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 Oct 2014 Hale
 Oct 2014 Hale
For all the time I've know you
You've worn a mask upon your face
It appeared beautiful, perfect, and friendly
But now I realize that wasn't the case

For hiding underneath that mask
Was a soldier bent on destruction
Posing as a comrade fighting for good
But following the other side's instruction

You wormed your way into our ranks
And we accepted you as one of our own
But all of us were unaware
Your true intentions had not yet been shown

When an opportunity presented itself
You struck without any hesitation
Our troops started dropping left and right
Without any sign of infiltration

You knew you only had so long though
Before your actions got you caught
So you moved to abolish your final target
A tougher task than you had thought

That night, when you attacked me
You allowed your mask to fall
And as you fled, I caught a glance
Of the real person beneath it all

Well, "What doesn't **** you makes you stronger"
And you make me tougher every day
Which is why no matter what you do
I refuse to let you stand in my way

I learned some valuable lessons
About how you fight this war
And now those same old boring tactics
Won't work here any more

So thank you for the knife
That you embedded in my back
For you just gave me the tool I need
To defend against any future attack.
 Oct 2014 Hale
Liz And Lilacs
A hand reaches for the glass.
Warm fingers meet cold crystal,
trying to wipe away the imperfections.
As unforgiving as ever,
the flaws remain.
Mirrors are a painful thing, are they not?
 Oct 2014 Hale
Yesterday I wrote nothing
I didn't read a thing.

Yesterday I had almost a perfect day
Which I spent with mine
And we laughed, we played, we flirted with the mundane.

Even though I was oblivious to the world and nothing could touch me,
That bittersweet image of you was bold enough to invade my mind
And remind me of my broken heart.
 Oct 2014 Hale
 Oct 2014 Hale
fire burns slowly
it feeds on the dead
red hot flames
coaxing strength into ash
it used to burn through me
charring pale white skin
with its all-consuming hunger
forcing blood to pump through my veins
forcing blood to drip down my legs
it is my own fire
that scarred me so beautifully
it clenched my teeth
and wrenched my eyes wide open
red-flickering across the the smooth surface
of blue green eyes
until the needle pierced me
and fed the ocean to my veins
freezing deep blue flood
extinguishing the searing hot
that once forced me to live
the water drips into my lungs
killing all the smoke I stored there
then it rushes in too quickly
all that's left is ice
crystallized behind a glaze
of blue green ever shifting eyes
where passion once burned bright
brutally murdered by
the crash of smothering waves
infinitely taller than my will power
disguised as good intentions
 Oct 2014 Hale
I have to
go out.
I want to
stay in.
Please leave me
to myself.
The effort of
Conforming to
a Saturday night
will **** me.
I don't care if
you'll have a spare
Leave me alone.
I hate getting ready
I hate being friendly
I hate crowds
I hate noise.
I loathe Saturday.
I love my insanity.
13:53 BST

— The End —