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Apr 2022 · 163
s Apr 2022
I'm surrounded by statues,
sculpted perfectly without flaw.
perfect expression, perfect stance.

All of their pieces fit together,
authored with delicate pieces of porcelain.
reflecting each glint of light the way it was designed to be.

Light shines through them,
as I sit in the shadows of their figure.

Will I ever be good enough to put on display?
Apr 2022 · 93
s Apr 2022
I am lost in a maze that I built myself.
I put up each wall to remind myself to not go down that path again.
To block the feelings, the people, the thoughts, the actions that took a piece of me.
Each time I felt weaker, but promised myself these walls would help me stay whole.

I built a barrier between me and whatever was taking control of me.
I realized what was happening again, I built another wall.

But now I'm at a dead end. trapped by the walls I thought would protect me. I have no where to go, and only I hold a map to this maze.

I only know how to build, not to take down. I don't want to know what's behind the walls, but I can't stay trapped forever.

the first hit will be the hardest, but maybe ill find the pieces I've lost on the way back to the start.
s Apr 2022
the sun is shining through the arms of the trees, casting broken golden shadows.
I think of you.
the sun sinks and kisses the horizon. the sky is painted by the remnants of its rays.
I think of us.
the sun is barely there. The only evidence of the day is the color it has left behind.
Are we sinking too?
I feel relief as I look and can no longer see the sun. Something once so beautiful.
It is able to set everyday. It rests without hesitation.
I envy the sun.
Sunsets are inevitable. it represents the end but people still look at them in awe.

Twenty minutes of watching and wait for the day to end.
In my heart, I know our love is like this sunset.

I lay, not knowing if I want the sun to rise.
Apr 2022 · 634
s Apr 2022
Only air separates the soles of my feet and the dirt on the ground.
Up and down
and up and down.
I feel weightless and light
and then sink with the heaviness of rushing back to the ground.

My eyes lock into yours.
I watch that as you go up
Earth catches me and drags me back to her.
When I go up
I feel nothing but the guilt of you being on the ground.

I have stopped pushing off.
My flight is dependent on how much you bend your knees.
But I am afraid if I get off, I will not be able to rise on my own.

So I cling on to the cold metal that connects us.
As I rise, I make my self heavy to sink back into the ground,
into my grave.

I hope for balance,
but until then its
Up and down
and up and down.
Apr 2021 · 604
Child Proof Pill Bottles
s Apr 2021
my shorts stuck to the back of my thighs as I walked up the brick steps. I hear the brakes of the bus sigh as they are released.
I grab the rusted door handle and look through the spider-webbed window.
I step in and the cold air stings my face and seeks into my nostrils and travels down the back of my throat.
I see you passed out face first on the couch.
I envy the feeling you have, the sweat being dried against the cool black leather. What relief that must be
Like a cold bath after a fever breaks.
I know your fever is rising but you won't say it.

but your silence and opened pill bottles tell me everything while you're asleep.
Apr 2021 · 100
My sister's 24th
s Apr 2021
The grey puddles splash against the falling drops of the shallow sky.
I can feel the clouds grow closer to my ears as the the thunder seeps in through every pore on my cheeks.

The cars push each others tires along and Ive always hated traffic but my mind is hoping for a stand still.

I know that when I get to you I will have to climb through the labyrinth of tubes and wires to find your soul still fighting, mute out the beeping of the machine that is pushing life into your flooded lungs.

My giant of life, the stonewall of my heart.

I never knew they made hospital gowns big enough for you.
Feb 2021 · 141
s Feb 2021
I think I am always going to love harder than I will ever be loved in return.

I always have.

I loved you in ways I didn't even know. I loved you even when you no longer loved me. I loved you even when you were loving her. You were in her bed, in her heart, while I shivered in ours because you weren't there and mine was growing cold.

Thankfully, I no longer worry about your love. I told myself I was never going to love like that again. I built four walls around myself so that the love I wanted to give couldn't escape, and disappoint me again.

