Sonder through suburbia,
Distort reflections in the glass,
Slow the frame rate on the film,
Saccadic masking, bridge the gap.
Focus closer, narrowing aperture
See cerulean wondering past
Heart murmur, tempo change
The choreographer sits back.
Rigor mortis sit's deep behind
A clock-tower's frozen hands
Obscured, in the clouds above
A backdrop of smog and ash.
First printed, never copied
Light swamps the negative.
Lucidity - luxury of the present
Rarely present in the past.
As the hanging shadow lifts
The clock-face remains steadfast
Witness hands skip a beat,
Background characters advance.
Step after step, strangers move along;
Each vivid moment lost in sepia
But she, the blue eyed girl glances
Back at you, frozen, stiff, aghast.