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Barefoot and blue
Waiting for a waterbirds solemn return
Silently guided by a stiff windward call
to closure , my melancholy day in sunlit
exposure , from behind the clouds lie such
explosions , red eyes placed center stage ,
as would be thespians hide elephant red rage
Caramel colored , landlocked baptistry
Soak these tired feet , wash the salt from open
wounds , diluting memory and public affairs
Carry them to the bottom* ...
Copyright November 10 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Nov 2016 taia
Alyssa De Marzo
I saw your face in a crowded place
The rest were just shadows and a blur

Your head carried high
Your wandering eyes
Strangers lips no longer smile
But when I look closely yours were

 Nov 2016 taia
 Nov 2016 taia
Sitting on this couch

I witnessed my best lamp turn into a goat

in these moments

With no troll for physical intervention

I truly fear me own chemistry

I had to go

It's a strange turn of events when ones mind can no longer be trusted

Even stranger when it comes so abrupt and uninvited

like an old friend with sandbox obligations

Fear in that I have no idea when I actually came unhinged


Retrace your steps

Find a time when these images actually made sense

When the sky had a less sinister muse

when life echoed humble

When stomach pain was a dull ache

now I sit here without a proper clue as to what comes next

Waiting for this shaken stutter to articulate properly

however with no soul for communication

I must finally face my own reflection

the last time I was here

I saw myself turn into an old man and decay properly

So fear resonates when I step onto cold tiles

I look into the mirror

my eyes say

"where have you gone?"

Don't do drugs

I rarely do

This was a reminder why I usually say no
Haven't been writing a lot lately trump has given me the writer's block blues
 Nov 2016 taia
Devin Ortiz
Is to be told all the ways you don't matter
It is to be angry and afraid
It is to watch people walk on the opposite side of the street to avoid you
It is to be told to get over slavery
It is to be told that I'm not racist I have black friends
It is to be told the definition of racism like you don't already know
It is to be told hey what about reverse racism
It is to have a white terrorist group dedicated to your elimination
It is to be more worried about threats in your own country and those abroad
It is to wonder daily if your family will be safe, if they will get to come home
It is to called a **** for speaking out against the hate
It is to be called lazy when you work full time to provide for your family
It is to walk past folks and watch as the clench their purse or pockets
It is to be to have people fear you, when you feel more threatened then they ever could
It is to be told that privilege doesn't exist
It is to be told you are equal, except you know that in the courtroom, in the eyes of the law, the job market, the housing market, in the classroom, it is a ****** lie
It is to be live in a world where 1 in 3 black men are in prison
It is to know that they have sentences longer than white counterparts
It is to know they use prison labor to exploit them, slavery living on
It is to know that the police which are a relief for some, are a nightmare for you
It is to know that you can do everything right and be killed by someone sworn to protect you
It is to know that you will be blamed for your death inspite of this
It is to have the life choked out of you and a man telling you, **** your breathe
It is to hear what about black on black crime, even though every race commuts crime against their own kind the most
It is to remember white flight and the repercussions of it
It is to have family who have seen the bloodiness of the covil rights movement
It is to be taught in school how great this country is while ignoring the evil its done
It is to be taught in school how little you meant
It is to wake up every 2 weeks to another hashtag of some poor black fella to be forgot in a week
It is to want to simply be acknowledged that things arent right, and being ignored to this day
It is to be villianized in the media
It is to see that flag everyone holds dear and remember that pain it caused you
It is to fight and die for a country that still doesn't care about you
It is to be told to go back to Africa as if this wasnt stolen land
It is to be told I dont see you as black, you're just the same to me
It is to be told well you don't count as black, you don't act black
It is to have your culture stolen
It is to have value placed on your mysic and style and not your skin
It is to hear what would MLK think about these protest
It is to remember that people celebrated his assassination
It is to remember the slurs and the hate he recieved
It is to have people know they don't want to be treated the way you are
It is to want whats always been denied, the privilege of walking in your own skin without fear of persecution
It is to see family, friends and peers celebrate and share racist ideas and beleifs
It is being reassured they still value you
It is to know but not enough to matter

Being black in America is a lot of things, and I love the country all the same.

But I hope and pray for the day, that we can be treated the same.
 Nov 2016 taia
Ignatius Hosiana
You are too far away to embrace
am all out caught in the cold of loneliness
and your arms are my only home
 Nov 2016 taia
Ignatius Hosiana
Happens when big money
without brains
Big brains
without money
 Nov 2016 taia
Ignatius Hosiana
When I dream about you I wish I'd sleep forever because the
dreams are a beautiful reflection of what we could have been.
 Nov 2016 taia
Buzz strut with the edgy biology

high on fumes and nonsense anatomy

Watch it gloat inside a wooden smoke shack

A snake slides splendidly
silently sowing seduction
Gun strapped and glamorous

Laughter fills the spaces
still a soul needs comfort
Cry for the mother

But she is preoccupied

Thumbs aching from the scroll

Plastic and jaded from tweets and tinder

Wine and dine floozies
half starved from vanity
Still they snap before they eat

Pay the tab and leave them to their exhaustion

Cookie cutter units with the virtual reality escape pods

Trampolines for two pennies a leap
But a ceiling denies full potential

I came here with two specific purposes

I only wanted to buy some pants and eat Orange chicken

Unfortunately I've been cursed with a need for perceptions dissected

So I wander the rows dumbfounded

not by the excess or store fronts

But by the behavior and faces of so many singular souls mingling together

I would order from the Amazon

But I find my reclusive nature needs shaking now and again

Maybe the excess empire was too fast for diving

Next time I will just fashion my own fashion
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