But now He's here. He broke down those walls and I let him. He came in and tore down the person I was because of the love you didn't give.  He pried back open my heart and taught me to love again, to trust again.  Sometimes I still worry that I am loving too hard again. But I stop, and take breath

Because loving too hard means I am loving him. And to love him is worth it all.
Feb 2021 · 168
s Feb 2021
The August air suffocated me just like his words used to.
It was all too new, I was alone, and walking into a room full of people. My lungs were jumping out of my chest and I kept my hands by my side so you couldn't see them shake.
I walked into the chapel, took my seat, and told myself to not look as empty as I felt.

And then you walked in. My eyes latched onto you because it was the first glimpse of goodness that they had seen in so long. You sat next to me.

You were see-through. Not invisible, definitely not; but transparent. I saw your heart before I saw you. I had been staring at the same white walls I built around myself since he left and then you came, knocked them down, and showed me what it looks like to be open, exposed... free.

I think I was see-through too, but when you looked at me you just saw the spine that was barely holding me up instead of breath and being. I was running out of life, and you didn't think twice about breathing yours into me.

Please, whatever you do, don''t run out of air.
Sep 2020 · 82
Rope burn
s Sep 2020
All the signs pointed to you
for some reason
The universe seemed to always push us together
bring about bits of hope that remind me
you're not like the others
It all seemed right.

But I sit here with a half empty coffee cup and you're nowhere to be found.
I sit here and write about how brave Emily Dickinson was for not letting men define her while I think
What can I do to make you want me.
I do everything I can, but you want until I'm at the end of my rope to respond,
and so I climb right back up the rope until I can't see the coffee or things I'm pretending to do while I think of the ways I cant trust anyone anymore.
I climb and climb and climb
at the top
I see you and I focus
I ignore it when you start to push me back down, and only notice when I feel the rope burn on my hands.
Sep 2020 · 77
The realization
s Sep 2020
I wish I could write about the things that don't hurt. like how the sky fights against the dark shoreline of trees. or how the sun makes everything glow golden in the mornings. and how the horses tails sway effortlessly back and forth as they graze the ground below them. But I can't do that, I don't know how. Or maybe I could write about the red windmill in the backyard that creaks and turns as the wind pushes through it. I hear the wind chimes and I'm reminded of my grandfather, reminded of his life and how his voice always boomed through the earth, the wind chimes doing the same now. I wish I could write about how I feel when I look at him. Ive been broken for a while now and gave up on that feeling, but he brings a different light than what I've seen before, kind of like the golden sun in the morning. I want to write about the warmth of the sun burning my back and I spread across the sheets waking up in the morning. The feeling of the tears running down my face when the boy gets the girl. the happy ending. I want to write about moms wildflowers that she planted in the garden, and how they shot from the ground and created a display of pattern and active color. At night, I open the door and see the night sky polluted with the burning stars, freckled with the white dots that remind me how small I am, how small my problems are.
I want to write about that.
I focus on the things that hurt because that's what you told me to do. Never expect the best, conceal those emotions, they're bad for you anyway. I want to write of the things that make me happy but you stole that from me a long time ago.

