholy, some sing song of joy,
Birds are not bored of singing; they keep on singing as long as
the nest is there,
Listen to the songs of these birds as they always teach you a lesson,
All these birds sleep on the ***** of the nest,

No bird leaves the nest unless the nest itself leaves the tree,
The world revolves only because of these ever living birds,
These birds are the most precious as they are very hard to get,
Long live birds, Long Liveā€¦.a bird is singing
hanaz Apr 2018
Keep your eyes peeled,
You will cry,
You will cry,
When you chop me, Onion says!
347 · May 2018
May be I am
hanaz May 2018
May be I am worthless
May be I am useless
May be I am senseless
May be I am a waste
May be I am a fool
My life is dangling in a thin thread from the endless sky
The thread called Hope
I hope that hope will not betray me!
Will the thread of Hope pull me up?
Time can only answer the question
Until then i will be swinging in this endless sky with my thin thread!
318 · Apr 2018
hanaz Apr 2018
Snow snow snow snow
I dont know, i dont know,
When i started liking you,
Snow snow snow snow

I smile I smile
Until i see sleet in a mile
I smile I smile
Until i see sleet in a mile

I slip, I flip
I slip, I flip
But still, i like you Snow...

— The End —