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 Jan 2017 Gwendolyn
 Jan 2017 Gwendolyn
2016, how are you?
You finished yours.
A huge thank for you,
to bring me to many places,
that 2015 did not allow.

2016, are you satisfied?
For all the abundant blessings.
A healthy family,
a bunch of kind friends,
and especially that one little angel.

2016, have you told 2017?
To make me a stronger man,
a committed person,
a discipline figure,
and a traveler.

2016, have you forgiven me?
For being weak.
For being fractious.
For being an unthankful person.

2017, are you ready to shape me?
because I am ready to be shaped.
Sunday, Jan. 01, 2017
 Dec 2016 Gwendolyn
I can't help feeling like you are the light that shines in the night sky.
When I told you I still cared about you
I was expecting the worst
But you gave me a glimmer of hope and I ran with it
My diluted mind formed galaxies around us.
I have tried to pull my eyes back down to earth
But it's hard when something more beautiful exists up there.
 Dec 2016 Gwendolyn
Heliza Rose
In a world that seems to harbour more bad than good
The word 'trust' seems to have left
It seems to have never existed at all
But with a pen
A camera
And whatever else I can find
I will reclaim it
I will find it
Nestle it in my palms and whisper to it
"It is okay"
And I will share it
With those with broken hearts
Those with lost hopes
I will share it with everyone
"** Books are like drugs.
They help me forget the pain of reality, even if it's only for a moment. "

- {E.I}
 Dec 2016 Gwendolyn
y i k e s
 Dec 2016 Gwendolyn
y i k e s
you're the worst kind of drug

and i want to you in every way possible

smoke, inhale, snort, injection

and i want to get

 Dec 2016 Gwendolyn
Anna Falls
Why is it so hard to write poetry when I'm happy?
When I'm content?
When I'm gloriously in love?

Is it a requirement that I be in rage, in sorrow, in pain?
Drunk? High? Comatose?

Can I just not find the right words to describe my feelings?
Or maybe I don't need this outlet when I'm happy. I don't need to cut my emotions from my chest and attach them to words. I want my emotions here with me.
 Dec 2016 Gwendolyn
I'm done repressing my gayness
Because it's the "Christian" thing to do.
I will wear ******* rainbow ****** pasties
And march in a pride parade
If I please
And then go to church and praise Jesus
And God and the Holy Spirit
For making the way I am
And how I am
Because he made me perfect.
I am gay
I am Christian
I am proud to be both.
 Nov 2016 Gwendolyn
Ayush B
How naive are those who often confuse,
With loneliness,
The taste of solitude
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