But as I look past what I've written now, I see the truth. Only in me, not in you.
Sep 2020 · 88
s Sep 2020
I was completely in the dark.
I had heard your name before, grown up knowing you were always supposed to be there but I was starting to think Heaven was a lot further than they said
You weren't answering me, I thought I must be praying wrong, why can't You hear me.
I was completely alone.
no, I was surrounded by people but they were overpowered by the voices in my head that told me constantly I wasn't enough. I wasn't smart enough, I wasn't special enough, I wasn't talented enough. I wasn't strong enough.
but somehow, I was too much for some people, at least that's what they said. Too much overthinking, too much fear, too many trust issues. too much liability.
I was completely exhausted.
I was tired of trying to be perfect and the person I was expected to be because my Grandma was the Sunday school teacher and my dad was a deacon. Put on the happy face, raise your hands in worship, and say amen loud enough for the person next to you to hear it. The mornings I couldn't get out of bed because I had nothing left to give, I got the passive aggressive "miss you in church, its been so long" text with a bible verse that reminded me to repent of my sins or Id be kicked out of the gates of Heaven.
I was completely confused.
Why did they treat me that way if they're supposed to love me unconditionally. How can they worship you but hate your creation, hate their neighbor. They're using scripture to condemn people instead of Love people like you do, God, do something.
I was completely giving up.
I was at my lowest but I couldn't feel you there..
I was so close to leaving when you said come home.
It was the first time I had truly heard Your voice. I was shaken to my knees and all I could do was surrender at Your name. You picked me up, called me your own, took my weight and carried it on your back as you led me to the place I was meant to be. You told me leave my shame, it does no good anymore. You told me I was loved, even when I was full of guilt. You brought light to the truth in love and spirit. You taught me how to love the ones around me, and to love myself.

I was no longer completely in the dark, for all You brought was light.
I was no longer completely alone, You walked each step I did.
I was no longer completely exhausted, You said rest, child. do not be weary.
I was no longer completely confused, You brought answers.
I was no longer giving up,
I was only complete.
Sep 2020 · 75
s Sep 2020
To my younger self:
Enjoy the size 4 days, they don't last long.
No one is going to remember that you tripped up the bleachers the morning of your first day of middle school, stop crying.
Stop telling mom to buy you miss me jeans. they're too expensive and they quickly go out of style.
The Beatles were definitely a thing before you started listening to your grandpa's old White Album.
but Nickleback is still cool no matter what anyone tells you.
Grow to love your freckles and stop using moms foundation to cover them up.
Your body is not meant to look like hers.
You're not gonna grow past 5'3, volleyball just isn't made for you.
Listen to mama, he's not worth those tears. I mean he failed his drivers test... twice.
The next boy you meet will show you the first glimpse of actual love, but don't let your guard down. You're too valuable.
He'll tell you he loves you and he'll mean it, stop worrying
Stop pushing yourself so far.
You're going to be too ******* yourself, but it's going to take you far. The Grand Canyon is more beautiful than you would expect.
Moving schools will be a good thing.
Stick with the tennis player, she's going to pull you out of your darkest days.
Your first heartbreak means you're only closer to your last.
Don't go to those parties, they're not even fun.
Geometry is only the beginning. Math only gets harder.
God hears you, even if it doesn't feel like it.
Junior year will be the hardest, but don't take it out on yourself.
Talk to someone, don't keep it to yourself, it will only make you feel worse.
You're gonna miss high-school, but college will show you who you're meant to be with.
You're beautiful, and you don't need a guy to tell you that, but he's out there somewhere.
You're going to make it through the nights on the shower floor.
You're going to be comfortable with who you are one day, trust me.
You are loved, and the people you your sophomore year of college will be sure to let you know.
you are enough.
remember these things, and take them to heart, but whatever you do,
Don't stop writing, one night you'll share your life through your own words.
Sep 2020 · 96
s Sep 2020
I walk into the room and my eyes immediately fall on you.
You look like someone Ive known from before, a different life maybe.
I want to say something, but I've forgotten how to speak.
I catch myself looking, hoping I'll catch you doing the same.
how do I get your attention. You're very confusing you know.
I can't tell who you are, but I know I want to.
Your heart is good, maybe too good for me.
I want you to make me a better person and I want to make you my person.
You're different from the others. I think this without knowing if you even know I'm here.
Look over if you do.
Sep 2020 · 80
Written on her arms
s Sep 2020
Written on her arms are the lies she was told
the fear of never being enough but also being too much
at the same time.
the overwhelming fear of her own demons possessing your life
the feeling of loneliness in a crowd but the shouting and screaming in an empty room.
Written on her arms are the nights she spent on the shower floor
hoping the water would drown whatever was making her feel
that way
The stinging was the one thing she could feel after months of staying numb.
Written on her arms is the confusion of why God has forgotten her
She's been told he's there, so why isn't he answering.
She practically yelling at Him at this point, but she thinks heaven might be too far for Him to hear.
Written on her arms are the promises you made. The I love you's and forevers, but then the periods of silence
The "I promise I won't leave you" but then the "I didn't realize I have feelings for her too, I'm sorry."
The four years you spent together but then the text message ending them all on a random monday night. You send "I just don't want a relationship anymore" as you tell her to come over.
Written on her arms is the mourning she never thought she would have to go through. The long walk down the aisle to see you for the last time. The shirt she wears that's four sizes too big but it still smelled like you.  
Her arms are getting full, and she's not sure what to do.
She prays and prays God will send her new ones.

