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 Jan 2015 Hale
Dear God,
                  I want to be the Sole-Mate of my Soul-Mate.
 Dec 2014 Hale
Karina B
Dear Blank
 Dec 2014 Hale
Karina B
Dear Blank,
I left your name blank because I don't know who you are,
or where you are.
Are you near, or are you far?

Dear Blank,
Sometimes I wonder if I truly need you,
Or if I'm better off on my own.
But I am scared: will you lift me up or hold me down?

Dear Blank,
Will I ever find you? Are you really there?
Or are you just a memory, and idea, a question--
A question, with no answer, or confession.

Dear Blank,
If I search, will I find you?
I would call out for you, but I don't know your name,
And all I see surrounding me is more of the same.

Dear Blank,*
Are you really there?
I was inspired by the Dear Blank challenge which is going on right now. This isn't following the guidelines of writing it to another Hello Poetry member, which is why I didn't submit it as part of the challenge, but it is similar.
 Dec 2014 Hale
Beebz The Queen
I won't deny it
If you ask me
Cause we both know it's there
It's plain to see

My feelings altered
A little bit
I think I loved you more
After I ended it...

If I asked,
Would you take me back?
If I asked you to really love me,
Could you manage that?

I don't know how to say this
And now I don't know what to do
I cannot believe I gave you up
Cause I honestly do love you.

So love me please
I'm begging you
This love will grow
I swear it's true

You may not see it,
"You and me"
But I promise
Our love will set you free.

*So let's learn what we can
And do what we must
And instead of "you and me"
We should call it "us"
I wrote this forever ago so don't judge it cause it's bad please?:)
 Dec 2014 Hale
Caitlin Miller
sometimes I think I wanna fall in love
but then I remember
how cold the bathroom floor
felt on my face
and how badly I wanted to rip
the heart from my chest
and how your arms are still my home
despite how many girls you have invited in
even when it was my only residence
"Stay Strong"

I improvised on the whole "ten words" simple technicality, deal with it.
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