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my heart breaking
into a thousand pieces
i fade away
looking for a distant wall
to dissolve in
and evaporate

unable to vanish
i slowly gather the shards
ground fresh and smaller now
i gently blow them
and watch them magically disappear
into the night’s silver moon

 May 2016 Hadrian Veska
R Arora
 May 2016 Hadrian Veska
R Arora
The world's a battlefield,
Or the battlefield has become the world,
Men brawling under the influence of an obscure boss,
Oblivious of the priceless loss.
Ego is that boss,
The consequences of which can be too gross.
Wars are bad,
The motive is sad,
But still they do happen,
Only to leave several worlds shaken.
None of the parties back down,
All with a frown.
So well armed,
No sight of any fear of harm.
Ego is not worth fighting for,
That is for sure.
Is it not useless, I would say, on the contrary,
To fight for something so temporary?
Lives are torn apart, amigo!
Just because of this little seeming word:
I was going through a few old manuscripts when I found this. I had written the original on July 8, 2015.
Time's in a flurry when it
happens to glance at you,
hurrying here and there
talking as if your words were on fire,
walking as if you were being
chased by your shadow,
living like every second was too slow,

I like to treasure
the pieces of you left behind in the air,
traces of emotions flashing across your face
words escaping your mouth so rapidly,
the motions of your arms hovering in the air.

You always praised me
so much regard and acknowledgement,
laughing and confident at my hesitation
exposing me to the world,
defending my soul from
insults rolling off sharp tongues
of shadows passing by.

Sometimes I wonder
have you forgotten who I am,
buried in the wishes and desires of a dream person
the sole image and reflex of a perfect reality,
the false light shining into the heavy bright day,
when all I had ever been in the beginning
was a shadow among the stars.

I want to reach for your hand,
holding still the golden strands of time
slowly pouring a cool light darkness over you,
will you finally notice the deep pools in my eyes,
the sorrow welling in my heart
the loneliness penetrating the lining of my ribs
the settled love you would never notice,

Little by little,
you move flashing by,
faster and faster as a race against time,
never glancing back at what you leave behind,
your fingers slipping and pulling away from my hand,
the warmth running and the coldness creeping in,
the ties unbinding and the distance growing in between,

until all is a left,
is a timeless statue of my body.

For you took every second of me with you.
To you
 May 2016 Hadrian Veska
Just Me R
Out of the ashes
Of broken promises
Where the pieces of hearts
Lay glittering like glass
Where dispair
Hides in its lair
To engulf your spirit
Don't let it

Out of the blackness
From utter darkness
You will let that inner light
Shine bright
It is the fire within
Pure without sin
That will make you strong
My dear, you will carry on

You are f*cking fabulous!
There are no transmissions any more
Just long rocking emotions
sitting on the front porch of life
The skin of our teeth leaves
a vacuous  hunger
for the virginity of thought
But the magic inferred
leaves nothing but a sunset's ray
of goodbye upon the plains
of yesterday's regrets
 May 2016 Hadrian Veska
say it

the words

let them out

just say it

tell me

i will listen


i'm not scared

and you shouldn't be either

i have you


you got me

and that's all we need
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