She decides to start writing her own story. All the words she sees are starting to look like a foreign language. She's growing and healing.
she washes her hands, elbows, shoulders.
The words melt down the drain and she is clean.
A new chapter.
Sep 2020 · 69
Dark Waters
s Sep 2020
as a little girl I hoped for a love like ours used to be.
full of hope, full of life, a stranger in the middle of the sea.
the waves of the storm turned into blankets of faith and security
when you picked me up and told me "forever" and I would respond "always".

I was so happy just to have you by my side I neglected the fact that we were stranded with the tide. I would try to tell you something should change but you looked at me and said it was normal, it was nothing strange. I was young enough to believe you because you loved me, at least that's what you said, how was I supposed to know it would only be when we went to bed.

One day the waves got too high and the sea was too rough,
I searched and searched but I couldn't hold my head above water long enough. The water turned black from the storm clouds in the sky, I sank deeper and deeper, but I wouldn't let you see me cry. I was stronger than that, and I was mad, but when you rescued me in the boat you threw me off of I thought maybe you aren't so bad.

I decided I was better than that, better than you. The courage I had was little, but the anger grew and grew. You treated me as less than and I finally realized, you made me feel small because you were telling yourself lies. You were so insecure you had to take advantage of a girl that did nothing but love you more than the world. When I told you I deserved more, you were surprised by my strength, you shook me to my core but now, I will no longer sink.
Sep 2020 · 360
Post-it notes
s Sep 2020
the last thing I remember was you driving up the driveway and stopping to give treats to the dogs like you always did. You were the strongest person I knew, a giant of life, of love, of what's right. Your silver hair circled around the top of your hair like a shore inching towards invading the water. I never remember you being the least bit sick, sad, unhappy. You were the rock of our family.

That day was my birthday. you never missed a birthday or holiday or just a chance to get to tell us how much you love us even more. The day everything changed was my sisters birthday. We knew things weren't right when you hadn't texted her happy birthday, you were always the first one. I knew you were getting older, but this was just something you could get checked out and you'd be home that night. I kept telling myself it was gonna be okay, you were stronger than any worldly thing I knew.

The doctors said the swelling on your brain was going to be too much, and you'd never be that same giant of life I knew before. I still had the hope in my heart that you'd wake up and call me shelbs and hug me in the arms that I latched on to ever since I came into your life. That you'd get up and you'd be feeding the turkeys and deer the next morning. That you'd be there at Christmas and thanksgiving and my graduation and my wedding. The hardest thing I ever had to do was tell you it was okay to move on, that your job was done here on this earth, and I needed you to take care of me from above.

