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 Aug 2016 Geetha Jayakumar
Never give up on your prayers. Even if you've been praying for the same thing for the past 5 years, don't give up. They eventually do get answered in due time. That's what I went through and I felt like God wasn't listening or like He had gave up on me. No. He was just waiting for the full lesson to be taught.
For the person out there who might be struggling with their faith, you are most certainly not alone in this. My faith has been like a roller coaster and I just now feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be.
I knew I needed change in my life, and I knew that change needed to happen before I would be secured in my faith. I gave up and gave it to God. I was trying to figure it all out on my own, and I didn't need to. Just lay the broken pieces at the Saviors feet!
the world in three
and us in one-
the air above
water beneath.
we can go
and touch
with words
what no

touch me with words.
wrap me with words.
breath the words
into me
let the air
the god
carry them-
but only

take me


we are not
it took a second for titanic to hit an iceberg

it took 24 hours to sum up your day

it will take a few minutes to make your caramel macchiato drink

it will take you a second or two to finish up your lightened cigarette

and it will only take a minute to brighten up someone else's day

but how long will it take me to accept the fact that you're no longer mine....

maybe in days, weeks, months or a year
I don't know....

but i know in time, I will
Stream takes possession of the land
Made wetlands
There are plenty of fish
Meet your protein needs

Clouds are playing in the sky
The dark and the shadows are dissolved in water
You drink
To quench thirst

Yet you have an existence
With a Continuous form
He who cast the shadow on the ground
Where love and hope locked in a home
Binds within a loop with Only a God

Words which are uttered
Of course diluted within air
Has written in the book of divine
Many do not understand while they read

See a beautiful garden
They are more steadfast
And that Red Rose is for yours
I have seen a lot of values to be gloomy
Then they lost

I have seen so far
Wandering Star to Star
Again in the Fog, tried to recognize
She lost!

Ah! How come all!
Alas! How Everything lost in the time
From Empty
Or Nothing
As if an Existence of Non-Existence!  

When Silence come down
Dark touches the death role
Nothing Exist without the Spiritual Soul
From Lost to Found
Everything Answering Nothing!

But where is the balance
You will get back everything
One day!
It will take months, it will take years,
You might have to cry blood tears.
In the dark shadows, you might have to stay,
But today or tomorrow your hard-work will pay.

I know rubbing your *** is not easy,
Situations sometimes do get little squezzy.
Every once you get hit you have not to mourn,
Because it will help for the cause that you are born.

Every part of your body will ask to quit
Everyone seeing you failing ask you to stop,
Let me tell you my friend these thoughts are just ****,
Because only thing that will pay for sure is the sweat drop.

Falling on your face and standing again
Recalling all those pains that make you cry,
Recalling every word that just ******* your brain,
Stand up, Wake up and give again a try.
Value of money should be asked to those
Who are in need due to any cause
Those small children like a rose
They also need a proper dose

A dose of proper medicine
They haven’t did any sin
But they are still paying for it
Working in fields and digging themselves in pit

No one ask them for help
Rich is wasting their power and pelf
Is someone there who’s listening their cry
Someone has to made a try

Those small children like new flowers
Need some help to get powers
Only then they can do something
Only than these birds can open their wings
we have different ways in the way we live

but all love is the same there for you to give

we lead different paths to guide us on our way

learn to cope with life what ever comes our way.

then we fall in love with our ways to share

with our love the same that is always there

thats the way it is for each and everyone

all love is the same and helps the world go on
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