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new born coconut leaves
standing on the head of the tree
a mild north chill breeze blowing
raising sunlight reflects between the leaves

the falling light playing on the meadows
the growing day in to the fog's shadows

the new moody breeze growing a little
the cowboys wandering with the cattle
the boy is very crazy with his flying kite,
the birds are too busy within the day's light

I am wondering through the shadows
and finding my hopes within the meadows
when thousands of kites flying in the sky
there love growing on her gloomy eyes

where there a few of dreams coming
as the light falling between the leaves
where there thousands of whirling
hopes uttering in to the breeze  
@Musfiq us shaleheen
hopes of leaves
  Nov 2014 Aliyah Marie
Ann M Johnson
Unchained I hear the melody
Unshackled I can dance again
Unbound I am breaking free
from the cocoon that held me
Free to be the Butterfly
  Nov 2014 Aliyah Marie
The cold and the rain.
The beauty of you
shivering through your
jeans as you stand and
freeze while the breeze
makes its way across
your fleshy cheeks. Making
you cold to the knees leaving
me wanting to take a
picture and keep it in a
golden frame with your
name. A fork a knife and
a cinnobon roll shared
with your wife. How much
exciting can this life turn
out to be. You treat me like
a queen bumble bee. The
honey drops from your
voice while you tell me words
of love and how that you
gave your all to me. I laugh i
smile and stare into your
eyes for a while. This is not
a dream this is reality.
Feeling light and free as a
pretty coloured feather you
manage to make me. Thanks
for existing and making me
so **** happy as i write
down this love in the form
of poetry* ~
  Nov 2014 Aliyah Marie
Jon Shierling
What she said to me sitting at that bar
sipping God's own overpriced whiskey
was the truest thing any one has ever
managed to tell me about myself.

And the drive up to town after
the ribbon of freeway stretching
on into forever and the radio full
of Bukowski's guts blaring with
her feet on my dashboard.

That room with wine colored
walls and a taste reminiscent
of some novel I know I've
read somewhere, somewhen.

Tiny bed I'm constantly trying
to not fall out of sweetly
forcing me closer to her
in the early morning grey.

Something unspoken and
something unseen but somehow
un-needing to be clarified
for once living on feeling
only what there is now.
  Nov 2014 Aliyah Marie
Gwen Johnson
You don't find scars on my skin
So you think I'm just fine
You don't see in my eyes that I cried all night
But some of us don't wear our scars like clothing
Some show scars in poetry written in the dark
Where they feel the rawest emotion
And I'm one of them
I bleed my emotion into poetry
And hope you can make sense of it more than I can
So someone can you tell me
How am I feeling?
  Nov 2014 Aliyah Marie
Poetic T
The caterpillar was of many steps,
The millipede was of many more,
Both were
Did collectively tap dance on the floor,
They thought to have a race
Millipede said,
I have feet that move swift and fast"
"While you have many less"
"This is a Race that'll be over fast"  
The race would start around four,
So the millipede did wait,
And wait,
Waiting some more,
The race was to the top of the tree,
Milli as her friends called her,
Where, when will this race start anew
Then upon a stick,
Milli gave a funny look,
Cats friend said
"She was resting before the race began"
So Mille said to each and those around,
"Wake me when she comes around"
And so the day ended a new one began,
And as it approached four once again,
A yawn heard from inside,
As Milli did run as quick as she could
Ok start the race,
Shouted the frog
The race did begin,
And many feet did move, dust seen as
These many feet did move like the wind,
Cat did wake and stretched out wide
As her wings caught sunlight
Am I late, did it begin,
Was seen with each flap of her wings,
In to the air she did gently glide
As for Milli
She laughed
As she reached the roots of the tree,
"No one is faster on there feet but me"
Cat took her time
High with the wind, her delicate touched
Bark and leaf, crossing the finish line
Upon delicate Feet,
Moments later Mille appeared
Milli confused at what was seen,
"I am Cat its plain to see"
And Milli angrily said
"This isn't fair"
"Cheated am me"
"Never cheated, with feet i crossed"
"Its only because you saw on the outside|"
"Not what was truly me"
And Milli did speak quietly
"I judged you less"
"I judged you weak"
"All because I had more feet"
I will learn this lesson well,
"It is not always what is seen on the outside"
"It is what is on the inside that counts"
You had beauty where i saw none,
But now you stand before me and
"I am sorry"
For the way I treated you,
Can we still be friends
Cat did answer we were always Friends, silly milli,
So milli ran and cat flew off,
lessons now learned on how to treat me and for me to *treat you.
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