I write this after looking through the things you left behind. I put on the shirts that still smell like you. I slip my arms through the tunnels of the the sleeves and I remember your arms and how they wrapped all the way around me when you held me. My favorite item of them all- a series of post it notes full of your wit and thoughts. The one I love the most-

God has you in His arms, I have you in my heart.
Sep 2020 · 181
monday night
s Sep 2020
by Sunday night I was exhausted. you had drained every hopeful part of me but told me I was crazy to not believe in the future. you told me not to worry but then you stole my patience, my sanity, my peace...yet treated me as though I was the thief. you told me to calm down, to stop over-reacting, to live more rationally, but how can you tell me my fears are irrational if I see them happening in front of my own eyes? I knew I wasn't enough for you anymore but you made me feel like I was too much to handle at the same time. too much emotion, too much fear, too much liability. You told me you felt like you had to walk on eggshells when you were around me even though I rolled out a carpet for you to walk on. I picked up the pieces and stuck them on my own feet so you didn't feel the pain. By monday night, you had told me you had bigger plans for your life. I said me too and detailed how you were gonna experience it with me. You said no, Shelby, its something I want to do on my own. So now I sit, relieved, knowing that my Tuesday is coming, even if you aren't going to be in it.
Aug 2020 · 70
False Knowledge
s Aug 2020
I thought I knew my name and who I was and who I wanted to be
I thought I was fearless
Then you came
A sweet injustice who became my best friend
You weren’t too bad
I could feel you around me but you hadn’t fully made your way into my skull and into my rib cage and surged my whole body and veins with your poison
But it’s not that bad
I could feel you inflate in my lungs as you grew your spikes and they grew sharper and plunged deeper into my insides. I tried to tell people how I was feeling. How I felt like I was stuck in a deflating balloon but I was never gonna get the satisfaction  of actually running out of air.
All they said is, its probably not that bad
I could feel you make your way from the bottom of my belly to my fingerprints. You would cause them to shake and lose control. My fingerprints were part of you, no longer me
But it’s not that bad
But now I have to question everything I do or you’ll rear your head and tear anything down you think that’s in your way. You make my failures okay with me. I tell myself it’s better than having to deal with you
I sit in the bottom of the shower and let the water run over me because the warmth is the only thing I can feel anymore, not even the stinging on my arms
But I tell myself, it’s not that bad
Aug 2020 · 121
Dog Bite
s Aug 2020
I was by myself. My heart was longing for a pulse other than my own but I wasn’t ready. I was afraid of the commitment... afraid that it would go wrong again that I would go wrong again. But my heart was yours as soon as I saw you. I adopted you and you adopted me. I used to have a dog, but he never really liked me. He only laid around- but never next to me. He ran away. I thought you were different though. So I put my trust in you. I took you home. I showed you where you would sleep and eat and how to curl into the bend of my legs when the rain would hit the window on a Saturday morning. I showed you to my friends but they said you were too protective of me. Like you owned me instead of the other way around. I brushed it off and told myself they were just jealous because they didn’t have a dog. They had always wanted a dog, after all.

We were perfect for each other. We played and you watched me laugh when you would do something funny. But then you would just watch as the tears streamed down my cheeks when you would upset me. I was mad at first, but you were just a dog. You didn’t mean it. So you’d sit there. Occasionally sniffing or scratching and I expected nothing and forgave you like it was my fault.

It got worse as the months went on. I tried to leave but you’d sit in front of the door looking at me. Your eyes quickly turned away from the puppy dog eyes I first fell into. You would bark so loud that it would echo off the couch and doors and then the stupid expression on my face every time I tried to walk away because I thought I could actually get away with it this time. But you hadn’t changed.

I hoped it was all bark but I knew when I pushed you too far the bite would come. Your distorted expression that was pierced by the stinging spit that spewed from between your lips shook me to the ground. I was then on your level, perfectly vulnerable for your teeth to sink into my arms and legs and face and torso and every part of my body that I though was mine... but it wasn’t. It was yours. I let you own me. I held on so tight to the leash that I thought I had on you I didn’t notice the one around my own throat that burned deeper into my veins that strained each time I strayed too far. I turned from my friends and my self and the life I thought I wanted so I could cater to your needs and so you’d stay with me and not run away like the others.

I would see friends and family and they’d always ask about the bruises and cuts and I’d just say “dog bite”. But they only responded with “well, you must have done something to make him bite?”
TW: Abuse

— The End —