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 Nov 2016 Gwendolyn
Such sweet thing is this solitude,
you just want to keep sinking...
tenderly, tragically!
 Mar 2016 Gwendolyn
This morning at daybreak
and half awake still
he bundled his memories
on to a stretcher
and carried them up atop
Cothelstone hill
and sorted them through
for the moment he met her;

the memories bandaged,
the ones with bruised limbs,
he laid on the heather
like hospital beds
but the one of their first kiss
he threw to the wind
and asked the wind's help
for to help him forget..
She sat and waited for the sirens and police cars
She knew they’d be coming
She didn’t run, just gazed at the stars

She was ready to be taken away
This was her final free day
But she was never really free
She had to take his life, this was the only way

No more torture, no more ****
She’s covered with his blood
She enjoys the smell and the taste

It was finally time for her to take back her life
That’s what provoked her to pick up the knife

He had no idea what she was about to do
He came in so cocky, treating her like a fool

She wasn’t going to take it, not one more time
She jabbed him with the knife, feeling no control over her mind

The police came in ready to fight
But she had none left in her
She was all out of fright

They cuffed her and walked her away
She grinned to herself
What a wonderful day
A loose wool-knit sweater had holes in the pattern,
through which her skin was visible both above and below
the dark sports-bra wore stretched across her *******.
I could see the thin straps draped over her collarbones,
and thought about the lines they leave in her skin.

Yoga pants squeezed her legs underneath of thigh-high socks,
and both were layered below tall leather boots with low heels.
An olive green fatigue jacket hung open around her and
was adorned with a colorful scarf that lay claim to her neck,
its tassels curled and bounced with each step she took
mirroring precisely the loose curls in her fair hair.

Finger-less gloves left her free to feel the texture of the
pages she turned one by one in a book pulled from the shelf.
She had sat down right in the aisle, planting herself in front of
the poetry section inside of a crowded Barnes and Nobles.
Sitting there with such an elegance, I lack the words for it,
completely unnoticed and free from the numerous
holiday shoppers that were carefully stepping over her,
books in their own arms, and heading for the cash registers.
Every day I rise from the ashes
of my own pack of Marlboros
and climb, fingernails cracked and bleeding
clawing for the next hold,

higher higher higher.

I look down and see my feet
inches above the ground
and collapse in cold flame
backward on the bed.
Please sun
keep her warm
Please sun
help her stay happy
Please sun
give her a break from her depression
Please sun
she of all people deserves it most
Please sun
watch over her
Please sun
make her vacation as beautiful as her soul
Please sun
do everything you can to make her smile
Please sun
because she is like a sister to me
Please sun
and I just want her to be okay
For a friend, the sun can affect your mood, you some cases. And she deserves happiness more than anyone I have ever met, so I hope on her sunny vacation, she is happy.
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