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The colourless imitation of one self
the selfish thing that shows us ourself.
Seeking the faults of our rear image
The flaws of our perfect image

Tell me silver being,
Are you the two face we are seeing;
Reflection of our sanity into madness
Never knowing the real sadness

One way conversations into.
Telling every story the way you never want to
Jailed to the revealing found,
showing emotion to the reaction of the mind

Darkness around light.
Seeking the day or night.
Already bound to a similar thing,
we call the body, of the being.

Craft the perfection
Now to reflection
Born in colours
Who is he to judge others.
driving through
the vast lane
passing buildings so tall
they beat the skies
and corrupt the night space

mind wandering
through the empty streets
seeing streetlights and neon signs
tricking humans
into awing them
instead of the stars

also manipulated
by the wind
and midnight dreams
caressing each mankind
lulling into a good night fantasy
to abandon the complexities
of the relentless reality
Stuck in this world where I don't belong
Praying to God I won't have to stay here too long
I can feel you crawling under my skin
While I'm going through these endless circles
Running from you again
Every time I try and open my eyes to see
This broken world blinds me

I was never mean't to belong here
Where broken promises lie
Set me free from this misery
Give back my wings so I can fly
I was never mean't to belong here
So at times I want to cry
I need your grace and I'm starving for your mercy
Don't leave me here to die
If you died today,
would die with you?
I now know why the universe does not distinguish the days
Any more than we would a grain of sugar in a jar
I have dreamt and in that dream I awoke
To the language of everything I did not understand
I heard in its muffled voice, an infinite joke
As I smelt the sea thousands of miles inland.
I slept and in that sleep I saw me, as I’d once been:
Transformed from the dead, and free from transgression
I swam garlanded in the sea, and renewed by its briny waves,
The days had stretched forever along the coast
But I did not know then that nothing would last
How every atom that was me would accelerate through a new host
And that only dreams and memories could transport me
Back to the tang of the sea that day, and the scent of blossom
Yet I think that I finally understand now the reticence of the stars
To tell not of a future but reflect only their past.

— The End —