Morning comes with fear tow...
with what light bears to all unknown.
Had last night forboding dreams...
Hear the water of trickling streams.
This calls away the night concerns...
to what there is this day to learn.
What riddles does this day in store...
soon thoughts of life return once more.
To hear the distant spring Birds song..
and dawns that bird- been gone quite long..
with the croaking frogs down by pond...
Now back at home where they belong...
these Sounds the Farm's been waiting on.
So smiling in her stoic way-
Now looking forward to this day..
it's time to shelve her timid thoughts- instead sets mind to things she ought
Put on boots this early morn'- as Mother's calf just newly born.
A baby sprung- internal nest..
now lays down beside his Mother's chest.
Life on Farm starts out Anew with thoughts of hope and joy imbued.
All Rights Reserved * 2016 Cherie Nolan
Changed format... Thanks everyone!!! truly inspired somehow when writing this. Thanks to all who take the time to read any of my work for time is the only truly valuable thing in life.